The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 6 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 6 Resentful Soul Lock (5)

"Ah, yes." Guan Twelve nodded, with an expression that should be taken for granted, but Xu Xiaotian's face was already red like a persimmon, and he quickly waved his hands to explain:
"No, that she just lives in my house for some time."

Li Zhong looked at Guan Twelve suspiciously, and then said to Xu Xiaotian:

"Although I said that things outside of the task are not good, I think you should still be a little vigilant. Just let others enter your house casually, what if it is not good for you?"

"Huh? No, I trust her!" Xu Xiaotian shook his head and looked at Guan Twelve trustingly.

Official Twelve: The NPC's inexplicable trust in the player makes the player unable to deal with it.

And Li Zhong couldn't help but sighed when he saw Xu Xiaotian's true appearance, such a naivety is really rare.

Recently, Li Zhong has moved into Xu Xiaotian's house. Xu Xiaotian's house is very big, but there are only two bedrooms, and Guan Twelve occupies one. Xu Xiaotian is too embarrassed to let Li Zhong sleep on the sofa, so he simply proposes that he sleeps in the living room and Li Zhong sleeps with him. s room.

As soon as this proposal came out, the player was puzzled, and she asked: "You two are men, can't you live together??"

Li Zhong: .
Xu Xiaotian:
right! !He forgot! ! !
Then Xu Xiaotian lived with Li Zhong, and when he was entangled by evil spirits at night, Li Zhong was able to save himself from danger immediately.

The next morning, Guan Twelve opened the door of the room and saw Li Zhong sitting on the sofa watching the news.

[Recently, there have been several murders in our city. After investigation by the police, these people all come from a village called Jianpu Village. The people in this village seem to have a strange custom. Every year, one hundred lucky people are selected for cruel confrontation. Killing, and the victor will get the supreme glory of the village. Although I don’t know why people from this village suddenly ran to our city, but they seem to only kill people in the village, but citizens please be careful!The matter is still under investigation by the police. 】

Watching the news, Guan Twelve's mood is indescribably complicated. The news can be said to be ridiculous, but it is indeed very close. Their novice tutorials are all held in Jianpu Village, and this Jianpu Village is the place on their ID card. Information, according to the Internet, presumably it won't take long to find her.

Looks like we have to speed up the process.

Guan Twelve was thinking about this, and Li Zhong was also thinking about it. Yesterday he did a secret calculation and found that the reason why Xu Xiaotian's resentment was so deep was that it had something to do with this simple village. After all.

Xu Xiaotian also woke up at this time. He looked at the two people who were standing and sitting in the living room but did not speak, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Um, do you want breakfast?"

Xu Xiaotian opened his mouth to ease the embarrassment.

"Xiaotian, it's okay for me to call you that." Li Zhong looked at Xu Xiaotian and asked.

Xu Xiaotian nodded in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"Xiaotian, I did a fortune-telling yesterday and found out that the reason why you have so many resentful spirits has something to do with this simple village, so we have to go there."

As soon as Li Zhong's words came out, Guan Twelve looked at Li Zhong with some confusion.

Jianpu Village is a village that appears out of thin air in order to legalize the player's identity. Why does it have something to do with the plot? You can't be fake, right?

Xu Xiaotian was a little hesitant after listening to it. His course still has half a semester, if he is on vacation at this time.
"How about waiting for my summer vacation?"

"Time is running out, we have to set off tomorrow!" Li Zhong's tone could not be refused, and he forcibly suppressed Xu Xiaotian's last words.

"My parents won't..." Xu Xiaotian wanted to say something else, but Li Zhong directly dialed the phone number of Xu Xiaotian's parents, and then finished the communication with Xu Xiaotian's shocked expression. Xu Xiaotian's parents said that as long as they can solve their son's problems Well, if you don't go to school, you won't go to school, anyway, you can afford it.

Xu Xiaotian:
Officer [-]: The life of the rich second generation is wonderful.

Anyway, the decision to go to Jianpu Village had already been decided, so Guan Twelve simply said that he would go too.

In the end, a disapproving voice came from Li Zhong: "What are you going to do?! You are a woman with a lot of yin, so just stay at home."

Guan Twelve shrugged and said, "I'm going to find someone there."

"Who? We'll help you find it." I don't know why Li Zhong just didn't want Guan Twelve to follow him.

"Look for 25 people." Guan Twelve looked up at the current number of survivors. She firmly believed that Xu Xiaotian was the center of the plot, and Dogecoin would put players in the center of the plot. As long as she followed Xu Xiaotian, she would be able to find other players.

"25 people??" Li Zhong frowned.

"Let me follow, I came out from there." Guan Twelve took out his ID card to prove his identity, but Li Zhong gasped when he said this, and became more vigilant towards Guan Twelve .

It was said in the news just now that there are strange customs in that village, and everyone in the village is a murderer.

As for Guan Twelve's survival until now, Li Zhong couldn't believe that she hadn't killed anyone.

As for Xu Xiaotian, he was very innocent and didn't see the news. When he heard that Guan Twelve was from that village, his eyes lit up and he looked at Li Zhong and said:

"Let her go together, if there is a local person, we can't get lost, right?!"

"Xiao Tian, ​​you know her." Li Zhong suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, and he subconsciously looked at Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve had obviously seen the news just now, so why did he reveal his identity at this time?

Li Zhong suddenly thought of something, he suddenly realized, and looked at Guan Twelve: "You want to find your clansman?!"

Officer Twelve: You are right if you insist on saying that.

The player nods.

"By the way! Twelve, she said that she came here to find friends. Could it be that your clansmen are your friends?!" Xu Xiaotian was smart for a while, but it's a pity that it doesn't make much sense to answer or not answer this question.

But Guan Twelve still nodded and told Xu Xiaotian the answer.

Li Zhong looked at Guan Twelve with a complicated expression. If the news was true, then when Guan Twelve went to find her clansmen, there would definitely be a bloody fight.

At that time, Xu Xiaotian might be implicated. Li Zhong looked at the innocent Xu Xiaotian, and was still a little conflicted, but if Guan Twelve was not allowed to go, if she became murderous, it would be a danger to him and Xu Xiaotian.

After much deliberation, Li Zhong finally agreed with Guan Twelve to go to Jianpu Village with them, but the road was not peaceful, Xu Xiaotian's most yin body provoked many difficult grudges at night, but fortunately Li Zhong's Enough in itself, all settled.

Only at this time did Guan Twelve face up to this young boy.

 Li Zhong: The employer is too naive, he must protect the employer!

  Xu Xiaotian: It turns out that Twelve came from Jianpu Village~ Hehe, I know Twelve better now.

  Officer Twelve: Damn!The two NPCs are actually related to the player's Novice Village
(End of this chapter)

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