The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 394 Escape Game

As the sound of the broadcast fell, there was a sudden vibration from underneath. The two people suddenly became vigilant. The next second, a cage slowly rose from the ground. The two people looked over and saw that there was a spider in the cage.

About the size of a palm, the whole body is colorful and very beautiful.

[This is a small gift for answering the first question incorrectly. 】

[Now for the first question: Are you willing to let spiders enter your cage? If so, please select "yes", otherwise please select "no"]

[Countdown is 3 minutes. If you do not answer within 3 minutes, one point will be deducted for failure. 】

"Wait! What kind of question is this! How can there be an answer to this kind of question?!" Thirteen roared.

Wendy, on the other hand, crossed her arms and analyzed calmly: "There is no correct answer to this question."


"Actually, this is not asking us for the correct answer. Just like the previous question, it is a psychological question. She is asking about our choices."

"Rather than right or wrong, what we should pay attention to is the rules. Points will be deducted for any of them, if you choose the right one."

"That spider will enter the side chosen to succeed."

"So, we can't choose each other at the same time or we have to let one person accept failure at the same time?" Thirteen suddenly understood, but at the same time another problem appeared, so who to choose, this is a question.

Choose her?Then wouldn't she choose herself?That spider was full of danger at first sight. How could she be willing to let that spider
"Miss Thirteen, are you afraid of spiders?" Wendy asked suddenly as she looked at Thirteen who was lost in thought over there.

"Spiders? I'm not afraid. My father has raised some cute little things like this before. Are you afraid?" Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve and asked with a smile.

"To be honest, I'm scared." Guan Twelve nodded and told the truth.

She is indeed afraid of this kind of thing. In fact, she is basically afraid of these dangerous things.

She is afraid of death, so she is also afraid of danger.

"Then what should I do? Do you want me to beg you?" Shao Dongzhe raised his eyebrows and looked at Guan Twelve who was so honest. He was still not used to it.

But this didn't stop him from teasing Guan Twelve.

When Guan Twelve heard this, he fell silent. Just when Shao Dongzhe thought she was going to say something big or PUA, Guan Twelve suddenly looked at him and pursed his lips, with fragility and tenderness in his eyes. :
"Please, help me."

The voice is as sweet as maltose, and as gentle as an organ. This is a kind of tenderness that will kill people with sweetness.

The beating caught Shao Dongzhe off guard. He had never heard Guan Twelve speak in such a tone, or he didn't give her a good look at all.

Now, the person who had always treated him with a bad face suddenly started acting coquettishly, catching Shao Dongzhe off guard. He was even a little panicked. Coupled with the blessing of Guan Twelve's heaven-defying face, it was not too critical. Suddenly, Shao Dongzhe His face turned red. He subconsciously covered his face and gritted his teeth to pretend to be calm.

And Guan Twelve never expected that Shaodongzhe would react so strongly.

She couldn't help but blink.

Wow, what a great reaction.

After all, he is still a child. If it were his older brother, he might be much calmer.

"So, what's your answer?" Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe and asked, of course still in a cautious pleading tone. Shaodongzhe calmed down for a while, then looked up at Guan Twelve, remained silent for a moment, and then Said: "If you promise to marry me."

"Stop talking, let's die together." Before Shao Dongzhe could finish speaking, Guan Twelve changed his expression, his face as cold as an iceberg in Antarctica.Shao Dongzhe: Didn’t you reject it too quickly?

Shao Dongzhe smiled helplessly, and then he sighed softly and said: "Okay, I said that if you ask me, I will agree. Of course I won't go back on my word, so just choose me."

Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe, who looked at her with a smile and a gentle and doting tone.

[The countdown is now ten seconds, please make your choice, nine, eight, seven, five, two.]

Seeing that the time was almost up, Guan Twelve raised his hand and chose "no" without hesitation.

[Ding dong ~ Now the results of the first level are released, the answer chosen by two people is~]

As the door behind Shao Dongzhe was opened, the huge spider slowly climbed into Shao Dongzhe's cage. Its eight tentacles slowly climbed up along the trousers. Shao Dongzhe was indeed not afraid. He was even brave enough to pick up the spider and put it on his head: "Okay, be quiet~"

Shao Dongzhe smiled and comforted the agitated spider above his head.

He really wasn't afraid.

Guan Twelve thought to himself as he looked at Shao Dongzhe who was having a great time playing with the spider.

[Please listen to the second question next: Xiao Ming’s mother was a psychiatric nurse, but she was slandered behind her back because of her beautiful appearance. Unable to bear the slander, she committed suicide by jumping off a building. Xiao Ming, knowing that his mother was dead, went to the hospital to inquire about killing his mother. The murderer found the murderer and killed him directly. But at this time, Xiao Ming realized that he had killed the wrong person, so he planned to commit suicide to atone for his sin. I wonder if he should commit suicide. 】

Guan Twelve couldn't help but frown when he heard this question, but Shao Dongzhe over there chose the answer without hesitation. After choosing the answer, he raised his eyes and saw that Guan Twelve didn't move. He raised his eyebrows and asked: "This The question is so difficult for you to answer."

Guan Twelve remained silent.

This is undoubtedly another psychological question. There is no physical work in this game. It is basically all psychological questions. What is the purpose of doing this?

And as a psychological question, is there really a correct answer?

"What did you choose?" With this thought, Guan Twelve looked at Shaodongzhe and asked.

Shao Dongzhe raised his eyebrows: "Why do you ask this?"


Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve for a long time, and after confirming that she was not lying, he told her: "I chose no. Although he killed the wrong person and felt guilty, the murderer of his mother is still at large. In this case, everything is fine anyway." After killing someone, wouldn't it be better to find the murderer and kill him together?"

This is Shao Dongzhe's idea. It is undoubtedly a selfish and cruel idea, but it is also the idea of ​​most selfish people.

Guan Twelve is also a selfish person.

She would also think so, but would she really choose this?
Guan Twelve fell into silence.

Then she silently chose yes.

[The results are now announced~ One of the two people chose yes and the other chose no. Because of the special nature of this question, please explain your reasons. The game team will make a judgment based on the debate between the two. 】

The two of them did not expect that there would be such a result later.

Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve. Instead of arguing, he asked: "Why did you choose yes?"

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