The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 383 Escape Game

Chapter 383 Escape Game (1)

"But...but" Yu Lingling choked and sobbed.

She didn't expect this day to come so soon!She hadn't married him yet, why would he die?

"That's enough, you're making too much noise." Taishu Jincheng frowned and looked at the players around him. Yu Lingling was making a lot of noise. Many players were already looking over here, ready to watch the fun.

Yu Lingling then wiped her tears and said nothing.

Official Twelve also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really not good to attract too much attention, and


"So you are here!"

Guan Twelve looked at the few people running towards her expressionlessly.

It will attract the attention of others who know her.

The few people who came were Qiu Tusi and Thirteen, who had cooperated in the previous world and were killed by her, as well as Shao Dongzhe and uh... who were they?
Guan Twelve looked at one of the four people, a face she had never seen before.

Her memory was good, and she was sure she had never seen this person before.

"Oh, I thought you would recognize me." It was a blond woman wearing a red dress. She was very beautiful and young, but Guan Twelve had never seen her before. He didn't recognize her until she spoke. I couldn't help but call out: "Wendy?"

Yes, the person who came was none other than Wendy, the doctor in charge of Guan Twelve.

Wendy also greeted Guan Twelve with a smile: "I'm glad you recognized me. This is my sister's face. I thought you would have to wait until I spoke the second sentence to recognize me."

"Why are you here?" Guan Twelve looked at Wendy in disbelief with his pupils constricted, but Wendy just shrugged and said innocently:
"I need money too. This is an easy way to make money, isn't it?"

"Uh, do you know each other?" Yu Lingling looked at the two people and couldn't help but ask.

"Rather than knowing each other, you should be familiar with each other in real life." Taishu Jincheng found clues in it.

"Uh-huh, let me introduce myself. My name is Wendy, and I am from Twelve." When Wendy said this, she glanced at Guan Twelve and found that she clenched her hands and seemed nervous. Did she not want others to know about her illness?Well, timid girl.

So he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Sister."

"elder sister?!"

"elder sister??!"

Guan Twelve was stunned for a moment, looking at Wendy in disbelief.

Others also looked at the two people in shock.

Yu Lingling even denied it bluntly: "It's impossible! You two don't look alike at all!!"

"And you said this is your sister's face! Does Twelve look like this?!"

"I have two sisters, one is Twelve, and the other has a face like mine. Her name is Wu Na." Wendy's explanation was far-fetched but impossible to refute. Seeing this, Guan Twelve slowly spoke. road:

"She's not my sister, she's my doctor."



This news was even more explosive than the previous one. Everyone looked at Guan Twelve in disbelief, seeming to be thinking about what could happen to a person who looked so healthy like Guan Twelve.

And Wendy didn't expect that Guan Twelve would say this, and she suddenly smiled helplessly.

Would you rather tell the truth than treat her as a relative?

Guan Twelve seemed to have always been so guarded. She really wanted to know the kind of person who could make her let down her guard with peace of mind.

Speaking of doctors, Yu Lingling and Taishu Jincheng were very familiar with each other. After all, they still remembered Guan Twelve's suspected dual personality in the copy of "Red Roses in the Snow Please Bloom".

The two of them glanced at Wendy and then at Guan Twelve. They were very sensible and did not ask too much. As for Shao Dongzhe, he already knew the true situation of Guan Twelve, so he was not surprised when he learned about it. , instead he looked at Wendy and asked suspiciously:
"Hey~ Twelve's doctor? But Wendy doesn't seem to be a famous doctor. Can you really cure Twelve by yourself?"

Hearing what Shao Dongzhe said, Wendy was not annoyed but smiled and said: "Although I am not sure, but now that she is my patient, it seems that you don't need to worry about this matter."

It was an obvious declaration of war, which made Shao Dongzhe's face turn cold. He had never had a good temper. Just as he was about to curse, he heard the voice of a female machine coming from all directions:

[Good afternoon to all the selected players, the time is now 2:63 pm on June 6, 28x16. There are one hundred players present. It is an honor for you to be selected as my experimental subject. 】

[You must be tired of playing those boring games. Those games with boring plots and boring NPCs don’t have the thrill of experiencing death at all. Even I can’t stand it~ 】

[Dang Dang Dang~ So!In order not to make players continue to be so bored, I have prepared a game for you that only has players and only stimulates death~]

As soon as the words fell, a huge screen appeared in front of everyone:
[The rules of the game are very simple. There are five levels in total. The first level is friendship, the second level is love, the third level is family affection, the fourth level is kindness, and the fifth level is affection. If you clear all levels, you will get a reward of 100 million. On the contrary, if you are in the game If you are out of the game, in real life there will be a strong current flowing through the game port into your brain, just like~】

Suddenly a player screamed in pain and the next second his entire body turned into data and exploded. At the same time, a split screen appeared on the screen. It was a house. The person lying there and the player just now appeared. They looked exactly the same. The person in the video was all limp, his eyes were white, and even the corners of his mouth started foaming at the mouth. Her family members all gathered around him and didn't know what to do.

[Why is this happening? !Ball ball! !Wake up quickly, Qiuqiu! ! 】

【Why do I foam at the mouth when playing a game? ! 】

[My body is so stiff and I can’t breathe!Call an ambulance quickly! ! ! 】

The painful wailing of parents in the video reached the ears of every player, and everyone stood there stiffly, stunned in place.

The whole space was filled with the wailing sounds of parents, which was heartbreaking and made people shudder.

[This is it~ If you players fail in the game, you will also die in the real world. Therefore, you players must have made all preparations. Then, "Escape Game" starts now! 】

[The first level [Friendship], players, please work in pairs, countdown for 10 minutes, those who successfully form a team will be transferred to the game, those who do not form a team will be eliminated immediately, the countdown starts now~]

【Please choose your best friend, now the game begins~】

 A new scenario opens ~ a thrilling escape game
(End of this chapter)

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