The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 392 Escape Game

"What kind of nonsense is this!"

Thirteen couldn't help but curse when she heard the last question. Then she looked at Wendy and found that Wendy looked at her in silence.

Wendy: Ding~

Thirteen looked a little guilty, and she pretended to be calm and asked: "Why do you keep staring at me! Do you don't trust me?"

"I'm a psychiatrist." Wendy looked away, then suddenly narrowed her eyes and smiled:

"I had this guess when the second question came out. Since the theme was friendship, I thought there would be such a question, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I thought it would be left until the end."


Thirteen was in a state of confusion.

"Have you not read similar books? For example, the partners you make in the game of life and death will definitely face a situation in the future where you live or your friends live."

"Only one of two people can survive, but this one looks much gentler. At least you have the choice to let both of us live."

Thirteen was so shocked by Wendy's words that she couldn't even say anything. At this time, Wendy continued to pursue the victory: "But this question is also a good choice. Thirteen, which one will you choose?"

"I" Thirteen was caught off guard by Wendy's analysis. Her head suddenly went blank and she didn't know what to do.

At this time, Wendy seemed to know that the effect she wanted had been achieved, so she took advantage of the victory and said: "However, I also know that I can't decide your left and right, so no matter what choice you make, I can only accept it. , however, I still hope you can seriously consider the latter option. The settlement reward is so tempting that it is difficult not to doubt whether it is true or false. If it is true, I will die. If you die, you deserve to die, but if not, do you know what you will face alone later?"

Wendy's words directly broadened Thirteen's thinking. It can't be said that she directly brainwashed Thirteen. At this time, Thirteen couldn't even think for himself. Even if he thought, he would just feel. Wendy said Right.

The subsequent result was not surprising. Thirteen chose to continue walking with Wendy. Wendy, who got off the chair, hugged Thirteen with a smile and said, "Thank you for choosing me, then let's go together." Let’s go.”

Thirteen blinked her eyes, her face suddenly turned red when Wendy hugged her with a confused look on her face.

She pushed Wendy away and said dryly: "It's nothing. I just think you're right. The latter choice is really good. It might explode. If I choose it, what if I die?" What to do if it falls, so, in comparison, if we can’t go on, I feel better if we both die together.”

Regarding Thirteen's answer, Wendy smiled and said nothing.

Well~ why can't this be the result she wants?

The second level here has been cleared, and the door to the next level has been opened.

On the other side, there is still conflict between Guan Twelve and Shao Dongzhe.

Mainly because Shao Dongzhe was making noise on his own. After hearing Shao Dongzhe say that if he couldn't get out, he would be buried with him.

Guan Twelve was even more speechless towards Shao Dongzhe. She couldn't help rolling her eyes and complaining: "How old are you? Why are you so mean-spirited at the age of thirteen or four!"

It doesn’t matter if you are too scheming, but it is not serious and you break the law at every turn. Is that something you can touch?
Isn’t it good to be a good member of the motherland?

"I'm not smart enough to get a wife." Shao Dongzhe just grinned, and his pretty face suddenly turned evil.

Official [-]: Xie Mei, Nima Xie Mei, crazy.

"You are obviously threatening me. It seems that you really don't trust me."

Guan Twelve sighed softly, and then she chose the first one the next second.

With a "click" sound, the lock on Shao Dongzhe's body was unlocked.Shao Dongzhe stood up and touched his somewhat red wrist, then looked at Guan Twelve: "Although I know there is no point in asking this now, I still want to know the reason for your choice."

What could be the reason?
Guan Twelve pursed his lips and glanced at Shao Dongzhe coldly, and then said lightly: "Shao Qiuyan would never ask this question."

Shao Qiuyan!It's him again!Shaodongzhe didn't understand why Guan Twelve always mentioned that useless brother in front of him!Don't you like him?Why do I have to mention him!What's the point of doing this?Make him angry?Make him feel inferior to that useless person who doesn't even have the ability to reproduce?

Although Shao Dongzhe knew Guan Twelve's purpose and everything, he still couldn't help but grit his teeth and clenched his hands into fists.

"If my brother was here, would you choose to play with him?" Shao Dongzhe's voice was gritted and trembling at the same time. He seemed to have known the answer for a long time, but he just had to hear the man say it himself.

Guan Twelve glanced at him expressionlessly, then turned and walked towards the next level.

Shaodongzhe, who didn't hear the answer, seemed to have heard it. He lowered his head and sneered twice, then raised his head and followed.

In the hospital, Yu Lingling slowly opened the door alone, then stuck out her head, and turned her head carefully. Uncle Jincheng behind her nodded in affirmation. After receiving the affirmation, Yu Lingling took a deep breath, and then raised her head. The feet stepped out.

Looking at Yu Lingling's staggering and thin back, Taishu Jincheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. As an elder brother, he really couldn't explain it when he let his sister go out alone at this moment.

Thinking of this, Taishu Jincheng turned around and looked at the skeletons. He felt that there might be some clues in these skeletons.

Thinking of this, Taishu Jincheng raised his hand, and the skeletons also raised their hands.

Taishu Jincheng looked at them and opened his mouth.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that the skeletons did not imitate him this time. This discovery made him happy, and he asked: "Can you hear me?"

"Can you say something? Yes or no?!" Seeing that the skeleton didn't pay any attention to him, Taishu Jincheng couldn't help but frown.

Skeletons: Do you think we have vocal cords? ?

At this time, Taishu Jincheng seemed to have reacted and quickly covered his face, feeling ashamed of what he had just done.

He was really confused just now.

"Then you can nod if you hear me."

Skeletons: Quiet~
"Are you that rude? Are you ignoring others?"

Skeletons: Quiet~
Taishu Jincheng, who had tried several times to no avail, simply started playing because he was really bored:
"If you want to hear me, just nod."

Then Taishu Jincheng himself nodded, and saw the skeletons nodding as well.

"Am I handsome?" Taishu Jincheng nodded.

The skeletons nodded.

"Is Shao Qiuyan a big Sabi?" Taishu Jincheng nodded, and the skeletons nodded.

Taishu Jincheng: Hehe~ It’s so fun.

Skeletons: Tired, busy and not interested.

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