The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 400 Escape Game

"Kill me and I'll tell you everything."

Guan Twelve opened her hands towards Shaodongzhe, a sickly smile appeared on her face, looking at Shaodongzhe, longingly, longingly.

Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve like this, something he had never seen before.


Almost instantly, Shaodongzhe judged that Guan Twelve was crazy.

"You want me to kill you?" Shao Dongzhe took a deep breath, then exhaled, he sneered and said:

"You can die if you want, what? You can't even commit suicide?"

Hearing what Shaodongzhe said, Guan Twelve's expression darkened. She retracted her hand and lowered her eyes, exuding an aura of despair.

"If you really want to die, let me win this one!" Shao Dongzhe confirmed. Guan Twelve is absolutely crazy. He gets sick under high-intensity pressure, just like a madman who is about to collapse.

This is not the fiancée he is looking for. What he wants is Guan Twelve's face and her brain, not her psychotic temperament.

"You know how to win?"

Hearing what Shaodongzhe said, Guan Twelve laughed disdainfully, and she raised her eyes with mockery in her eyes.

"Your personality has become really annoying. I don't know, but do you know?" Shao Dongzhe frowned and looked at Guan Twelve coldly.

"Well, who knows." Guan Twelve hummed, with a relaxed and unbeatable expression, he stretched out a finger to point at the countdown on it, looked at Shaodongzhe with a smile and said:

"The countdown is over."

Shao Dongzhe was stunned. He subconsciously looked at the countdown and saw that the 1 above turned into 0 the moment he looked over.

[Ding dong~ The results of the first level are now released. The answer to the two people’s choices is that one party abstains and the other chooses no. 】

[Since one party abstains, the winner this time is the party with the answer. 】

[This game does not allow abstention. The game is over. Congratulations to the player with the highest score for winning. At the same time, the other side will be eliminated. 】

The cold machine sound of the system surrounded the entire room. At the same time, Shao Dongzhe looked at Guan Twelve over there. Guan Twelve looked at him with a smile and said slowly:
"Actually, no matter what the question is, the game itself is about whoever scores higher wins. It can be seen from the first and second questions that there are actually no correct answers to the questions. If we choose the same, then we will deduct points together. , the choice is different, whoever has the right will win, but as long as one party abstains."

"Then there is only one answer." Shao Dongzhe coldly added to Guan Twelve's next words.

There is only one answer, whether it is right or wrong, this will be the answer.

What a calculating mind, such a mind.

Shao Dongzhe secretly clenched his fists. He looked at the smiling woman opposite. She was humming a song in a good mood and waving to him happily.

"I really want it." Shao Dongzhe murmured to himself.

He really wanted Guan Twelve's brain.

"If I can go out, please marry me." Shao Dongzhe withdrew the coldness in his eyes, and looked at Guan Twelve with increasingly tender eyes.

Such a brain will definitely give birth to the most perfect heir! Their family will also grow stronger!
"You can't get out." Guan Twelve curled his lips and smiled, but his eyes were empty and indifferent. She watched helplessly as the floor under Shao Dongzhe's feet was opened, and he fell down. With a "pop" sound .

The floor was closed again.

[Congratulations to the player for winning, please go to the next level~]

The cage in front of Guan Twelve was opened, and all the animals inside ran in and out. Guan Twelve was the last one to walk out. Her eyes looked around, and finally she chuckled and sat down on the spot.

[Player? Please go to the next level as soon as possible. 】

The system saw Guan Twelve's actions and warned him coldly.

"If you don't want to go, why don't we talk?" [What? You are just a player, not qualified to negotiate terms. 】

"It's not with you. I want to talk to the person above you."

【.What do you want to talk about? 】

Guan Twelve was lying on the ground, her long silver hair was like spider silk. She was like a prey trapped in a spider web, exuding an alluring fragrance.

She stretched out her hand and slowly touched her chest, with longing in her eyes:

"Please him, kill me."

【.Player, you are not qualified to negotiate terms, please go to the next level immediately! 】

The system's indifferent machine voice actually sounded angry, and Guan Twelve smiled even happier:

"What will you do if I don't go?"


"Hahaha, kill me? Okay~ Come on~ Kill me!"

Guan Twelve suddenly burst out laughing. She was laughing so wildly and wantonly.

There seemed to be nothing trapping her at all.

[Player. Don’t you want to go out? 】

After the system was silent for a few seconds, it made an indifferent machine sound, but this machine sound was full of helplessness.

"I do not mind."

Guan Twelve lay on his side, with his hands on the floor and his body arched.

【.Player, it is difficult for us to be a player like this. We are about to start forced transmission, please be prepared. 】

When Guan Twelve heard this, she became a little interested. She slowly got up, raised her eyebrows and asked:
"What can you do? Can you still force me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Guan Twelve felt an electric shock sweep through her body from the ground. Then she felt a numbness, her eyes went dark, and she fainted.

At the same time, a black figure came out and picked up Guan Twelve with one hand, carried her on his shoulders and walked towards the dark direction.

He walked all the way through the dark corridor, found a door at random, and threw it in.

At the same time, Yu Lingling on the other side looked at the heart in the skeleton's hand, still beating vigorously.

The voice of the skeleton was like a demon coming to claim her life. She was frightened and uneasy, but now the skeleton had said it twice and said it again, she would be the one to die.

She...she couldn't die, so Yu Lingling closed her eyes, stretched out her hand and took the heart from the skeleton, almost without hesitation, and opened her mouth in despair!
vomit! ! !
Yu Lingling only felt nausea starting from her throat! The fishy smell spread from the mouth to the limbs.

It's so disgusting... I feel like vomiting! !

She is human! Why. Brother, I am so scared. So disgusting. Really disgusting.
"Is the heart delicious?"

The skeleton's whisper in the ear is like an emetic potion!
Yu Lingling opened her eyes immediately. She covered her mouth and fell to the ground weakly. She couldn't hold it in any longer and vomited it all out!
She collapsed, she was really going to collapse!
This game is so disgusting and so difficult!!
She can't do it! It really can’t be done! !
At this time, a crack was suddenly opened in the ceiling, and at the same time, a white figure was thrown in.

Yu Lingling's collapse was interrupted. When she heard the movement, she raised her head and saw the familiar long silver hair. She slowly got up, revealing the face that she was extremely familiar with:

"Is forced refresh so brutal?"

"Sister Twelve???"

Updated text^O^

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