The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 5 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 5 Resentful Soul Lock (4)

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Guan Twelve came out of the police station, Guan Twelve calculated the time, Xu Xiaotian should have gone home from school, so he simply went back.

When Officer Twelve knocked on the door and waited for a long time when no one responded, she suddenly sensed something was wrong, turned around and ran towards the school.

On the other side, after school, Xu Xiaotian stood at the school gate with a look of expectation.

"Xiaotian, aren't you going home?" At this time, a beautiful girl walked up to Xu Xiaotian and asked suspiciously.

According to the past, Xu Xiaotian should go home now.

"I'll wait for my friend, she will pick me up." Xu Xiaotian said with a smile.

The girl looked at Xu Xiaotian's happy appearance. Xu Xiaotian had always been lifeless and had no friends. He was always alone. Now he is a normal high school student.

"That's it, okay, then I'll go first~"

"Well, bye." Xu Xiaotian bid farewell to the girl, and then continued to wait.

From five o'clock to six o'clock, from six o'clock to seven o'clock, it was getting dark, Xu Xiaotian was still standing at the door, his eyes were blank, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Jie Jie Jie, she lied to you~ How could such a beautiful woman come to pick you up?" The street lamp illuminated the shadow behind Xu Xiaotian and suddenly turned into a figure, and those hands with sharp nails hooked tightly behind him. Xu Xiaotian's neck.

Xu Xiaotian froze all over.

The blue and pus-filled face slowly approached Xu Xiaotian's cheek, rubbing against his face, the pungent and rotten smell made Xu Xiaotian nauseous.

"Think about it, who would be willing to be friends with a person who can see ghosts?" The female ghost smiled and stroked Xu Xiaotian's cheek. Xu Xiaotian's nails were painful, but he was restrained and unable to move.

"Didn't the little girl you liked in elementary school be scared away by you? Your parents also left you alone in an empty house in fear. Everyone who gets close to you will be afraid~"

Four ghosts emerged from the shadow. They had no eyes, their eye sockets were round, big and hollow, and the corners of their mouths reached to the back of their heads. They were naked and grinning.

Xu Xiaotian felt uncomfortable and cold, and there was a female ghost beside him constantly putting pressure on him.

The indifferent words were colder than his heart, and the thorns in the words pierced his chest fiercely, causing him pain.

Xu Xiaotian closed his eyes, he firmly believed that Guan Twelve was not that kind of person, and the two of them just met each other for a day, it didn't matter if she waited or not.

"But she lied to you!" The female ghost smiled even more happily when she heard Xu Xiaotian's inner thoughts. She gently lifted Xu Xiaotian's chin, and stretched her neck directly in front of Xu Xiaotian from behind. The female ghost snapped her chin abruptly and came over.

"I have nothing to do with her, so what if she lied to me?"

Xu Xiaotian looked at the female ghost viciously.

This evil spirit that has been pestering him for a long time always used bewitching words to make him collapse. If he had been afraid before, he would be afraid, but now, he is still used to it.

The female ghost didn't know why she suddenly lost her temper when she heard this sentence, she stretched out her sharp claws and grabbed Xu Xiaotian's face.

Xu Xiaotian consciously closed his eyes, and at this moment a figure suddenly appeared, and a piece of talisman was pasted on the female ghost's arm.

The female ghost let out a miserable cry, let go of Xu Xiaotian, and then disappeared, and the other ghosts also ran away.

Xu Xiaotian held his neck and looked at the person who came. It was a young man in a Chinese tunic suit, who looked about his age, with stars in his eyes, thin lips slightly pursed, and a piece of yellow talisman paper between his fingers. He was a handsome young man.

The young man wanted to chase the female ghost, but the female ghost's aura disappeared quickly. Before he had time to use the stalker, he could only give up. He looked at Xu Xiaotian, the person who provoked ghosts, and he stretched out his hand to grab Xu Xiaotian's wrist. , Xu Xiaotian looked at him blankly.

"A body of the most yin?" The young man frowned at Xu Xiaotian, no wonder he provoked that ghost.

"That... you are?"

"Li Zhong, the second son of the ancient Onmyoji family." Li Zhong took out his business card and handed it to Xu Xiaotian, Xu Xiaotian took a look at it.

"I was promised by your parents to come here to unravel the ghost haunting you." Li Zhong looked at Xu Xiaotian and said.

Xu Xiaotian blinked his eyes.

It turned out that he was the master his parents had mentioned.

"In order to solve the secret about you as soon as possible, is it convenient for us to live together next?" Li Zhong asked.

Xu Xiaotian made a mistake, it would be fine if he was alone before, but now there is a girl in his family.
Speaking of which, will she be waiting for him at home, but she doesn't seem to have a key
Xu Xiaotian suddenly had the image of Guan Twelve squatting at the door feeling aggrieved, and his heart tightened. He must hurry back now!

"Hello!" Seeing that Xu Xiaotian was in a daze for no reason, Li Zhong couldn't help frowning, and then clapped his hands together, bringing Xu Xiaotian back to his senses with a "pop".

Xu Xiaotian looked back at Li Zhong, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, this"

At this time a figure suddenly ran over, Xu Xiaotian's eyes lit up when he saw it, it was Guan Twelve who came.

Guan Twelve ran up to Xu Xiaotian out of breath, put his hand on his shoulder, breathless and said:

"I didn't expect that. You are still waiting here."

".I'm afraid you're gone, what should you do if you can't find me." Xu Xiaotian looked at Guan Twelve, and he smiled.

Guan Twelve looked at Xu Xiaotian's smile, it was so innocent, he was so happy even though he was almost released, Guan Twelve wanted to give him a big slap.

"I almost let you go, but you still smile so happily?" Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xu Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, and he smiled wryly and said, "But... you didn't let me go, and besides, you're here."

"You really are..." Guan Twelve suddenly didn't know what to say.

Too kind, this person is really too kind, such a kind person will only exist in the virtual world of the game plot.

"Who are you?" Li Zhong couldn't help asking while watching the interaction between the two.

Only then did Guan Twelve notice Li Zhong, and she subconsciously looked at the top of Li Zhong's head, um... there is no blue bar, it's still a plot NPC, not a player.

It's not that the player Guan Twelve is not interested at all, but she still stretched out her hand and said with a smile: "Guan Twelve."

"Li Zhong." Li Zhong shook Guan Twelve back, and the two of them let go after a while. Li Zhong didn't seem to like Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve didn't need Li Zhong to like him at all.

The atmosphere between the two of them was extremely awkward.

Li Zhong continued to ask Xu Xiaotian's question just now: "Is it not convenient for you to live with me?"

"Uh..." Xu Xiaotian looked at Guan Twelve consciously, Guan Twelve shrugged and said, "I don't have any inconvenience."


"What do you mean? Are you two living together now?!" Before Xu Xiaotian could speak, Li Zhong frowned and asked in disbelief.

 Li Zhong: I was very surprised

(End of this chapter)

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