The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 395 Escape Game

"Why did you choose yes?!"

Thirteen looked at the gentle and friendly Wendy who was smiling with the big spider on her head and couldn't help but ask.

Fortunately, she thought this guy was a good person when Wendy agreed to hand over the poisonous spider to her.

I didn't expect her true nature to be revealed so soon.

"Kid, this is a psychological question, and I am a psychologist." Wendy took off the spider from her head and put it on the back of her hand. She stroked it affectionately with her other hand, as if she was stroking some cute little animal.

"You heard it just now. He killed the wrong person. He wanted to die because of guilt. Let us choose whether he wants to die or not."

Thirteen nodded, that was indeed the case, but was there any connection between this and her choice of "yes"?

"If I hadn't experienced a patient test, maybe I would have chosen the same thing as you, but because of that test, her answer gave me a whole-hearted opinion." Wendy couldn't help but sigh with emotion as soon as she said this. stand up.

It was a test that she would never forget, and the subject of the test was Guan Twelve.

According to the rules, she will give Guan Twelve a psychological test every other month to check whether her condition has recurred.

One day, one of the test questions asked whether a murderer could commit suicide to beg for forgiveness.

She remembered that Guan Twelve, who had always given standard answers, was silent for a long time for the first time, and then gave an answer: "No."

"Why?" After hearing this answer, Wendy couldn't help but look at her. The girl in front of her said calmly: "Because it's unfair."

Because it was unfair. This was the first time Wendy heard such an answer. She couldn't help but close the book and continued to look at her and asked: "Unfair? Unfair to whom."

"It's unfair to both sides."

Seeing Guan Twelve folding her hands on her thighs, she lowered her eyes slightly and said with an unspoken indifference in her tone:
"I can't forgive him on behalf of the victim, because it's unfair to the victim, and I can't express his wishes on behalf of the murderer, because it's unfair to him."

"I am me, I am just me, and I can only be me. I cannot express anyone's opinions on things, let alone determine other people's intentions. This is unfair to them, and it is also unfair to me."

"I have no right to decide other people's wishes, I cannot judge other people's actions, and I cannot evaluate the value of other people's lives and deaths."

When Wendy said this, she couldn't help but think of Guan Twelve's expression at that time.

She is cold, gentle, and selfish.

Such words all gathered in one person, creating the person Guan Twelve.

This was an answer she had never heard before. Although there was no correct answer to the psychological test question, this answer made her feel that maybe this was the correct answer.

"An extremely delicate and infinitely gentle answer."

Wendy sighed.

Thirteen also fell silent after listening.

[Now, ask the other player to explain their answer. 】

The sound sounded. Thirteen looked up and opened and closed her mouth. She had no choice. After hearing Wendy's explanation just now, it was difficult for her to express her own explanation. After all, her own explanation was too pale compared to hers. .

"I just think that he is also a life. No matter what he has done, he should accept legal sanctions instead of dying a hundred times." Wendy narrowed her eyes slightly after listening to Thirteen's explanation, and the game party seemed to be also Thinking and judging, he did not respond immediately. Then half a minute later, Thirteen's cage was opened.

It seems that the game side has made a choice.

This time the animal did not appear immediately, so the two people looked around nervously and curiously, and then they suddenly heard a "hissing" sound.

That was the sound of a snake spitting out messages. Obviously, they already knew what the "big gift" was this time, which was a thick python.

I saw the three-meter-long snake with a thick body and green scales slowly crawling towards the two people.

"I actually like that spider now." Seeing such an animal, Thirteen's face turned pale. Then she smiled bitterly and looked at Wendy who was about to cry.

Wendy didn't think about it. She just smiled and comforted her. Maybe this huge baby was not aggressive. Obviously she thought wrong. She saw the python slowly crawled into Thirteen's cage, and then circled around in the next second. Thirteen's calf slowly climbed up. All women wore skirts. Thirteen felt a cold touch on her leg. She was nervous but did not dare to act rashly for fear of angering the god of plague.

The python climbed up the rock with its calves.

It quickly wrapped around Thirteen's entire lower body. Thirteen did not dare to move. She looked at Wendy for help.

Wendy also frowned, and then urged: "Please hurry up and ask the next question."

Now if you want to be rescued, you need to clear the level as soon as possible.

At the same time, on the other side, Taishu Jincheng, who was tired of playing, looked at the skeletons and counted the time in his mind. Normally, Yu Lingling should have come back, but she did not come back, which meant that she might be tripped by something. , or maybe she is going deeper.

No matter what, he couldn't act rashly.

Are these skeletons just for them to act alone?

So what is his mission?Waiting here?

Taishu Jincheng felt that it was unrealistic, and for him, it was a bit overwhelming.

So he began to look around on the spot.

Well, no clue at all.

Taishu Jincheng, who came to this conclusion, let out an irritated "tsk".

I really want to open a store and buy a ton of bombs to blow up this place! !

At the same time, on the other side, Yu Lingling came to the sixteenth floor step by step. Fortunately, she did not encounter any accidents this time. She came to the internal medicine floor. It was no different from other floors. There was also a nurse station and it was still lit. Yu Lingling pursed her lips and walked over cautiously. She found that there was no one in the nurse's station. At this time, the originally bright light suddenly flickered, and it became more and more frequent.

Yu Lingling was so frightened that she quickly backed away. The next second, all the lights on the entire floor suddenly turned on. The dazzling lights turned on almost instantly. Yu Lingling was so stung that she couldn't open her eyes. She opened her eyes with difficulty. , then looked around, there was nothing, just turned on the light, and after adjusting her breathing slightly, Yu Lingling began to explore.

The nurse with the skull head asked her to come to the internal medicine department to look for the patient. Did he ask her to look for him from room to room?

Thinking of this, Yu Lingling carefully walked to the ward closest to her, pushed it gently, and found that she couldn't push it.

So she turned around and went to the next ward, but found that she still couldn't push it. After trying all the wards and finding that she couldn't push it, Yu Lingling was in trouble.

How on earth did you pass this level?

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