The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 388 Escape Game

Chapter 388 Escape Game (6)

It is not difficult to find the psychiatry department. In general, the subjects on each floor will be displayed next to the elevator in the hospital. Taishu Jincheng and the others came to the elevator and found that the psychiatry department was on the fifth floor, and they were now in the obstetrics and gynecology department on the eighth floor. .

"Why would the head nurse of the obstetrics and gynecology department ask the psychiatric patient?"

Even Yu Lingling couldn't help but ask such questions.

"It's just a game. It's normal to be unreasonable." Taishu Jincheng replied coldly. He had no interest in such things that had nothing to do with the plot.

Seeing Uncle Jincheng's attitude, Yu Lingling did not continue to ask.

For safety reasons, the two of them did not take the elevator and chose the safer method of taking the stairs.

The stairwell was small and cold, as if no one had been there for a long time. It was covered with spider webs, and they felt dust under their feet with every step they took. They did not dare to walk fast for fear that the dust raised would make them unable to breathe.

The whole space was eerily quiet. Yu Lingling held Taishu Jincheng's hand tightly and walked in front.

Looking at Yu Lingling who was both excited and scared, Taishu Jincheng had no expression on his face.

Suddenly a drop of water fell on the top of Yu Lingling's head. Yu Lingling trembled all over and hugged Taishu Jincheng behind her in fright: "Ahhh! There is something on it!!"

Taishu Jincheng raised his head and found nothing.

Yu Lingling touched the top of her head and said aggrievedly: "It's water, it scared me to death just now."

Uncle Jincheng stretched out his hand and rubbed Yu Lingling's cheek and said, "Be good, keep walking."

The two people went down to the fifth floor. The situation on the fifth floor was similar to that on the eighth floor. It was dark and cold, but I didn't know why this floor was very humid. The sound of water drops could be heard everywhere.

Taishu Jincheng and the others searched one by one according to the house number, and finally found the room in Psychiatric Department 25-6. Yu Lingling observed outside the door for a while, then carefully opened a crack and looked inside.
"I said, it's been half an hour." Wendy said as she sat on the chair and looked helplessly at Thirteen who was so busy and dizzy.

"Don't say sarcastic words!! If you are still kind, come and help me!"

Thirteen suddenly got a headache when he looked at the thousands of books.

Just 15 minutes ago, the two of them successfully solved the mystery of the tunnel with the help of Wendy, and then came to this study all the way. After seeing the rules of the game clearly, the two of them discussed who should sit there. Originally, Wendy He wanted Shisan to sit there, but Shisan said he didn't want to sit there. After all, who knows what dangers there might be.

There was no way, because time was precious, so Wendy could only sit on it and be a "hostage", letting Thirteen find the answer. Unexpectedly, the two of them encountered a bottleneck on the first question.

They simply can't find the answer.

"Really! Why do I have to consider the affairs of my people when I'm already a king! If I were a king, I would definitely do things according to my own ideas!!!" Thirteen thought this question was simply insane!

She scratched her ears and cheeks angrily, but when Wendy heard Thirteen's complaint over there, she suddenly became enlightened, then looked at Thirteen and said, "That's right."

"What?" Thirteen was stunned when she heard Wendy suddenly utter such a meaningless sigh.

"You're right, I think I know the answer."

Wendy chuckled, but Thirteen was even more confused: "What do you know?"

"The answer is." "I think the answer might be."

"In The Prince."

"The Prince?" Guan Twelve listened to Shaodongzhe's answer and then took out the book from the bookshelf.

"There is a passage at the beginning of "The Prince": People's love for the monarch depends on their own will; and the fear they feel depends on the monarch's will. Therefore, a wise monarch should be based on his own will, and Not based on the will of others.”

"Since the monarch's idea is to make the country stronger in the future, then don't care about the process, just care about the results. After all, people behind you will only remember your greatness, and even plunder will be tampered with as dedication."

"So the answer to this question is"

"Go forward according to the will of the king. If the people are disobedient, the people will be afraid! Although a country only has people, a king can only be king if he wins the hearts of the people!"

"If the people say that the sky is the sky and the earth is the earth, then such a king has no majesty and it is difficult for the people to recognize him. The people only recognize the king who is beneficial to them. No matter what the king's methods are, as long as he can do the good of the people, then That’s Mingjun!”

[.The first question is answered correctly. Please listen to the second question: There is a family of four, father, mother, sister, and brother. The father and mother have never been harmonious in their relationship. They quarrel every day. The sister is fed up with the two people quarreling and hates the father even more. I beat my mother, so I decided to kill my father. My mother was also planning to kill my father. My father liked his brother very much. He wanted to kill his mother and sister and live with his brother. My brother liked his sister, but he didn't like to be with his father and mother. Life, because the two people had been quarreling, but his father was very good to him, so he thought about killing his mother so that his father would not quarrel. That night, his sister put poison in the water and put the water cup on his father on the bedside table, and the next day, my sister died. Who killed her? 】

"What kind of problem is this!!!" Thirteen felt bad when he heard this question!

I just answered a difficult question, but here comes another one! !Why exactly! ! !

Wendy is relatively calm. After all, she has worked as a psychiatrist. This kind of question is not difficult for her. As long as she thinks calmly, she can quickly come up with the answer.

"Killed my sister."

After Guan Twelve listened to the question, he was silent for a long time, and then said the answer without hesitation, which surprised Shaodongzhe: "What?"

[Congratulations for the correct answer! 】

"Why do you know the answer?" Shaodongzhe looked at Guan Twelve. When a normal person hears such a question, it would be nice not to get confused and panic. No matter how powerful he is, he can only remain calm and silent. He dare not think over there. Jump to conclusions.

But Guan Twelve actually just thought about it for a while and then gave the answer.

"Because this question is too simple."

Wendy said with a smile: "This kind of question is really difficult for people who have some understanding of psychology, let alone psychiatrists."

"No, no, you have said so much, but you still haven't told me the answer!" Thirteen looked at Wendy and couldn't help complaining.

She is really curious, why is this answer?

"Because the answer to this question is in the question, and the relationship between them is the answer."

Guan Twelve patiently explained.

 More~ Do you guys know the answer?

(End of this chapter)

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