The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 47 Cyberpunk

Chapter 47 Cyberpunk (2)

"You will have it. If you don't have money, you can't come back so easily." The player looked at the NPC and smiled very kindly.

Nesja: Tsk!
"Understood, then you wait here for me!" Nesjie turned around and rummaged in a corner for a while, then found a bag of bread and handed it to Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve looked at the date and found that it hadn't expired, so he could eat it with confidence. up.

There is no way, the player's body is very sensitive to these things, mainly because they will lose blood after eating expired things...

Nasijie looked at Guan Twelve, this girl who fainted inexplicably on the street, woke up inexplicably, and then threatened him to follow him, he really couldn't see through it.

Guess who sent her...

But killing her at this time, she shouldn't notice...

Nesj carefully held his hands behind his back, and a dagger was hidden in his lower back.



Nasja subconsciously responded.

Then he saw that the girl in front of him was holding a dagger in his hand at some point, and he was very familiar with this dagger, wasn't it the dagger he hid behind? ! !

"Naisjie, you seem to be hostile to me?" Guan Twelve still felt a little helpless when he said this.

This young man's vigilance is too high.

In comparison, the kind and simple Xu Xiaotian is not too cute!

Sure enough, that kind of silly and sweet NPC is still rare.

Nasijie clenched his hands into fists, and his heart beat fast because of the tension.

Will she kill him? !Is he dying? !No!He can't die yet!He hasn't... hasn't been rescued... hasn't been rescued...

Just when Nasijie was thinking wildly, Guan Twelve just turned the dagger, and the handle of the knife turned to Nasijie.

Nesjie was stunned, he looked at Guan Twelve, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"I've said it all, I'm not your enemy, Jie." Guan Twelve chuckled.

Looking at Nasijie, his eyes were full of helplessness.

"You..." Nesjie took the dagger and looked at Guan Twelve, who continued to eat bread, and relaxed his vigilance towards her.

But it's just a little more relaxed.

Because there was only one bed, Nesjie was driven outside to sleep. He lay on top of the rubbish mountain, looking at the stars in the sky, lost in thought.

Finally, after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of anything, so I simply closed my eyes and went to sleep.

On the other side, Guan Twelve, who was lying on the bed, glanced at the number of players above his head, there was no shortage of one hundred players.

This was normal on the first day, but when I opened my eyes the next morning and saw that there were only fifty players left, Guan Twelve was a little confused.

Half of the players were lost in just one night? !
Fuck!What are you doing while I'm sleeping? ! !

Why half of the players are lost when the eyes are closed and opened? !

You started a group while I was asleep? ? ! !
As Guan Twelve, who didn't even see the second player except himself, he expressed his discomfort.

Oh shit! !What the hell happened last night! !Players really want to know! !
Who started the brawl? !
Guan Twelve was very upset, but no matter how bad it was, this incident had already happened, and the player could only mutter a few words.

Then get up and open the door to find other players.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, a ball flew over and fell hard at her feet.

Officer Twelve looked over and found that this regiment was none other than Nesje.

At this moment, Nasijie's face was blue and purple, and he knew that he had been beaten seriously.

Just thinking about it, Nesjie vomited a mouthful of blood.

Officer Twelve: Well, I was indeed beaten quite hard.

"Hehehe Nasijie, it's really not easy to find you~ So you're hiding here." A group of people walked over slowly, and the leader was a man in a suit with a fat head and big ears, with an arrogant face , all ten fingers are wearing rings, it looks like a rich man.

He looked arrogantly at Nesje on the ground.

Nesjie stood up with difficulty, looked at the rich man in front of him and said, "I have paid off the money that Lamb owes you!"

"You have paid off what you owed me, but you have owed me for such a long time, and the interest has been rolling and rolling! It has rolled to [-] million! Your little money! It's not enough at all!!" Lamb sneered, The ferocious grin made Guan Twelve think of a pig that was about to be slaughtered. Except that the pig's head was not greasy, there was really no big difference between the two.

"Bastard!" Nasjay gritted his teeth and glared at Lamb.

Of course, this made Lamb unhappy. He was about to scold, but he noticed Guan Twelve behind Nasjay.

Guan Twelve, who was wearing a black suspender with long silver hair, stood there, his delicate and fair skin seemed to exude a delicate fragrance.

Seductive and beautiful.

Lamb was stunned.

Guan Twelve didn't like the way Lamb looked at her, but she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, after all, this pig was an NPC, no matter how much she hated her, she couldn't kill this pig.

"Yo! Nasijie, I didn't expect you to be so charming!" Lamb came back to his senses, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Guan Twelve with obscene eyes.

"Don't think about her! I have nothing to do with her!" Nasjie's eyes widened immediately, and he opened his mouth quickly, trying to dissuade Lamb!

But now Lamb has lost his mind due to the beauty. He walked up to Guan Twelve with a lewd and obscene smile, looked at her glowing skin in the sun, and his voice was rippling: "Beauty, what are you called?" what name?"

"Twelve." Guan Twelve silently took a step back.

The smell of fat and powder on this pig's head is too strong, and the players can't stand it.

"Twelve~ You are so beautiful! My name is Lamb! I am a rich man in the neighborhood! You are going to follow me! I will definitely love you..."

"No, thank you." Lamb said that he was about to touch the player with his hands, and the player turned away with a look of disgust, and then politely refused.

Do not touch me!Players and NPCs will not have good results!Especially NPCs with fat heads and big ears!

The player's refusal didn't dissuade Lamb, on the contrary, Lamb became more and more wanton. He repeatedly stretched out his hand to touch the player's holy snow-like skin, but the players all avoided him. Disgusted, and said with disgust in his tone:
"Mr. Lamb, I'm really not interested in such a greasy pig head like you, please don't touch me!"

Really!Don't you know what you look like?Why do you touch a beautiful player when you are so ugly!

Lamb, who was called a greasy pig's head, froze there.

The atmosphere suddenly stalemate.

Nasijie covered his mouth and tried not to let himself laugh out loud.

However, it was obvious that the player's tone of dislike and disgust made Lamb very angry. In a fit of anger, one of his hands suddenly turned into a pistol and aimed at officer [-], with anger and anger in his tone:
"Do you dare to repeat what you just said?!"

 Twelve: Can't NPCs be set simply?

  Qiqi: Innocence and stupidity are two different things
(End of this chapter)

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