The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 8 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 8 Resentful Soul Lock (7)

The player wants to complain to the game side, the remote sound wave plus the tentacles, what looks like a foreign object that is not from this world, what the hell is it? ? ? !

And this is not a big boss, she was very angry, how could she beat such a thing with bare hands? ?

Isn't this forcing people to buy and hang? !Dry!Force consumption!capitalism.

"What the hell is this...!!" Xu Xiaotian couldn't help swallowing when he looked at the thing that could be called a monster in front of him.

"No matter what it is, you provoked it." Li Zhong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had heard of ghosts of this level in legends.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, opened his arms and clasped his palms together. The thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers of both hands stretched out and merged. He took a deep breath, and then read: "The fragrance is deep and deep, and the fragrance is lighted through the gate of heaven, and the golden bird runs away." Like clouds and arrows, jade rabbits shine like wheels; Nanchen and Beidou are shining all over the sky, and five-color clouds are making noise; Ziwei Palace opens a holy hall, and the second son of the Li family invites the gods, and implores the gods to help and break this predicament! Equal to heaven! Holy Monkey King, please come to me!"

As the last words fell, Li Zhong's temperament suddenly changed, the corners of his lips curled up, and he smiled "hehe", looking like a naughty monkey.

Then he glanced at the mop next to him, turned somersaults, picked up the mop and played a few times, then carried it on his shoulder and rushed towards the female ghost!

The female ghost's tentacles attacked wildly, Li Zhong dodged all of them nimbly, and then jumped three meters high and hit the female ghost in the face with a stick.

The female ghost screamed!Then the crying became louder.

Guan Twelve felt that his seven orifices were about to bleed.

Li Zhong was the closest. He covered his ears and grinned, and then thrust a stick into the female ghost's mouth. Then he bit his finger and pressed it directly on the female ghost's forehead. Shan Qianxie can't get rid of Wanxie and can't get rid of it! Hurry up like a law!"

The blood on the female ghost's forehead radiated golden light, and the female ghost screamed incessantly. She clutched her forehead, but it was useless, and the female ghost disappeared in the next second!
The world suddenly became quiet.

Please immortal upper body?Exorcism? !
Guan Twelve was a little surprised. Although it was not the first time she had seen this thing, it was the first time she had seen such a powerful person. The monster-like existence could be solved so quickly. It really is different for professional ones.

Don't come out to make a fool of herself with her little ability.

Li Zhong suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground weakly.

"Li Zhong!" Xu Xiaotian quickly ran to Li Zhong and helped him up.

Li Zhong's face was pale, and he coughed frantically, suddenly he felt a fishy throat and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah! Li Zhong, you vomit blood!! How is it!! Are you okay?!! We are not going to some simple village!! Find a doctor! Let's go to the hospital! Damn it! Why is there no signal?!" Xu Xiaotian took out his mobile phone It turned out that there was no signal, and this boy with a good personality who never cursed was so anxious that he spit out dirty words for the first time.

"Because ahem... this place is very close to... Jianpu Village, ahem." Li Zhong covered his mouth, his face pale and weak, and it was really difficult to invite the Monkey King with his cultivation base.

"I... rest... it will be fine..." Li Zhong lost consciousness as soon as he finished speaking, and leaned against Xu Xiaotian. Xu Xiaotian's face turned pale from fright, and he shook Li Zhong desperately, but in the end the player couldn't stand it anymore He reached out and patted Xu Xiaotian's shoulder, saying:

"Okay, he's just tired and fell asleep, let him have a good rest."

"Oh!" Xu Xiaotian let Li Zhong go, but right now they have more concerns, which should be Xu Xiaotian's concern:

"That lady boss... no problem, if her family finds her..."

Officer Twelve: Don't worry, you won't find out. This lady boss is not a real lady boss at all.

The player can't kill the NPC, but the proprietress is still alive and well.

Of course, Guan Twelve couldn't say these words, she could only tell Xu Xiaotian to take a good rest, and all this would be over soon.

It turns out that it is indeed coming to an end soon.

Guan Twelve opened his eyes the next day and saw that there were only nine people left in the inventory above his head, which was so much less in one night. It seemed that there was a big fight last night.

If things go on like this, Guan Twelve also knows that the MVP is hopeless, and he can only hope for the reward for winning in the end, which is fortunately quite generous.

Li Zhong woke up the next day, although his face was still very pale, but at least his complexion was much better than last night, last night he seemed to be dying in the next second.

Xu Xiaotian was very worried about Li Zhong's condition, he kept suggesting to go back and wait for rest before coming back.

But finding Li Zhong's rejection, he looked at Xu Xiaotian and said seriously:

"The Li family has never backed down! Completing the contract is our agreed mission!"

"But your current body." Xu Xiaotian frowned, he still didn't agree to continue to Jianpu Village.

"I'm fine, I'm much better, it's just that I'm too tired, that's fine, let's not waste time." Li Zhong waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and continued to move forward for now.

Xu Xiaotian had no choice but to compromise, but fortunately, the distance ahead was not far away, and there was a direct bus. In less than two hours, the three of them stood at the gate of Jianpu Village.

This simple village really deserves to be called a simple village. Even the plaque at the entrance of the village is tattered, with suspicious stains on it. Looking inside through the door, it is a dilapidated, dusty, old tree with a crooked neck. It is not popular at all. No, it seems to have been desolate for a long time.

Xu Xiaotian looked at the entrance of such a village and subconsciously looked at Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve was thin-skinned and tender, and he didn't look like someone who came out of such a village at all.

"Is this really Jianpu Village?" Xu Xiaotian couldn't help asking.

"Well, yes, isn't that simple enough?"

Guan Twelve was also shocked by such a gate, it is too broken, there is no need for such a thing to live up to its name!
"He's just curious that such a village would allow you to dye your hair, and besides, you don't look like you've ever done farm work." Li Zhong looked at Guan Twelve, looking like he was joking, and wanted to know how she was doing.

"We are just poor, not feudal. Hair dyeing is very popular in our village. Haven't you heard of Shamat?" Guan Twelve didn't think so. Do farm work in such a game? !
This is not the life I yearn for!
"Ah! Here are the guests!" As soon as she entered the village, Guan Twelve was slapped in the face. She watched helplessly as a farmer's uncle, the red-haired young man going to the farm with a hoe, holding his blood strips in the field After digging the ground, when they saw Guan Twelve and the others, they greeted them warmly.

A pure and simple atmosphere rushed over.

Officer Twelve: Your behavior scares the players.

 Hahahahaha! !
  Tickets ask for tickets, there are tickets to add updates, simple and straightforward!
(End of this chapter)

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