The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 396 Escape Game

"Well, what's the matter? It doesn't seem like an answer you can tell. It turns out you are such a person." Shaodongzhe looked thoughtful, then suddenly smiled, looked at Guan Twelve and said:

"Really, what am I thinking? This is the kind of person you are."

Guan Twelve looked at him and saw him looking at him with a smile on his face:

"A person who is so selfish and so gentle is the most suitable person to be my wife."

"I still hope you give up this idea." Guan Twelve sighed, seeming a little impatient.

Shaodongzhe smiled. The final judgment was that Guan Twelve's explanation impressed the game party more, so the giant python slipped into Shaodongzhe's cage without hesitation, but Shaodongzhe seemed to be unable to get along with this giant python. , he even hated this python, and the snake seemed to be wary of him. The two people were divided into two areas in the small cage.

Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe who had a cold face over there, and then looked at the boa constrictor who was also vigilant and spitting out the letter.

The two forces collided with each other, making Guan Twelve feel like they were fighting against each other.

Like repels like that's it.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Guan Twelve couldn't help but sigh.

[Next, please listen to the third question. This player asks you not to hurt our gift! ! ! 】

I saw Shaodongzhe suddenly pounced on the python at some point. The python subconsciously entangled Shaodongzhe, and then opened its bloody mouth in the next second. Shaodongzhe also took advantage of this moment to kill the extremely beautiful spider. It was stuffed directly into the venomous snake's mouth. Following the game's prompt, the python's body turned black, and finally it lay weakly on the ground, and Shao Dongzhe was freed.

Shao Dongzhe, who had solved two dangerous objects at once, clapped his hands very easily and said with a smile:

"Sorry, it's mainly because I really don't feel comfortable watching it."


Guan Twelve looked at Shao Dongzhe, who was a little messy over there.

This boy is better than his brother. Although he doesn't have the brains of his brother, he is more ruthless than his brother.

Whether it's physical or character.

This is so strange to say.

Guan Twelve quickly threw away all the strange thoughts in his mind. He was really old and his thoughts became strange.

【.Next time please don’t hurt the gifts given to players by the game party. 】

The game party was silent for a long time before saying this dryly.

Shaodongzhe agreed with a smile.

[Question [-]: A total of six people attended the party and all died the next day. The police rushed to the scene and found one dead in the living room from poisoned wine, one died in the corridor and was shot by someone else, and one died at the dining table. There was a gun next to it. He died of a gunshot wound. The fingerprints of the people who died in the corridor were found on the gun. One of them hanged himself in his house. The two died on the beach with fatal knife wounds. At the same time, they were found with fingerprints on the gun. Each other's fingerprints, and just when the police concluded that the six people killed each other, he found seven tableware and seven used water cups on the dining table. Curry for seven people was boiling in the pot. For a moment, the police Trapped in a puzzle, if these people are killing each other, where will the seventh person go?Excuse me, where did the seventh person go? 】

On the other side, Yu Lingling couldn't find any clues in the patient's room, mainly because the door couldn't be opened.So she searched all the way to the operating room. Looking at the operating room with the green light, she took a deep breath, then carefully pushed the door open, and heard a "squeak", echoing in the silent corridor, which seemed particularly special. obvious.

Push. Push. Push away? ! ! !

Yu Lingling was so frightened that all the hairs on her body stood up. She quickly retracted her hand, and then carefully looked at the door of the operating room. She just pushed the door open, and there was a gap, but it was pitch black inside and she couldn't see anything. If she wanted to see it, The basic situation needs to be further expanded.

Open?Do you want to continue opening it? !

Yu Lingling hesitated.

She is actually very timid, and has always pretended to be courageous. After all, in the game, if you die, you will die, and no one will really die. But it is different now. For some reason, this game has turned into a game where you can kill people. game.

Yes, killing people in a game is so absurd and ridiculous, but how terrifying it is.

She is just a pampered little girl, where can you see the blood?
She is afraid of death, or she feels that no one is afraid of death, not even her great brother and the smart brother Yan.

But if she's scared, she can't escape, and her brother is still waiting for her!
Thinking of this, Yu Lingling's eyes suddenly became firm!
Thinking like this, Yu Lingling mustered up the courage to push the door open and walked in.

However, what she didn't know was that the moment she walked in, the door on Taishu Jincheng's side was completely locked.

Taishu Jincheng heard a clicking sound behind him and turned around immediately. As a result, he saw a skeleton wearing a nurse uniform standing at the door behind him. He was the nurse who asked them to go downstairs. The skeleton was holding , holding a huge axe, Taishu Jincheng's pupils locked, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Sure enough, the next second, he saw the nurse skeleton raising an ax and slashing at him.

Taishu Jincheng quickly ducked back and leaned on the hospital bed. At this time, the skeleton that had been imitating him suddenly reached out and grabbed Taishu Jincheng's shoulders, controlling Taishu Jincheng.

The nurse skeleton over there continued to raise the ax and walked towards Taishu Jincheng. The window behind him was opened at some point, and a gust of night wind blew over. Taishu Jincheng's hair was messy, and it hit him in the face wantonly. In the past, the always elegant and beautiful Taishu Jincheng would not allow this.

But Taishu Jincheng has no time to pay attention to this right now.He struggled desperately, but couldn't break free. Seeing that the nurse's skeleton had come to him, and seeing that the ax was about to fall, Taishu Jincheng gritted his teeth, and then pulled down directly. He pulled down the skeleton on top, and the ax fell. He chopped directly on the back of the skull's head. The skull's head fell on Taishu Jincheng's shoulder, resisting part of the attack for Taishu Jincheng. However, the skeleton's teeth pierced into Taishu Jincheng due to the pressure of the axe. Cheng's shoulders.

Taishu Jincheng suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his shoulder, and cold sweat broke out all of a sudden.

He has always been afraid of pain, and the pain in this copy should be 100%.

At this time, the nurse skeleton was still holding the handle of the ax tightly with both hands and pressing down hard!
Taishu Jincheng felt dizzy before his eyes, his whole body was soaked with sweat, a large amount of blood oozed from his shoulders, and even white flowers appeared.He put his hand out to brace the handle of the ax on his shoulder.

Then he looked coldly at the nurse skeleton.

What on earth is this guy going to do! !

It’s been a while since I’ve updated, so I’ll update it~

Please give me a vote, I love you Mumuda

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