The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 393 Escape Game

At this time, Yu Lingling had no idea that her brother, who was steady and reliable in front of her, was now acting like a psychopath. She was walking back cautiously.

When she just came out, her brother told her to go to the head nurse they met before and tell her about the missing patient in bed 25-6-4 of the psychiatric department. Her brother said that maybe this was a necessary condition for clearance. .

Yu Lingling carefully walked back along the previous path. When going up the stairs, Yu Lingling hesitated a little. She looked at the dark stairwell, took a deep breath, and silently encouraged herself: Yu Lingling!You are the best!Now it's up to you to save the world!Prove yourself! !

After being mentally prepared, Yu Lingling raised her feet and walked up.

The entire stairwell was eerily quiet, with the only sound of her footsteps going upstairs.

The "ta da da" sound made Yu Lingling herself feel a little chilly, so she slowed down her steps. As a result, the sound of footsteps did not change at all after she softened her voice. Almost subconsciously, Yu Lingling stopped. His own movements, but the footsteps still did not stop, and even became faster and faster!faster and faster!faster and faster!
Suddenly, Yu Lingling was so frightened that her whole body was hairy. What else did she care about at this moment? She couldn't care about anything. Just run away with long legs!

Yu Lingling ran as hard as she could, to the sixth floor, to the seventh floor, and finally to the eighth floor. Yu Lingling looked at the big "8" on the security door. Yu Lingling breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her feet and was about to step in. Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the darkness behind and grabbed Yu Lingling's ankle. A chill hit her. Yu Lingling didn't even have time to react. She was pulled back all the way down. The huge impact shook Yu Lingling's whole body. Feeling dizzy, Yu Lingling gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand to grab the stair handle based on her feeling. With a "dang" sound, Yu Lingling's whole body was straightened, forming a counter force. It was also because of this that Yu Lingling was able to avoid When Yu was pulled down, she held the railing tightly with both hands. She looked down and found that her left ankle was being pulled, and what was holding her was a green and ugly hand.

"You disgusting thing!" Yu Lingling cursed in fear, and then kicked her hard with her other foot. Yu Lingling, who was wearing high heels, stepped forward, but missed the step and scratched her calf. It was injured, and a blood mark suddenly appeared on the delicate calf.

Yu Lingling almost cried in pain. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and kicked her hard. She didn't know how many times she was kicked. There were scars on her calves from being kicked. One of her kicks was on the hand. , her hand immediately let go because of the pain, losing one side's resistance. Yu Lingling fell on the stairs due to weightlessness, but at this moment she had no time to cry out in pain, so she quickly got up and ran up, and the hands behind her persisted in catching up. He was about to catch it, but at the last second when Yu Lingling stepped onto the 8th floor, he missed it!

Yu Lingling crawled on the floor, out of breath, and in a state of embarrassment but did not dare to give up. She quickly turned her head to look behind her and found that the hand had disappeared.

The fear and uneasiness in her eyes didn't have time to dissipate. She stood up in embarrassment, and then ran towards the nurse's station. When she ran to the nurse's station, the skeleton wearing the nurse's station clothes was still there. Yu Lingling walked over, stabilized her breathing, and swallowed He spat, and then said:

"The patient in bed 25-6-4 of Huhujing Shengkeke Psychiatric Department has disappeared."

As Yu Lingling's voice fell, the skeleton suddenly moved its neck. After two "clicks", it suddenly spoke:
[That naughty patient may have gone to the internal medicine department, please help me find it.]

After hearing this, Yu Lingling slapped her hands on the table at the nurse's station and shouted angrily: "What on earth do you want! Let me find it! Just let my brother out first!!!"


It's a pity that she was answered by the "click" sound of the skull tilting its head.

"Damn it!" Yu Lingling cursed angrily, then turned towards the warning sign of the hospital. She looked at the location of the internal medicine department, which was on the sixteenth floor, which meant that she had to go up. Yu Lingling took a deep breath.It would be a waste of time to go back to find Taishu Jincheng at this time. It seemed that she had to find the patient in order to rescue her brother.

Yu Lingling exhaled, then her eyes became firm, she turned around and ran towards the stairs!
She can definitely save her brother!Brother, wait for me! !

Yu Lingling, who ran all the way up the stairwell and then ran up, didn't notice that the next second she left, the skeleton of the head nurse suddenly stood up, and then the next second she saw it took off the nurse's uniform and put on a pair of clothes. He is wearing a hospital gown, and the nameplate on the hospital gown clearly identifies his identity: Psychiatry 25-6-4
At the same time, on the other side, Guan Twelve was walking on the road to the third level, and Shaodongzhe was unusually quiet at the moment for some reason.

Shaodongzhe's quietness is also a good thing for Guan Twelve, after all, he never said anything serious with his mouth.

As they walked forward, they finally saw a glimmer of light in the darkness. Guan Twelve walked to the door and stopped. It was a door covered in red paint. The light came from the lamp next to it. Guan Twelve thought about it. I thought, then stretched out my hand to hold the door, and pressed it down gently.

With a "click", the door was opened.

There was another dark space where she couldn't see her fingers. She walked in, followed closely by Shao Dongzhe. The moment after the two people entered, the door behind them suddenly fell down and a grate fell.

Blocking the entire space, the lights also turned on at this moment. At this time, they discovered that the environment they were in saw two iron cages in the huge room, with one area in the middle blocked by iron sheets, and the surrounding area It's all covered with iron bars, like a huge cage.

[Welcome to the third level, please two players enter the iron cage. 】

The sound of the radio sounded again. Shao Dongzhe and Guan 12 looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Shao Dongzhe raised his legs and walked in first. Upon seeing this, Guan Twelve walked to another iron cage.

The moment she walked in, the iron door closed automatically.

Guan Twelve looked at the space inside which was not small, and there were two buttons, one red and one green, hidden by the iron sheet.

Just as Guan Twelve was thinking about what was going on, the radio began to announce the rules of the game:
[The rules of the third level of the game will be released next, "yes" and "no". The rules are as follows. There are ten questions in total. Two people will judge. One point will be added for each correct answer and one point will be deducted for wrong answers. At the same time, there will be a A small gift. Two people with the same answer will deduct one point. In the end, the person with the higher score will win and leave, the person with the lower score will be eliminated. If there is a tie, both sides will be eliminated. Now the game begins. 】

The holiday is over and the work continues

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