The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 382 My Glory

Chapter 382 My Glory (End)

To celebrate defeating the "evil spirit" that had been plaguing them, Emperor Lot ordered a grand banquet that everyone could attend.

The people cheered and there was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere.

Except for one place, the royal training ground

Today's martial arts training ground has been cleared of all irrelevant personnel, and the only three remaining players are all ready to attack each other!

And Qiu Tusi and Shisan seemed to have suddenly reached a tacit understanding, and they attacked Guan Twelve together!
Wen Dilot looked at the three people on the stage and said with a sad face: "I really don't understand why the three of them have to fight to the death."

Rosmand walked over slowly at this time. He also looked at the three players on the stage and said calmly: "Because this is their destiny."

As he spoke, he stared at Guan Twelve:
“Some people are born to achieve something, Yana Mander is, I am, they are too.”

Wen Dilot glanced at him and then also looked at the stage.

That figure with silver hair, that beautiful figure, that figure that slashed at the enemy with a sword without hesitation, reminded both him and Rosmand of Yana Mande.

But they all knew that she was not Yana Mander.

However, she also has her own mission, her own tasks.

When he thought of this, Wen Dilot said nothing more.

The duel also entered a tense stage at this moment.

Qiu Tusi and Thirteen adopted the tactic of intersecting attacks, but Guan Twelve predicted it and used a borrowed knife to kill Qiu Tusi's throat, then turned around and attacked Thirteen mercilessly!

Soon, the winner was decided. Wen Dilot wanted to applaud this grand game, but when they thought of the loser lying there lifeless, they couldn't help but retract their hands.

"You have completed your mission, are you leaving?" Rosmand stepped forward and looked at Guan Twelve. He noticed that words he could not understand slowly appeared on Guan Twelve's body.

Officer Twelve nodded.

"Then, will you come back?" Wen Dilot also came over at this time and reacted quickly when he saw such a scene.

"If we are destined, we will meet." After Guan Twelve said this, he waved his hand and disappeared in a second.

Only Wen Dilot and Rosmand were left, and even the dead people lying there were gone.

"She said before that she does not belong here. She is here because she has her own mission." Rosmand looked at the empty competition stage and said softly.

"Now that her mission is completed, Yana Mander's mission is also completed, then it's time to complete our mission." Rosemand said and looked at Wendi Lot, who looked at him blankly. he.

"Although I hate you as a stupid king, maybe Yana Mander is right, you will be a good leader, Wendi Lot, no, His Majesty the Emperor, let us work together to build Fanchang Kingdom better. Let's go." Rosmand placed his left hand on the position of his heart and saluted devoutly towards Wendi Lot.

Perhaps when he discovered that Wen Dilot trusted Yana Mande so much, even if Yana Mande revealed that ridiculous plan, he would support it unconditionally. Perhaps after he found out that the plan was successful, he gave the order without hesitation. Killing their long-held beliefs, he felt that Wen Dilot, why did this person make Yana Mande like him.

He may not be strong but he is tolerant enough, he is too gentle but decisive, cowardly but responsible, ignorant but clear-minded. He does not have a murderous and majestic sword, but he has the shield of gentleness and reason. Perhaps, this is also The king that Yana Mander hopes to teach.

This was also the reason why she asked her to tutor Wendi Lot.

Perhaps, as Yana Mander said, Wendi Lot is really her glory and the glory of this country. "Rosmande." Wendi Lott saluted him when he saw Rosmande for the first time. He had always looked down on his gesture. Because of Yana Mander's incident, the relationship between the two was even more cold. But now, he actually saluted him! !

This is simply, this is simply.
Seeing that Wendi Lot had not responded for a long time, Rosemand couldn't help but look up, only to find that Wendi Lot was crying.

Rosemand suddenly panicked: "Hey! What's going on with you!!!"

"I'm really touched." Wendi Lot choked up with sobs.

Rosmand: Stupid king! ! !
My glory~End~

[Player A52B63 won the plot "My Glory" and was awarded 70000 game coins, which has been transferred to the player's account. Congratulations to the player! 】

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[Successful loading, forming a virtual character, when you implant the chip, the character and body merge, you may not be you anymore, you can have a better life!Let us indulge in it, there is no moral bottom line here, there are only big gambling and happiness!There is no death in this game, only winning or losing, the winner is rewarded generously, and the loser is crushed. Welcome to "The End of Infinite Stream"! ! 】

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Guan Twelve felt a stabbing pain in her head. After opening her eyes, she saw all the players standing here, and the surroundings were dark. When she looked up, she noticed something above her head.

This is the number of players.

Just as Guan Twelve was thinking, a familiar voice came from behind:
"It's a long time since I haven't seen the twelve sisters!"

Guan Twelve turned around and paused slightly when he saw the person coming.

She saw Yu Lingling and Taishu Jincheng walking towards her, and Yu Lingling waved to her enthusiastically.

"Yu Lingling?" Guan Twelve looked at the two people who stopped in front of her.

It's been a long time indeed.

"Hey, sister Twelve, I'm so happy to see you this time." Yu Lingling hugged Guan Twelve and said sweetly.

Guan Twelve didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Sister Twelve, do you know that Brother Shaoqiu is dead?"

And Yu Lingling's next words made Guan Twelve stunned in place.

She felt Yu Lingling's body trembling, and her voice began to choke.

This young girl has always liked Shao Qiuyan in her heart, and the two have been friends who grew up together.

Now that her best friend is dead, why doesn't this make her sad?Why aren't you sad?

The last thing Guan Twelve was good at was comforting people. She didn't know what to do for a while, but at this time Taishu Jincheng helped her out. She saw Taishu Jincheng stretched out his hand and grabbed Yu Lingling's back. Pulling her collar away, he frowned and said coldly: "Don't say such unlucky words to everyone. Don't you already know whether he will live long or not and be mentally prepared?"

 A new story begins ~ Please vote
(End of this chapter)

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