The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 7 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 7 Resentful Soul Lock (6)

Of course, Guan Twelve also met many players on the road. The players were jealous when they saw the players, and they couldn't move when they saw the blood bars on the opponent's head. Of course, not all the players came up and killed immediately.

For example, the proprietress of this hotel looked at Guan Twelve and smiled brighter than flowers: "Ah~ hey! This girl looks really handsome, I have never seen such a handsome girl!"

Officer Twelve: Madam Boss, your BJ accent is a bit heavy, so don’t pretend to be Shanxi, okay?

"We are staying in the hotel, please give us three rooms thank you." Xu Xiaotian smiled and took out his bank card. He was the one who paid all the way. The expenses are all paid by the employer and these are all in the contract.

Xu Xiaotian didn't care, anyway, he had money, so he would pay this small amount of money.

Guan Twelve was a little jealous watching Xu Xiaotian frantically swiping his credit card all the way.

Players are jealous of rich second-generation NPCs!

"Two rooms are enough." Li Zhong said suddenly at this time, and then he whispered to Xu Xiaotian: "You have a special body, if something happens to you at night, I can protect you."

Xu Xiaotian nodded and thought it made sense, then he said to the proprietress: "Then let's have two rooms."

The proprietress looked at Xu Xiaotian and then at Li Zhong. She didn't know what she thought of, but she couldn't help showing an expression that she understood.

Knock it, knock it.

Seeing that expression, Xu Xiaotian felt his back go numb. After going upstairs, he couldn't help but said to Li Zhong and Guan Twelve:

"The proprietress's expression was so weird just now, she must be a ghost."

Officer Twelve: I'm sorry that the players are too crazy to scare you.

The key point is that Li Zhong answered seriously:
"She has a shadow, not a ghost."

Xu Xiaotian nodded in relief and said:
"It scared me to death. I thought all the ghosts had evolved like this, but her expression just now was really scary, as if she was thinking about something that frightened me."

Officer Twelve:
I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.

Guan Twelve was lying on the bed. She had thought that it would not be peaceful tonight, but she didn't expect it to be so peaceful. She heard Xu Xiaotian and his room beside her making tinkling noises, and the entire wall was shaking. The noisy Guan Twelve Uneasy life.

Guan Twelve got up and opened the door irritably, planning to talk to Xu Xiaotian and the others, but as soon as he opened the door, he looked at the proprietress lying on the door with a wretched smile, twisting her buttocks and staring into Xu Xiaotian's room.

Officer Twelve:
"What are you doing?" Guan Twelve couldn't help asking.

"Shh! I'm peeping at the Holy Light!" The player glared at Guan Twelve and motioned her to keep her voice down.

Officer Twelve: What holy light? ? ? ?etc!Isn't the fight between us more important? !

Guan Twelve didn't care about that, he rolled up his sleeves and kicked him.

The player was kicked and hit the wall, and almost couldn't get up. 80.00% of the pain made her uncontrollably "hiss", and then yelled:

"I rely on you to be sick!!"

Guan Twelve glanced at the blood bar above the player's head, um, that's right, it's the player, but this player is a little crazy.

"You're the one who's sick, who are you scolding!" Even knowing the angry words, Guan Twelve couldn't help but go back.

Who wouldn't speak up!
"Hey! No, what's the point of you fighting and killing all the time? I just want to live a peaceful life in the game, earn a little money, and watch the simmering between beautiful men and beautiful men." The proprietress was indignant.

"You can change your BJ accent and speak Shanxi dialect again!" Guan Twelve couldn't help complaining.

"Ah, I'm sorry." The proprietress touched the tip of her nose in embarrassment.

Sorry ghost!

Guan Twelve rolled up his sleeves and was about to do it, but the door next to him was knocked open suddenly, and a ball of things flew out from inside.

When the smoke dissipated, Guan Twelve finally saw clearly that the group of "things" turned out to be Xu Xiaotian and Li Zhong.

Li Zhong slammed Xu Xiaotian against the wall while protecting his chest, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

When Xu Xiaotian came back to his senses and saw Li Zhong vomiting blood, his face turned pale with fright, and he asked him how he was doing, Li Zhong said he was fine.

"Ahhh!! It's true love!!!" The proprietress over there was already crazy.

At least from Guan Twelve's point of view.

"Twelve?!" Xu Xiaotian noticed Guan Twelve standing there at this time, and quickly shouted: "Get out of that room!!"

Guan Twelve just listened to the persuasion, turned around and ran away when he heard this, but suddenly a tentacle rushed out of the room, entangled Guan Twelve tightly.

Officer Twelve's alarm bell rang loudly, and just as he was about to pinch his hands, he was suddenly lifted up by the tentacles and thrown out.

Officer twelve:? ? ?

Guan Twelve also fell and flew out like this, but fortunately, the position he threw was exactly where Xu Xiaotian and the others were, and Guan Twelve slammed on Xu Xiaotian's body fiercely.

Li Zhong spat out another mouthful of blood.

Guan Twelve covered his back pain and frowned.

80.00% pain is too real.

"Li Zhong!!" Xu Xiaotian's shout made Guan Twelve look behind him, and saw that Li Zhong had fallen to the ground and couldn't afford to vomit blood.

Guan Twelve got up quickly and looked at Li Zhong with some guilt.

In the end she may have killed the NPC.

Either Xu Xiaotian is the protagonist, Li Zhong slowly opened his eyes under Xu Xiaotian's call.

Officer Twelve: That's great, she said that players can't kill NPCs.

And the proprietress over there covered her mouth, her nosebleeds drew bloodstains along her fingertips, her eyes were full of tears and she trembled excitedly, watching this scene, she cried:

"I just said they are true love!"

Official Twelve: Neuropathy.

And the tentacle stretched out from the room again, this time its target was the proprietress who was going crazy over there.

Then I saw the proprietress being grabbed by the waist and pulled in before she could react.

Officer Twelve: By the way, why did I lose it? ?

Immediately afterwards, Guan Twelve heard the scream of the proprietress, and the next second, Guan Twelve found that the number of people above his head was only [19].

Well, the player is dead.

The NPC can kill the player, but the player can't kill the NPC, it's a cheating game!Dry!
At this time, the owner of the tentacle feet was finally willing to reveal the true face of Lushan Mountain. It was a huge monster with a height of three meters and eight tentacles. The upper body was a woman and the lower body was tentacles.

The female ghost's exquisite curves, bluish-purple skin, and jet-black hair, if you don't look at her lower body's disgusting feet full of green feces-colored saliva, this is a beautiful woman.

The monster burst into tears, red tears, and she raised her hand, which was a pair of tentacles.


The desperate cries of the monster made Guan Twelve tremble all over, and then the severe pain made her cover her ears involuntarily.

Sonic attack, isn't this a big boss level? ?

 Twelve: There are very few normal players like me
  Ask for a ticket, please please
(End of this chapter)

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