The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 386 Escape Game

"Ah, Möbius strip." Wendy looked at the marked torch in front of her and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Mobius strip? What is it?" Thirteen obviously didn't understand what this meant. Wendy glanced at her and then asked with a smile:

"How are you doing in math?"

"It's not very good. I only got nine points in the last weekly exam." As soon as math was mentioned, a painful expression appeared on Thirteen's face.

Wendy explained to Thirteen with a smile, but she was confused.

Wendy: Forget it, what can you expect someone with a score of [-] in math to learn?

"Then what do we do now? How do we get out?"

"Well, what's your name?" Wendy thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Thirteen and asked curiously.


Thirteen was dumbfounded. She didn't understand why the woman in front of her was asking this question at this time. She was silent for a moment and then answered: "Thirteen."

"Oh, you and Twelve are sisters?"

Wendy raised her eyebrows, and Thirteen pouted and snorted: "No."

"To be honest, ma'am, I am a psychiatrist, and I hope you will not play such little tricks on a psychiatrist."

Wendy's eyes became colder when she looked at Thirteen, and an inexplicable pressure was put on Thirteen. Thirteen pursed her lips, remained silent for a moment, and said: "My name is Thirteen. Why do I have to say my real name in the game?" !”

"Okay, Ms. Thirteen."

Wendy smiled and didn't say much, and that wasn't the question she wanted to ask.

"May I ask what you think of Twelve?"

Wendy's question made Thirteen couldn't help but frown: "Why are you asking this?"

"To be honest, I am Twelve's doctor. I played this game to understand her situation, but she seemed unwilling to get close to me." Wendy lowered her eyes slightly as she spoke, then showed a frustrated look.

Thirteen looked at the tall blonde beauty in front of him, pursed his lips, and said dryly:

"Twelve, she is a very powerful person."

"Although I don't want to admit it, that guy's face is simply too good-looking, his voice is also nice, and his sweet mouth is very lovable. What's even more annoying is that she is very smart. She has thought through many things, and her strength value is even better. She's too strong. In the last script, Qiu Tusi and I never beat her. Ah~ I'm still very angry just thinking about this. She clearly has a face like a vase. Isn't it good for An An to just be a decoration? ? Why does an ornament need to be so powerful?"

Thirteen's tone was full of envy and complaint.

In her heart, Guan Twelve was simply too strong.

In response to such a comment, Wendy couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

It seems that the kid Guan Twelve is doing well in this game and has made many friends.

It's totally different from real life.

She still remembered Guan Twelve in the real world who was cold and withdrawn, with cold eyes and a loneliness that kept strangers away from him. Even if she hadn't asked questions, she wouldn't even bother to say anything. She opened and closed her mouth with sarcastic words and hateful words. It makes people’s teeth itch.

From her description of the game, she seems to be a smart girl who loves to talk and has a sweet mouth.Maybe this is her original appearance in the game.

"Speaking of which, you said you were Twelve's doctor. What disease did she have?" Thirteen thought of what Wendy said and was very curious.

After all, the Guan Twelve she knew was a healthy, no longer healthy woman.

"She has a mental illness."

Wendy thought for a while. Guan Twelve's condition was confidential and she couldn't reveal it, so she could only give such a cryptic answer.

"." Thirteen was stunned for a second, and then shouted angrily the next second: "Sure enough, I guessed it right! She is indeed mentally ill!!"

Wendy: Well, that’s not what I meant~

On the other side, Guan Twelve touched the wall and looked at Shao Dongzhe beside him and asked: "Then what should we do next?"

"The so-called Möbius strip has only one side, but there will be distortions in the middle. It is twisted 180 degrees to form a closed loop. But since we have been walking in a straight line and there is no distortion, there is only one possibility."

"Visual error." Guan Twelve touched the wall. She had never looked at this wall carefully, and now it seemed that the position of the bricks in some places was off.

Human vision can also deceive people. There is a phenomenon called visual error. The most typical example is the Fraser spiral, which is one of the most influential hallucination graphics.

The sizes of the bricks are also different. It seems that this endless corridor is affected by the so-called Möbius strip and visual errors.

After knowing this, this matter will become much easier to solve. Just give up vision and the two of you walk close to the wall.

The next second, Guan Twelve touched a corner. It was a corner covered by visual errors. Guan Twelve glanced at Shao Dongzhe beside him. Shao Dongzhe nodded, and then the two of them walked into the corner.

There seemed to be no end in the darkness. The two of them were still walking close to the wall. At this time, Guan Twelve touched a door handle. She pressed it. It was loose enough to open, so she turned to look at Shao Dongzhe. Ask his opinion.

"There may not be anything if we go further, so why don't we go in first and take a look."

Shao Dongzhe said this, and Guan Twelve had no objection, so he opened the door and the two of them walked in. The next second, the door was suddenly closed by a huge wind, and the next second, the sky suddenly lit up.

The two people were stabbed so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. It took a while before they recovered.

Opening their eyes, they saw the room clearly. It seemed to be a study room, with a table and chairs in front of them. There were books all around, and the bookshelves on both sides were at least three or four stories high.

The two looked around. Shao Dongzhe tried to open the door of the room behind him, but it failed. At this time, Guan Twelve noticed an envelope on the desk. She walked over and picked it up. After observing it for a while, there was no dust, so it should be Just put it on.

Open the envelope and inside are the rules of this house:
[The rules of this level are as follows: one person sits on a chair to answer questions, and the other is looking for answers in a book. If you answer ten questions correctly within an hour, you can pass the level. The reward for passing the level is the key to the door. Note that only by answering one question correctly can you enter the next level. Questions, you can’t jump past the questions~]

"That's what it said." Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe, and Shao Dongzhe looked at her and asked, "So?"

"Should you sit on it or should I sit on it?" Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe and asked softly.

Shao Dongzhe did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at her and asked, "Twelve, if I am in danger, will you come to save me?"

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