The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 399 Escape Game

[Ding dong ~ You have entered the hidden space, and the dungeon plot has started. 】

As soon as Yu Lingling walked in, she suddenly heard such a sound. The door behind her suddenly closed the next second, and Yu Lingling was startled.

[Copy Game—Rescue, ten minutes countdown, please take the target person out of here within ten minutes, level reminder:

1. Do not refuse requests from anyone in the house.

2You can’t leave here without permission,

3Don’t ask questions;

4. There is an NPC who is good at lying. Please don’t believe his words.

5Don't lie.

6. Don’t let the NPC speak for the third time.

The copy game is now open. 】

As the sound stopped, the lights in the entire space suddenly turned on. Yu Lingling was so blinded by the sudden bright light that she couldn't open her eyes.

After her eyes adjusted, Yu Lingling opened her eyes. What she saw was a scene of an operation in progress. Five or six doctors wearing sterilized clothes and turbans and masks had their backs to her, forming a circle to cover the eyes. The patient on the hospital bed, the light on the operating bed is bright and dazzling.

Yu Lingling was stunned.

Just when she was wondering what she was going to do.

Suddenly a voice came from the group of people:

"The patient needs anesthesia."

Yu Lingling was stunned.

"The patient needs anesthesia."

Yu Lingling came back to her senses and suddenly remembered the sixth rule. Regardless of whether she was told to herself or not, she ran over quickly. Only when she ran over did she see the appearance of these doctors clearly. They were talking about skeletons wearing medical masks. The eye sockets are hollow, and the bones of the hand holding the scalpel are white and slender, but this still cannot change the fact that he is a skeleton.

At this time, Yu Lingling finally saw the patient on the operating bed clearly.

It turned out to be a living person, and it was her brother Taishu Jincheng. His limbs were tied to it, and his eyes were covered by black cloth.

"elder brother……"

Yu Lingling couldn't help but tremble. Then she called out, which made all the skeletons look at her:

"what did you just say?"

"I..." Yu Lingling came back to her senses and looked up to see six pairs of empty and strange eyes staring at her, as if waiting for her answer. The scalpel in her hand flashed with a cold and strange light.

"What did you just say?"

The voice of the skeleton came again, making people shudder like the souls of the underworld demanding their lives.


Yu Lingling was just about to make up a reason when she suddenly thought of the rule not to lie.

So she told the truth:

"elder brother."


"I'm sorry, he is so much like my brother, but I know he is not, so I have caused trouble for you all."

Yu Lingling said it in a very sincere manner.

The skeleton's head finally turned back.

Yu Lingling breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I thought about what I said before about giving her an anesthetic,

She can't! She is not a doctor and has never learned this kind of knowledge.

What to do...

Yu Lingling almost cried. Help, someone come and save her! !

But now was not the time for her to complain. She immediately searched nearby and finally found a tray with a bunch of syringes on it.

Yu Lingling picked up a syringe, then picked up another syringe with her other hand, gritted her teeth and walked over to look at the patient who looked very much like her brother.

"Where?" Yu Lingling looked at the skeleton weakly and asked in a low voice.

"You don't know anything?" The skeleton turned his head, his cold voice seemed to be announcing Yu Lingling's death sentence.

"It's my first time, so I'm a little nervous." Yu Lingling was so frightened that her hair stood on end, and she quickly explained.

".The arm part."

Yu Lingling looked at her arm, and her pulse was clearly visible, but she really didn't know how to do it! !

Calm down, Lingling, you have to calm down, this is just a game, just a game, it’s all fake, these are all fake!

After comforting herself, Yu Lingling calmed down, then took the needle and carefully pierced the fragile skin, and then injected it slowly.

Yu Lingling held her breath during the process, for fear that she would make a mistake. Fortunately, she succeeded. The moment the needle was pulled out, she relaxed completely. Just as the corners of her mouth were about to rise, a stream of blood suddenly sprayed onto her body, and her face superior.

Yu Lingling's smile froze completely. She looked down at her hands, feeling sticky to the touch! Dazzling red! Disgusting fishy smell!

This. This is! ! !

Yu Lingling opened her mouth for a long time but no sound came out. She was so scared that she lost her voice.

"The patient is bleeding heavily, hurry! Rescue!!"

At this moment, the skeletons suddenly surrounded her and squeezed Yu Lingling away.

Yu Lingling looked at the group of skeletons, stunned and didn't know what to do. At this moment, a harsh whistle suddenly sounded, and Yu Lingling subconsciously covered her ears.

When the whistle disappeared, Yu Lingling put down her hand and heard a skeleton say coldly:

"The operation failed."

Lose. Failure? !

Before Yu Lingling could react, she saw one of the skeletons get an ax from nowhere, raised the ax and struck down hard on the person on the hospital bed!

Yu Lingling’s pupils are shaking!

However, a scene that shocked her even more appeared in the next second. She saw the skeleton dismembering "Uncle Jincheng" on the hospital bed three or two times, and then other skeletons picked up the broken pieces and opened their mouths.


Yu Lingling couldn't help but retched.

She felt that this room was filled with a disgusting smell of blood. Whether it was the skeletons or their actions, Yu Lingling felt disgusted and scared!

She has to go! She has to go!

Without thinking, she subconsciously turned around and ran to the door. Just as her hand was about to touch the door handle, the rule mentioned before suddenly came to her mind.

[You cannot leave here without permission. 】

Can't leave here.

Yu Lingling took back her hand.

If she leaves at this time, she will fail. She will die!

So, what should my brother do?

Yu Lingling bit her lower lip, took a deep breath, calmed down, turned around and was about to face them, but when she turned her head, a red and still beating organ came into view.

Yu Lingling:! ! ! ! ! !

"What were you doing just now? Come and eat it. You're so small. I'll give you this most delicious heart." A skeleton came over at some point. He was bent over, holding it with one hand while it was still beating. , the dripping heart was handed to Yu Lingling, the empty eye sockets were full of blood stains, and the sticky substance around his mouth dripped onto the floor as he opened and closed his mouth, forming a blood clot.

Heart.Heart? !

This is... the heart! !

Yu Lingling looked at the heart in the skeleton's hand, and her face suddenly turned pale!

Fear, fear, could not compare to the nausea at this moment.

But at this moment, the devil’s hell sounded again:

"What were you doing just now? Come and eat. You are so small. I give you the most delicious heart."

You cannot refuse the request of anyone in the house.

Don't let the NPC speak for a third time.

(End of this chapter)

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