The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 48 Cyberpunk

Chapter 48 Cyberpunk (3)

The body is modified to install machinery, which is a common body modification in Cyberpunk Kerry.

But Guan Twelve hadn't seen it before. She was very curious about the whole modification process, and asked a question that she was very concerned about:
"Where are you loading the bullet?"

Nesjie, who was still nervous at first, was completely speechless by her words.

Who is still thinking about this kind of thing at this critical moment? !

"Oh? Do you want to know?" Lamb looked at the girl in front of him. Her expression became cute because of her curiosity, and her coquettish voice like Ruannuo made his heart itch.

He really wanted such a beautiful girl.

"I'm a little curious. Speaking of Jie, do you have any transformations on your body?" Guan Twelve thought that this world is cyberpunk, so body transformation should be a very common thing.

"He doesn't have the money to modify it, but my arm is worth 3 million!" Lamb proudly showed off his arm.

Guan Twelve nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "Does it not hurt?"

Lamb choked, it hurt, how could it not hurt?Even with anesthesia, it still hurts!
"It looks like it is."

Guan Twelve, who knew the answer, sighed lightly, then raised his leg without hesitation and turned around, taking advantage of Lamb's inattention, and directly kicked in a roundabout!

Kicked Lamb away.

Oh shit!Big is heavy!

Guan Twelve almost lost his footing.

Although the player can't kill the NPC, it's okay to beat him up.

Seeing Guan Twelve kicking Lamb over there, Nesjie was startled. He quickly got up, regardless of the injuries on his body, and ran over to grab Guan Twelve and ran away.

Guan Twelve didn't expect that Nesjie would still want to pull himself when he was running, he was a little surprised, and after being surprised, he said with emotion:
"Jay, you are indeed a good person!"

This sentence almost caused Nesjie in front to fall down. He staggered and managed to stand still, then turned his head and glared at Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve looked innocent.

Nesjie gritted his teeth and pulled Guan Twelve to continue running, while Lamb's bodyguards chased after him, probably knowing that Guan Twelve was what his boss wanted.

So they didn't dare to shoot rashly.

"Shoot me! Break their legs!"

It wasn't until Lamb gave an order in haste and anger that the bodyguards pulled out their pistols and aimed at the two people in front of them and fired.

NPC weapons can also kill players.

Guan Twelve directly held Nasijie's hand and quickly ran in front of him, pulling him sideways to avoid the attack under Nasijie's shocked expression.

Guan Twelve felt very fortunate that the environment they were in at the moment was an intricate map with many obstacles like the garbage dump.

So Guan Twelve led Nasijie to turn left and right, and quickly got rid of Lamb's bodyguards.

Hearing Lamb's roar, Guan Twelve hid in a corner and panted slightly.

At this moment, Guan Twelve felt a weight on his shoulders, and when he turned his head, he saw that Nasijie's face was pale and his forehead was full of sweat.

"What's the matter, Jay?"

Nesjie's gaze moved down, Guan Twelve followed his gaze and followed him, and saw blood stains on his shirt.

It turned out that Nasijie was accidentally shot when he was dodging just now.

Guan Twelve looked at the wound on his abdomen, it was already considered a fatal wound, if he didn't treat it quickly, he would die.

"Do you know where there is a hospital nearby? I'll take you there?" In order to repay the kindness of a piece of bread, Guan Twelve did not choose to die.

Besides, she could tell that Nesjie didn't want to die. Normally, she wouldn't choose to refuse to save a person with such a strong desire to survive.

"Ahem..." Nasjay's weak cough answered her.

He has no money, and the hospital would never accept a person without money like him.

However, he couldn't die, Nesjie suddenly thought of someone, he gritted his teeth, took out a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to Guan Twelve, said "go here" with all his strength and then fainted.

Guan Twelve looked at the address on the business card, and then at the words "prosthetic limb experiment".

She was silent for a while, then chose to take Nesj here.

The distance is not too far, the address is the first floor of KTV in a dark corner.

It was dark and damp, with all kinds of messy machines and limbs soaked in formalin, and there was no so-called medical disinfection standard at all.

It can be seen that this is an underground black hospital.

"Welcome~" There is only one doctor here, named Frost, who is a middle-aged uncle, sloppy, which suits the environment of this place very well, and his white coat is already black.

"Can you cure him?" Guan Twelve gestured to Nasijie who had just been placed on the operating table by her.

Flores walked over and looked at Nesje, then shook his head and said, "It's hopeless, fatal injury."

"Oh, let's bury him. Excuse me." After hearing this, Guan Twelve felt a little regretful. After all, it took him a lot of effort to move here, but since she couldn't help it, she couldn't force others to do so, so she gave it up after a bit of regret. Flores asked him to help with the funeral for a little money.

The money still belonged to Nasijie, and she didn't have any money.

"Wait a minute!" Frost shouted to Guan Twelve who opened the door and was about to leave. Didn't he expect the girl in front of him to be so straightforward that she didn't even ask for it? !It doesn't make any sense at all!

"Why don't you ask more questions?! Why are you so anxious! Do you want to save him?" Frost wondered.

Guan Twelve also had an innocent face: "You are a doctor, since you have said that there is no hope, then why should I ask?!"

Frost choked, he opened and closed his mouth several times, but in the end he still couldn't think of what to say, so he could only say silently with his forehead: "I was wrong." This guy is surprisingly straightforward...

"He is indeed hopeless. Other doctors would say that, but I am different. I am the genius scientist Dr. Floss!"

Listening to the sloppy doctor in front of him boasting himself, Guan Twelve was expressionless.

"Ahem... You guy didn't react at all! You are so good-looking, but you turned out to be so boring! You will be hated by men~" Frost suddenly lost interest in looking at the beautiful and boring girl in front of her.

He, Fros, hates boring guys the most.

"Thank you for your suggestion, but I hope you can hurry up." Guan Twelve pointed to Nesjie.

He's going to die soon!Can a doctor not have so much nonsense? !
"..." Boring woman! ! !

Afterwards, Frost told the player that his solution was to install prosthetic limbs on Nesje. The injured part of Nesje was very close to the heart, and there were many blood vessels there. In addition, the best rescue time has passed now, so it is impossible to save up.

But as long as Nesjay's body is modified, install his latest experimental product - Machine heart.

At that time, the damage to his body will recover as quickly as possible!

This was understood by Guan Twelve himself. What Frost said was more complicated, and the players couldn't understand it at all! !
Player research does not understand! ! !
 Twelve: Damn it!Players are so interested!But the player can't understand whoop!

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(End of this chapter)

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