The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 384 Escape Game

Players, you looked at me and I looked at you. I didn’t know what to do for a while.

Guan Twelve frowned slightly and pursed his lips tightly, as if he was thinking about whether this matter was true or false.

I have been playing this game for so long and I have never seen anything like this. Is this true?Or is it deliberately designed like this by the game developers?
"I said, what should we do!" Yu Lingling covered her face and pulled Taishu Jincheng's sleeves in confusion, seeking shelter.

It seems that in front of Taishu Jincheng, Yu Lingling has always been such a child character.

Taishu Jincheng didn't look too good either: "Whether this is true or not, let's do what she asked first."

Others acquiesce.

"The most important thing is to form a team. Twelve come with me." After determining the situation, the first person to invite Guan Twelve was Shao Dongzhe. He took Guan Twelve's hand and smiled. looked at her.

It didn't matter who he teamed up with, Guan Twelve, so he didn't break free.

"What are you doing? I obviously want to partner with Sister Twelve." But I soon encountered opposition from others, and the opposition was none other than Yu Lingling.

"What? Don't you want to be with your brother?" Shao Dongzhe looked at Yu Lingling with cold and hostile eyes.

"Of course my best friend is Sister Twelve. Although my brother can protect me, I still want to be with Sister Twelve. As for you! Children with mental illness from outside come here!" Yu Lingling said to the young man Dongzhe's attitude towards Shao Qiuyan was completely different from that towards Shao Qiuyan. Even though the two of them used the same account, Yu Lingling only had disgust and disgust in her eyes towards Shao Dongzhe.

Foreign children?

This title made Guan Twelve couldn't help but take another look at Shaodongzhe, and Shaodongzhe seemed to be very dissatisfied with this Miss Yu:

"What right does an eldest lady who has no role in marriage have to yell at me here? Regardless of whether I am a foreigner or not, I am the only heir to the young family now."

Yu Lingling laughed "tsk" and looked disdainful: "It was just obtained through dirty means. After all, you were the one who killed brother Qiu Yan!"

"Well, yes, I killed him, so what? A waste that doesn't even have the most basic ability to reproduce. It's just lingering and wasting air."

"You!" Yu Lingling didn't expect that Shaodongzhe would be so arrogant and admit it so confidently. She was immediately furious. Just as she was about to go up and say something, she was stopped by her uncle Jin Cheng.

Taishu Jincheng looked at Shaodongzhe and said softly: "It seems that the young master is different from the rumors. His eloquent skills are exactly the same as my father's. I will definitely pay him a visit when I have time."

A threat, a naked threat, even Guan Twelve who was eavesdropping next to him could smell the threat in it.

Speaking of which, Taishu Jincheng, Yu Lingling and Shao Dongzhe were indeed from the same class. Such people would naturally not be humble, but she didn't expect that Taishu Jincheng would directly go up to them.

What should I say? She didn't want to hear it. It would be fatal to hear too much about the grievances of rich people.

"." Shaodongzhe seemed to be very wary of Taishu Jincheng. After Taishu Jincheng said this, he did not reply, but remained silent.

"I say, you children from rich families should ask Twelve for your opinion." Wendy stepped forward at this time and looked at everyone with a smile. Her gentle smile looked particularly approachable.

Guan Twelve glanced at Wendy. She was completely indifferent to this matter, but her words directly threw the question to her, and everyone's eyes suddenly turned to her.

Officer Twelve: What are you doing? Does this kind of thing still require her to use her brain? ?
"I'll be in the same group as him." Guan Twelve was silent for a while, then stretched out his hand and thought about Shao Dongzhe.

It was probably something that no one had thought of, and there was a sudden silence all around. Even Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve in surprise. "Hey~ Now that we've decided, let's do this for now."

Wendy blinked, then looked at the two people with a smile and said.

Seeing this, Yu Lingling pouted and was very reluctant, but she couldn't say anything.

Soon a few people formed a team.

Yu Lingling was paired with Taishu Jincheng.
Thirteen is in a group with Wendy.
Qiu Tusi found another person.

Time passed quickly. After 10 minutes, everyone successfully formed a team. The remaining person looked at the group at a loss. What he couldn't believe was: "We are friends through life and death, and you gave up me for 100 million." ?!”

And the eyes he was talking about were filled with guilt.

It is true that the two of them were in a team together at the beginning, but suddenly another player came and said that he was willing to give him 100 million to form a team with him. Originally, he thought that his friends would be able to find other players anyway. The man agreed, but he didn't expect that he would be left alone.

"I'm sorry." In the end he could only bow his head and apologize.

"Why ah ah ah!!" Before the person could say anything more, the data turned into data and disappeared in the next second.

The number of people on the screen changed to 98, and the real-life death of that person was played on the big screen.

Everyone suddenly became frightened.

Especially that friend, he knew very well whether the video was real or fake. After all, the two of them were friends in real life.

Suddenly his legs went weak, and then he knelt on the ground helplessly!
"Why. Why. I killed my friend me."

It seemed like a huge blow.

Seeing this, everyone remained silent.

The player who spent the money walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said: "You were not the one who killed him. After all, you didn't expect him to be left alive at first. But I am also responsible for this matter. When I get out, I will Give your friend 100 million so that his parents can enjoy their retirement years."

No one said anything about this.

Without giving them any more time to think, the players who successfully formed a team were teleported away one after another.

Guan Twelve slowly opened his eyes and looked at the environment in front of him. It was a dark corridor with torches hanging on the wall, but the torches were far apart.

"The two of us seem to be bound." Shao Dongzhe, who was standing next to Guan Twelve, noticed that there were handcuffs on the wrists of the two people, tightly connecting them.

[Ding~ The player has successfully entered the game level. The first level [Friendship] is now open, with a 60-minute countdown. Players need to find the key and door to leave according to the map. The one who successfully opens the door and leaves is the winner. The countdown begins now! 】

[Friendly reminder~ Before reaching the last level, the handcuffs on the player's hands cannot be unlocked~ Unlocking is considered a failure, and both players will be eliminated. So~ Let's get started, who is your best friend? ~]

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