The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 49 Cyberpunk

Chapter 49 Cyberpunk (4)

Although Guan Twelve doesn't understand!But when Guan Twelve heard Nesjie's screams outside the operating room, he knew that the operation was painful!Must fucking hurt! !
He fainted!As a result, they all woke up in pain!

Guan Twelve's scalp felt numb when she heard this, and finally she simply left, went out to relax, she looked at the sky, it was still cloudy, there are so many cloudy days in this world.

Guan Twelve looked at the gradually decreasing number of players above his head, and it didn't take long for another ten people to lose.

This unscientific reduction.

Guan Twelve's expression gradually became serious.

What the hell is going on between the players? ?

No matter what happened, Guan Twelve clenched her hands into fists, and she must win!
I don't know how long it took, Frost came out from the inside, he looked at Guan Twelve standing outside and said, "It's over, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Guan Twelve nodded and was about to go in when he smelled a pungent smell of blood. As soon as he entered, a large expanse of red came into view.

This doesn't feel like undergoing an operation at all, but it's a bit like going through a big fight.

On the other side, Nasijie was lying quietly on the operating table, naked, and Guan Twelve noticed that there were mechanical joints on his chest.

"I've installed a machine heart into his body. His wounds have healed now. When he wakes up next depends on his fate..." As soon as Frost finished speaking, Nesjie groaned slowly. Slowly opened his eyes.

Frost: ...It's time to wake up...

"'s over there..." Nesjie opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the strange environment around him with a dazed expression.

Then he suddenly recalled that he was shot, and hurriedly covered his wound, but the pain he imagined did not come, he subconsciously looked down, and found that his wound was gone, healed, and... his mother Why is it naked! ! ! !
"Ah! Wake up?!" The familiar female voice beside him made Nesjie stiffen, and when he turned his head stiffly, he saw Guan Twelve looking at him with a smile on his face.

...a beautiful seems to be glowing...wait a minute! !wrong! !

He's fucking naked now! ! ! !
Nasijie's face turned red all of a sudden, and he quickly covered his lower body.

"Ahh..." The player didn't notice this, but Guan Twelve subconsciously looked in that direction...

"Turn around!!!" Nesjie blushed and shouted at the shameless woman!
Guan Twelve suddenly felt a pause, and then turned around uncontrollably.

Officer Twelve: Huh? ? ? ? ?
She just...why did other words, his eyes seem to have recovered, but...why are they golden? ?

Nasijie hasn't noticed the strangeness on his body yet, he just wants to find his clothes quickly.

I found the pants on the ground and put them on quickly.

Guan Twelve felt that the uncontrollable force disappeared, she turned her head to look at Nasijie:

"You just..."

"Ahahaha! This is the ability of Machine heart!!" Before Guan Twelve finished speaking, Frost suddenly burst out laughing! !
"Machine heart not only restores your body, but also gives you the ability to control others!"

Listening to Frost's introduction, Guan Twelve looked at Nasijie who was also shocked over there in surprise.

What a dick!This ability is awesome! !

"Then I can..." Nesjie looked at his hands in disbelief, and then he looked at Guan Twelve experimentally, his eyes glowing with gold, and he said:
"come over……"

Officer Twelve: ...

So the player's body walked over uncontrollably.


The player stops in front of Nesje.

Guan Twelve looked up at the young man in front of him slightly.

She nodded and said, "Well, it's true, don't try it, I really couldn't control my body just now."

Nesjie was very happy when he got the affirmation. He didn't expect that the incompetent himself could obtain such an ability. He was about to shout, but suddenly his head buzzed, and he vomited a mouthful of blood under the hoodwink.

The player looked at the blood on his skirt with a blank expression.

Damn... so dirty! !

"Ah...sorry...I didn't mean to..." Nasjay looked up, only then did he notice that his nosebleed was also coming out.

"It's okay, remember to buy me a new one." Players are very friendly to patients, if it gets dirty, just buy a new one.


"By the way, I forgot to tell you that it's better not to use this ability casually, because it takes a lot of energy. According to your current body, your seven orifices will bleed after using it a few times." Frost reminded Zhuge Liang afterwards.

" didn't say it earlier!!!" In exchange for that, Nasijie roared! ! !

Afterwards, Nasjay, who changed his clothes, walked on the street. He hadn't observed the world with his eyes for a long time.

Guan Twelve stood beside him and asked, "Where are you going next?"

Nasjay was silent for a while, and now he will definitely not be able to go back home. Lamb's narrow-minded character will definitely lie in ambush there. Although he now has a Machine heart and the ability to control others, just like Frost As said, his body is too weak, and there is no way to head-on.

Nasijie touched his pocket, but there was no penny left.

By the way, Guan Twelve just said that it was paid for Frost's medical expenses.

So now he is poor and homeless...

"I might have to do my job first!" Nasjay sighed.

Guan Twelve looked at Nesjie and she didn't say anything...

Half an hour later, Nesjie looked at the person who was controlled by him to hand in his wallet, and hypnotized him: "Turn around the corner and walk ten steps, and you will forget everything that happened."

The man nodded in a trance, then turned and left.

Nasijie looked at the wallet in his hand, just now he discovered that he still has the ability to hypnotize, but this ability doesn't work for Guan Twelve, he doesn't know why.

Guan Twelve thought it might be due to the player's special condition, but she didn't say anything.

"This guy is quite rich, let's go to the hotel for a night first."

Nesjie looked at Guan Twelve and said, obviously asking for Guan Twelve's opinion.

From the moment Guan Twelve took him to the doctor, he had completely let go of his guard against Guan Twelve.

After all, if Guan Twelve was really hostile to him, then he shouldn't be saved.

This is also a good thing for players.

"Then you decide."

The player has no opinion on where to live, since she doesn't spend money anyway.

Since it doesn't cost money, what's the point?
Players are very conscious thank you!

"No! There's only one room left!" When they arrived at a nearby hotel, the receptionist looked at the two expressionlessly and told the sad news.

(End of this chapter)

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