The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 389 Escape Game

Chapter 389 Escape Game (7)

The door of Room 25-6 of the Psychiatric Department of the hospital was gently pushed open. A head slowly poked his head out and carefully looked inside. There were six beds in total. At first glance, each bed was bulging with two people. After carefully looking at it for a while, he pushed the door open with a creak.

The two walked in. Taishu Jincheng looked at the bed number and finally locked on bed No. 4 in the psychiatric department. As expected, there was no one in that bed. The empty bed looked very strange compared with the bulging beds around it. unexpected.

"Brother, look!" Yu Lingling suddenly exclaimed!
Taishu Jincheng looked over and saw that Yu Lingling had untied the quilt of the bed next to her at some point. What was lying under the quilt was a skeleton wearing a hospital gown.

Taishu Jincheng suddenly frowned, and Yu Lingling didn't expect that she was just curious if the person lying inside was a real person, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be a skeleton? ! !
"Put it down first." Uncle Jincheng suddenly noticed that the sheets and quilts here were all made of white cloth. He suddenly thought of something and scolded Yu Lingling. Yu Lingling was so frightened that she quickly covered them, but by this time it was already too late. Suddenly, The whole ward felt like an earthquake. Except for the unoccupied bed, all the other beds trembled.

The two of them immediately became vigilant. Taishu Jincheng immediately took Yu Lingling's hand and walked out, but the door could not be opened!

At this time, the skeleton lying on the bed suddenly stood up and turned to look at them. The window was also blown open by the evening breeze at this time, and he felt a cold wind coming.

Five pairs of empty eye sockets stared at them. Yu Lingling was both excited and scared. She carefully pulled the corner of Taishu Jincheng's clothes, while Taishu Jincheng frowned and watched this scene.

What's even more weird is that there was no reaction after they stood up. They were in a stalemate for about half a minute. Taishu Jincheng took a deep breath, then raised his feet and was about to walk forward.

Taishu Jincheng immediately froze there, not daring to move his feet. He looked at the five skeletons that were moving in the same way as him, and silently retracted his feet. He saw that the five skeletons also retracted their feet.

"Brother, they seem to be imitating you." Seeing this scene, Yu Lingling whispered to her uncle Jin Cheng.

Taishu Jincheng was silent. He looked at the skeletons. The door behind him could not be opened. The clue that could open the door might be in these skeletons. But in front of him, these skeletons seemed to be imitating his movements. .

But then what?What's the purpose of doing this?
There's no way something like this is useless.

"Lingling, take a step and try." Taishu Jincheng said to Yu Lingling.

Yu Lingling nodded, then put her head out and raised her feet and took a cautious step, then stopped and looked at the skeletons. Surprisingly, the skeletons did not move like Uncle Xue Jincheng, as if they did not notice Yu Lingling.

Seeing this, Yu Lingling took another cautious step, but nothing happened. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief and feel completely relieved:
"Brother, they don't seem to be able to learn from me."

"That's good, you go around and see if there are any clues." Although they don't know the reason, at least they won't be deadlocked here now.

Yu Lingling nodded, then walked over and carefully observed one by one. She found that each skeleton was wearing a hospital gown, but they seemed to be unconscious. Yu Lingling was not bold enough to search them directly.

She first searched for the empty hospital bed. She stretched out her hand and touched the bed. There was no dust, which meant that there was indeed someone here. But now that he was not in the bed, had he gone somewhere else?

Yu Lingling lowered her head and glanced at the medical certificate beside the bed:
[Wang You, female, 22 years old, severe schizophrenia patient. 】

It can be seen that Yu Lingling read the general information about the patients in beds 25-6-4 of the psychiatric department to Taishu Jincheng, who asked her to look at the patients in other beds.Yu Lingling nodded and looked over one by one. She found that all the other patients' information had been scrawled out by someone with a black pen, and nothing could be seen.

Yu Lingling told this matter to Taishu Jincheng, who fell into deep thought after listening.

Was it covered up with a black pen because it was unimportant, or was it maliciously covered up?
"See if you can take it off."

Yu Lingling received the instruction, then stretched out her hand to take down the medical certificate, when suddenly a skeleton hand stretched out from under the bed and grabbed Yu Lingling's arm.

Yu Lingling was so frightened that her hair suddenly stood up, and her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

She almost subconsciously opened her mouth to scream when she suddenly heard her uncle Jincheng's voice: "Lingling, calm down!"

Yu Lingling was so frightened that she quickly stopped her voice and looked at Taishu Jincheng with a pale expression, tears welling up in her eyes. She looked at Taishu Jincheng with grievance and fear, asking for help, but Taishu Jincheng's face was expressionless. It wasn't a good thing either. He could only ask Yu Lingling to calm down because he was afraid of what might happen if Yu Lingling screamed.

While Taishu Jincheng calmed himself down, he softly comforted Yu Lingling: "Calm down Lingling, this is just a skeleton. I won't do anything to you. Calm down."

"Keke" Yu Lingling looked at the fingers slowly climbing up her wrist, her face became even paler, and she was trembling all over.

He watched the two fingers slowly climb up with movements like walking on two feet, and soon reached the position of the shoulders, but they showed no intention of stopping.

Yu Lingling was so scared that she cried. She wanted to ask for help, but she didn't dare to say anything. She could only look at Taishu Jincheng, her brother, and the only person who could save her.

Taishu Jincheng looked at this scene and pursed his lips, thinking about what to do.

Seeing that her hand was about to climb up her neck, Yu Lingling closed her eyes in fear. However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a lightness on her shoulders. She subconsciously opened her eyes and saw the skeleton on her bed bent down, holding in her hand. Yu Lingling was stunned by the troublesome finger just now, and then almost subconsciously she looked in the direction of Taishu Jincheng.

Sure enough, I saw Taishu Jincheng doing the same thing.

"Brother~wuwu~" Yu Lingling cried immediately when she realized that her brother had saved her.

"Calm down Lingling." Taishu Jincheng made a gesture. He slowly stood up and shook his hand. All the skeletons imitated his actions and threw the arm out. The arm was lost directly along the window. Go down.

The free Yu Lingling ignored Sanqi 21 and quickly ran to her uncle Jincheng and hugged him: "Uuuu~ I thought I was going to die, uuu~"

Uncle Jincheng looked at Yu Lingling who was holding her, and then at the skeletons.

(End of this chapter)

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