The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 385 Escape Game

Chapter 385 Escape Game (3)

[The map of this level for two players is [Hospital]~]

The facility that Taishu Jincheng looked at, the dirty operating table and the blood-stained walls, were filled with the smell of formalin and rust. Even the lights were dim. It didn't seem like a safe place.

"elder brother."

Yu Lingling leaned closely against Taishu Jincheng and carefully looked at everything around her.

Taishu Jincheng looked down at her, then stretched out his hand to hold her hand, comforting: "Follow me."

Yu Lingling nodded.

Taishu Jincheng took Yu Lingling to the door, then stretched out his hand and pushed it gently. The door that had not been moved for a long time made a reluctant "squeak" sound.

Right at the door was the hospital corridor, but it was pitch dark inside and seemed to have no end.

"Do you want to leave?" Yu Lingling stuck her head out. Although she was trembling with fear, she had an expression on her face that said she wanted to go take a look.

She had always been like this, pretending to be timid in front of him, but in fact she was extremely courageous.

And he still had to pretend that he didn't know anything. When he thought of this, Taishu Jincheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. What can he do? After all, she is his sister and she has to pamper her.

Uncle Jincheng pulled Yu Lingling forward cautiously.

It was very quiet all around, and it was a long corridor. You could only hear the footsteps of two people. The two people walked to a bright light in the corridor. Taishu Jincheng looked up and saw that it was the nurse's station. He was just about to leave. Suddenly a figure appeared!
It was a human skeleton covered in blood, with a dirty nurse's cap on the skull's head.

Both of them were startled by this scene. Just as they recovered, the skeleton suddenly opened its mouth. The eerie voice was coupled with the "click, click, click" sound of the upper and lower jaws colliding, making people couldn't help but feel their backs tremble. cold:

【who is it?Stay up late at night? 】

On the other side, Guan Twelve and Shao Dongzhe were walking in the dark corridor. Shao Dongzhe looked at the torches around him and was about to reach out when Guan Twelve pulled him back:

"Don't move things, okay?" Guan Twelve looked at him expressionlessly.

"I'm just curious. After all, there might be torches ahead." Shao Dongzhe replied innocently, shrugging his shoulders.

".I'm not sure if there are any traps yet. It's best not to touch these things."

"Wow, I'm so touched that you care about me~" Shao Dongzhe held his chest and was so moved that he almost shed tears.

"The two of us are tied together now. I cherish my life. If you are not afraid of death, I am still afraid of death." Guan Twelve's tone was cold and merciless.

There was no room for Shao Dongzhe to think blindly.

"I'm also afraid of death, but I think if I can be with Twelve Death, it might be a kind of romance." Shao Dongzhe said and raised an eyebrow at Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve’s face was expressionless, like a stone.

Officer Twelve: I don’t have any feelings.

Shao Dongzhe helplessly raised his forehead: "Twelve, twelve, can't you be more romantic? The environment here is dark now, and it looks like an old castle. There are only two of you and me in such a place. Don't you think this is very romantic?" "

As he spoke, he slowly took Guan Twelve's hand, and then intertwined his fingers and held them tightly together.

Shao Dongzhe's face slowly came closer to Guan Twelve, and Shao Dongzhe could even see himself reflected in Guan Twelve's eyes, that beautiful face and those eyes without any emotion, and the tender red below. Shao Dongzhe lowered his eyes slightly, then gently approached and saw that the lips of the two people were about to touch each other. The atmosphere became ambiguous at this moment, and even the air was filled with sweetness. A greasy fragrance.

However, Shaodongzhe paused in the next second, for no other reason, because in the dark Guan Twelve pinched Shaodongzhe's waist fiercely with his other hand.Suddenly Shaodongzhe hissed in pain, and then stepped back.

"Calm down, you're only a teenager, don't be so naughty, okay?"

Guan Twelve looked at the child in front of him, the disgust in his eyes almost overflowing.

Now the reason came out as to why she hated people with the surname Shao.

The bad guys from the Shao family are more annoying than the last.

"What? Isn't this your women's favorite romance? I've been studying it for a long time." Shao Dongzhe's expression was more complicated than Guan Twelve's. He looked at Guan Twelve in confusion, not understanding what he had done wrong. What.

".Stop learning, it's disgusting." Guan Twelve refused expressionlessly.

Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve and was silent for a moment.

The two of them continued walking forward in silence. Guan Twelve looked around. The two of them had been walking for a while, but they still couldn't see the end. How long was this road, or...
Guan Twelve suddenly stopped. Could it be that they had been spinning in circles?

Once this idea arises, it is difficult to get rid of it.

"What's wrong?" Shaodongzhe asked when Guan Twelve stopped.

"We may be going in circles." Guan Twelve told Shaodongzhe his thoughts.

"Oh." Shao Dongzhe's reaction was very dull, as if he had known about this for a long time.

"Did you already know this?" Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe and couldn't help but ask.

Unexpectedly, Shaodongzhe nodded.

"When did you know this?!" Guan Twelve stared at him with wide eyes and a look of shock on his face.

When did he find out?Where was it found?Why didn't she notice?

"We discovered it when you and I walked around the fifth circle." Shao Dongzhe said and pulled Guan Twelve forward for two steps. The two of them stopped in front of a torch. Shao Dongzhe pointed at the torch and said :

"This torch was the first one we saw. At that time, I secretly scratched it for safety. Then I saw it at least six times later, so I knew that we had gone around in a circle."

"But we didn't turn." Yes, this is what Guan Twelve was puzzled about. The two of them had been walking in a straight line. Why did they go around?
"Do you know about the Möbius strip?"

"The Möbius strip was discovered by the German mathematicians Möbius and Johann Listin in 1858. It is a paper strip loop made by twisting a paper strip 180° and gluing the two ends together. Connect the end point and the starting point, so that it becomes a never-ending maze, and those of us in the ring will always think that we are moving forward, but in fact~"

Shao Dongzhe touched the wall and said with a smile: "We have been going around in circles."

Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe, then looked up at the ceiling.

She admitted that what Shao Dongzhe said did not make sense, and it might even be the truth.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Twelve's physics and mathematics are not very good~"

"After all, this is the most basic common sense."

Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve and said with a smile:
"Well, maybe it's because I'm more scientific."

 It's even later, I'm really sorry
(End of this chapter)

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