The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 391 Escape Game

"Brother, what should we do?" Yu Lingling held Taishu Jincheng's arm tightly and asked.

Taishu Jincheng kept his attention on those skeletons. Judging from the situation just now, these skeletons seemed to have no ill intentions towards them.

That should be something you can take advantage of.

Thinking like this, Taishu Jincheng stretched out his hand, and the skeletons also stretched out their hands.

"Lingling, go see if the door lock can be opened."

Yu Lingling nodded and then went to look at the door obediently. As soon as her hand touched the door, a hand suddenly came out from the door and directly grabbed Yu Lingling's hand.

The sticky and cold touch immediately chilled Yu Lingling from her fingers to her whole body.

"Brother! Woohoo, someone is arresting me." Yu Lingling held back her tears, choked with sobs and looked to her uncle Jincheng for help.

"Don't move yet, maybe they don't mean any harm." Taishu Jincheng looked at the skeletons, then looked at Yu Lingling over there, and comforted them softly.

Yu Lingling was obedient and did not resist. Then she watched the hand gently rub the back of her hand after holding hers. The blue veins on the purple hand were bulging, and the nails looked like they had not been repaired for a long time. Yu Lingling felt nauseated when such a hand touched her own. She resisted the movement of taking her hand away, wanting to see what this "hand" wanted to do.

It touched for a while, and then slowly moved up the wrist. Yu Lingling suddenly exploded. She grabbed "it" with her other hand without hesitation and then pulled it back without hesitation. , she fell backwards, but fortunately her uncle Jincheng caught her in time from behind.

The guy in the door was also pulled out. At this time, Taishu Jincheng and Yu Lingling discovered that it turned out to be a corpse. One had not completely turned into a skeleton, but had corpse spots and greenish body scattered around it. Foul-smelling corpses.

The pungent smell made Yu Lingling couldn't help but frown, and then she covered her nose and pulled him off her body.

"It stinks." Yu Lingling felt that her whole body was covered with this stench, and she suddenly became disgusted.

"Be patient for now." Taishu Jincheng comforted his sister and then pulled her up.

Then he went to observe the corpse. Following his movements, the skeletons also walked downstairs. As soon as they walked downstairs, they suddenly made a piercing cry!

That almost deafening roar made Taishu Jincheng and Yu Lingling's heads go blank for almost a moment.

When Taishu Jincheng reacted, he quickly retreated, and the skeletons also retreated.

The chirping just stopped.

After calming down, Yu Lingling felt her head was empty and her whole body was cold.

She looked at Taishu Jincheng in a daze, and Taishu Jincheng didn't look much better than her.

At this moment, both of them came to the conclusion that Taishu Jincheng could no longer act casually, and that he would have to rely on Yu Lingling to act next.

Yu Lingling wanted to cry when she came to this conclusion.
On the other side, Guan Twelve and Shao Dongzhe were gradually getting better at answering questions. Guan Twelve did not read many books, but Shao Dongzhe was well-read. He could find the answers to many questions without even looking at them. This was also because This official Twelve once again realized the difference between ordinary people and young masters.

Although Shao Dongzhe is ill, he cannot change the fact that he has read many books.

"What's wrong? Do you admire me? Do you think being my wife is a good thing?" Seeing Guan Twelve staring at him in a daze, Shao Dongzhe couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and then looked at her and smiled.

Officer Twelve:
Silent rejection. [Please listen to the last question. 】

At this time, the radio came with just the right sound.

[Those who are standing can make a choice, whether to continue the challenge with a partner, or to accept the victory alone. Please note that the following levels will only be difficult or easy. The countdown is now 10 minutes, please make your choice. . 】

As soon as this question came out, the two of them fell into silence.

The first thing to break the silence was Shao Dongzhe's laughter. His laughter was sharp and sarcastic:

"Pfft, hahahahaha, it's really interesting. Twelve, look at the ridiculous questions in this ridiculous game. Does he really think that this kind of multiple-choice question can cause a rift between us?"

Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe, who was smiling almost crazy. His tone was full of disdain and ridicule, but Guan Twelve knew clearly that this guy was scared to death at the moment.

Because he didn't trust her, he said such words, to comfort himself and to remind her.

After all, he was still nervous and scared.

On this point, compared with Shao Qiuyan, he was completely defeated.

"Twelve, why don't you speak? Have you already started to plan to abandon me?" Seeing Guan Twelve being so silent, Shao Dongzhe's face suddenly turned cold. He looked at Guan Twelve coldly and warily. .

Guan Twelve was so amused by his expression that she couldn't help but say: "Why don't you trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I know you too well, and I know me too well in your heart."

This is interesting. Even Guan Twelve himself didn't see through him, and Shao Qiuyan didn't dare to speak so wildly. Guan Twelve was very curious about what he was thinking.

"Twelve, you are a selfish person." Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve and said suddenly.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Then I heard Shao Dongzhe continue to say: "You only want a result and don't care about the process at all. Finding the easiest way to the end is your motto. To be honest, I like you very much because I am also someone who doesn't care about the process." Man, I only want results, that's why I like you so much, but your character is really selfish, and I know very well that you don't like me, so, Twelve, I'm very worried that you will abandon me."

Shao Dongzhe showed a rare expression of helplessness and sadness. To be honest, Shao Dongzhe's appearance was not bad. Such an expression was very lethal to people. However, Guan Twelve in front of him was already used to seeing this face. , and also knew how disgusting a face like mud was underneath the red hair that was as dazzling as the blazing sun.

"So?" Guan Twelve looked at Shaodongzhe indifferently. She didn't think that Shaodongzhe told her such a lot of nonsense without any purpose. As expected, Shaodongzhe suddenly grinned and said:

"So before I came in to find you, I informed everyone in the family that if I die, you must be buried with me."

Fuck! ! ! !

What a kid! ! !

Guan Twelve couldn't help it anymore, she really wanted to scold her mother!Damn it, why do you have to do such illegal things at such a young age! ! !
Nothing he said was legal! !
Even buried with him!Damn it!It has been no longer allowed since the Republic of China! ! !

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