The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 390 Escape Game

"No, why, why do you know the answer?" Thirteen looked at Wendy with a blank expression. She didn't even understand the question, but the guy in front of her actually said the answer directly.

"This is actually a very simple psychological question." Wendy smiled, and then said softly:
"In fact, the key point is the relationship between them. As the title says, there are four people, sister, father, mother and brother. Assume that the four people are ABCD in order, A kills B, C also kills B, and B kills AC, D kills C."

"Among them, A poisoned B, but A died. The only one who had a grudge against A was B."

"But the answer is not B!" Thirteen couldn't help but frown.

"Yes, the answer is not B, because there is a link or an accident, and that is C."

"B and C are husband and wife, so they naturally sleep together. There is a saying that C always fights B and quarrels every day. They also quarreled that night. It is impossible for two people to sleep together after the quarrel that day, so One of the two people, B or C, should leave. If B leaves, B will go to D, and if C leaves, he will go to A."

".Then what?" Thirteen blinked and looked at her blankly.

"Then there is also an assumption that after one person leaves, the other person also leaves. The person who leaves will naturally find other people to complain to."

"Psychology proves that men are relatively impatient and irritable during quarrels, and men are stronger than women during beatings. Therefore, the story should be that B beat C and then left to find D, and the injured C was wronged. Then she would go to A, and when she went to find A, she took away the poisonous water on the bed, and then A drank the poisonous water for some unknown reason."

"So, the murderer who killed my sister is"

"Sister herself."

"A killed A."

After hearing Guan Twelve's analysis, Shao Dongzhe couldn't help but shake his head. This analysis is actually very simple, but it is indeed not easy to analyze it in a short time. What's more important is.
"Then your analysis is really weird! These are obviously just your speculations. There is no evidence to prove it. Why do you think this is the answer?"

Thirteen refuted Wendy without hesitation. In her opinion, this answer was really absurd, even outrageous.

This is entirely a process of writing out answers, a kind of verification without any skills at all.

"Because this story is a psychological question, and I am a psychiatrist." Wendy looked at Thirteen and said.

"There are actually many answers. Any answer is your inner thought. You can think simple or complex. For a sensitive person, she will struggle with whether what she is thinking is the correct answer. For a person with a dark heart, Said that he couldn't wait to use everyone's malice to guess the most complicated and dark answer. For a kind person, she might have guessed the answer, but she didn't dare to believe that this was the correct answer."


"Don't you understand yet, Shao Dongzhe?"

Guan Twelve looked at Shaodongzhe with cold eyes and interrupted him. Guan Twelve's tone was calm and slow, but the words he spoke made Shaodongzhe fall into silence:
“The point of this question is never the answer, but your thoughts.”

"That's the thing about psychological questions. There is not only one answer, but every answer is correct. It just depends on how you think about it." Wendy looked at Thirteen tenderly, but Thirteen couldn't help but feel shabby.

Why, such a gentle tone made her back shiver.

Is this a psychiatrist?
"Why do you know this psychological question?"

Faced with Shaodongzhe's question, Guan Twelve just lowered his eyes, then remained silent for a moment and said:

"Because someone asked me such a question."

"Because I asked someone such a question." "What's your/her answer?"

"That's the answer I said."

Guan Twelve said calmly.

That day, Guan Twelve checked her condition in the hospital as usual, and was told that her attending doctor had changed.

Guan Twelve felt a little regretful after hearing the news. After all, she quite liked the short-haired doctor.

The doctor who was replaced was Wendy. When Wendy appeared in front of her with long wavy golden hair, and waved to her, the first thing she said was "Hello, beautiful lady".

Guan Twelve did not have a very good impression of Wendy.

The first meeting between the two of them was not pleasant. Guan Twelve didn't like this new doctor very much, but he also knew that she would be his primary doctor in the future, so he could only endure seeing her as long as possible.

Once, Wendy took out a piece of paper and said to Guan Twelve:

"I'll give you a psychological question. There is a family of four, father, mother, sister, and brother. The relationship between father and mother has never been harmonious. They quarreled every day. My sister was fed up with the two people quarreling and hated her father hitting her mother, so she decided to kill her. Dad and mother are also planning to kill dad. Dad likes his brother very much. He wants to kill his mother and sister and live with his brother. The brother likes his sister. He doesn't like living with his father and mother because they are always together. They quarreled, but his father was very kind to him, so he thought about killing his mother so that his father would not quarrel. That night, his sister poured poison into the water and put the water glass on his father's bedside table. The next day, my sister died. Who killed her?"

Hearing this, Guan Twelve couldn't help but frown, then looked at her and said coldly: "What kind of problem is this?"

"You just need to give an answer." Wendy looked at her with a smile and said.

Guan Twelve fell into silence, then looked up at the ceiling. Wendy did not rush her, but quietly waited for her answer.

"It was my sister who killed my sister."

It was an answer that surprised Wendy. She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and look at the girl in front of her. She was young and her face was even a little immature, but her eyes were too bright and she was surprisingly calm.

From the first meeting, Wendy knew that this patient named Guan Twelve did not like her. It was only because of her status as her only attending doctor that she put down her patience and talked to her.

To be honest, she didn't really like the patient Guan Twelve, a nasty child in adolescence.

However, her illness was her graduation thesis.

So she could only face this stupid patient with a smile on her face.

But when she heard this answer today, Wendy suddenly felt that the child in front of her might be interesting.

"Isn't my answer the correct answer?" Guan Twelve couldn't help but asked when Wendy didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Wendy also came to her senses. She blinked and then suddenly laughed out loud. She slowly said, "Yes, you answered it wrong."

"There is no real answer to this question. All you want is my answer, and this is the answer I give."

I’ll write more~

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