The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 50 Cyberpunk

Chapter 50 Cyberpunk (5)

This news made Nesjie subconsciously glance at Guan Twelve, but Guan Twelve had a calm expression on his face. After thinking about it, Nesjie still felt something was wrong, so he sighed helplessly and said to Guan Twelve:
"Let's switch."

"Eh? Why?" Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows.

"You..." Nasijie looked at the innocent girl in front of him, feeling very helpless.

He didn't know whether to say she was simply defenseless or simply didn't care?

"One room can be cheaper, after all, we are quite poor now." Players who are used to being poor hope to avoid such wasteful behavior as much as possible.

"I said... Do you have the consciousness that you are a woman and I am a man!!" Nesjie sat on the sofa and looked at Guan Twelve lying on the bed, speechless and helpless.

"Are you an adult?" Guan Twelve's words made Nesjie choke.

"So I'm still a kid." Guan Twelve teased.

"I'll die in three months!" Nesjie shouted disapprovingly!
The player smiled and nodded perfunctorily: "Yes, yes, but I am already an adult."

"Hmph..." Nasijie gave a rare childish cold snort.

"Besides, I know that Jie is not that kind of person~" Guan Twelve got up and looked at Nesjie on the sofa with a bright smile.

In Nasjay's eyes, it was as dazzling as the sun. He recovered and turned his face away, muttering: "'s too foul."

"Huh? What did you say?" Guan Twelve tilted his head curiously.

"It's nothing! Go to sleep!" Nesjie blushed and turned his back to Guan Twelve, for fear that she would see his red face.

Player: ... what is this?Rebellious period? ?
The two of them slept very peacefully that night, and the next day, Nesjay began to use his ability to make money. He said that making money was nothing more than how the hypnotist made them hand over their wallets. Later, he found that his ability was also Can be used in casinos, he can see the points of the dice through the shell.

This allowed him to make a lot of money in the casino, but he also knew that gambling should not be wagered, let alone be greedy, otherwise he would be targeted.

But he didn't expect that even if he was so careful, he would still be targeted.

That day Nesjie bought some fruits with the money he earned from the casino. He thought of the beautiful girl who was talking about eating apples a while ago, so he bought some back.

Although it was still expensive, he thought it was worth it when he thought that the girl would smile because of this.

"Twelve, look, I bought..."

The voice stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of an apple falling to the ground. He opened the door of the hotel, and was taken aback by what he saw.

I saw a group of people in black standing in a small room, and Guan Twelve was pointed at by them with guns, but she didn't seem to panic, and instead greeted Nesjie:
"Ah~ Did you buy me an apple?! It's great! This is very expensive!"


Nesjie hadn't finished speaking when a very familiar voice suddenly came from over there.

"Jie~ It seems that your life here is very comfortable."

Nasijie became stiff when he heard the voice. He tremblingly looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a man in an English suit sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. Exuding a gentle and refined charm, this is an elegant man.

But in Nesje, he is also a dangerous man.

"Mustapha Shaq!!"

"So you still remember me, I thought you forgot me, Jay." Mustafa Shaq smiled very kindly, like a gentle parent, tolerant of the prickly Nesjay.

"How could I have forgotten you, Mustafa Shaq!!" Nasjay's emotions suddenly exploded, with bulging veins on his forehead, and an angry and ferocious expression.

Sure enough, no matter how good-looking a person is, once he loses control of his emotions, he will turn ugly...

Guan Twelve looked at the ferocious Nasijie and thought with a blank expression.

It seems that this guy named Mustafa Shaq has a story with Jay.

"Is that... Mr. Shaq? Can I ask curiously, is there any relationship between you and Jie?"

The player was curious, so he asked casually.

There is no way, there are too many mysteries in this world, and it has only been less than a week now, and there are only ten players left.

Guan Twelve suspected that this was not done by the players, and that there were NPCs playing tricks.

It seems that this world is not as simple as before.

"Of course, but before that, Jie, I want to ask, is this beautiful lady your new girlfriend?"

Mustafa Shaq's words made Nasjay's whole body stiff, and he almost subconsciously said the sentence: "No!"

"Oh, that's really lucky." Mustafa Shaq got up and walked gracefully in front of Guan Twelve, slightly bowed and looked at her with a smile, "Don't know the girl's name?"

"Twelve." After Guan Twelve answered, he felt that something was missing, and then added:
"Forget it, I'm not interested in old men, I feel that you are older than my father."

Although her father died a long time ago.

As soon as Guan Twelve said this, the atmosphere froze all of a sudden.

She could swear that she saw the face of the smiling old man in front of her change color, it couldn't get any darker.

He seems to be sensitive to age.

The player thought in his heart, while Mustafa Shaq's face was already darkened, he smiled, and pointed the pistol that had snatched the person next to him to the player's forehead without hesitation, and was about to shoot !
"don't want!!"

At this moment Nesje shouted, he panicked, and subconsciously used his ability to control Mustafa Shaq, and the controlled Mustafa Shaq turned around several times in a row The gun killed the men in black surrounding Guan Twelve.

Then, before they could react, he hurried to Guan Twelve, grabbed her and ran away.

Mustafa Shaq, who was beyond the control range, regained his senses. He helped his aching forehead, and then shouted at the rest of the men in black: "What are you still doing?! Hurry up and chase!!"

"Ah yes!!"

Mustafa Shaq held his forehead and was covered in cold sweat.

But he was extremely excited.

The feeling just now, yes!correct!He finally found it! !

The man in black started looking after he went out, but he still couldn't see Nasijie and Guan Twelve.

On the other side, Nesjie took Guan Twelve and ran to the edge of the city.

In the end, Nasijie ran straight to his knees and knelt on the ground.

Official Twelve is fine.

After all, the physical energy consumption of the player is very low, and running does not cost blood or mana.

"Why is he so angry?" the player asked Nasjay after getting out of the danger period.

"Because Mustapha Shaq is sensitive to age, he wants to live forever."

 Yes, I have a headache, cough, and bitterness in my mouth. If there is no accident, it is positive. Now all the postings are saved manuscripts. Thank you
(End of this chapter)

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