The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 9 Resentful Soul Lock

Chapter 9 Resentful Soul Lock (8)

Guan Twelve's mood is very complicated, especially seeing that the player in front of her, who is also a player like her, has perfectly brought into the role of the farmer uncle.

Greet them kindly.

please!You are a player!This game is a fighting game between players!Isn't it a management game like My Manor? !
Guan Twelve was speechless, but Xu Xiaotian yelled at the player naively:
"Uncle, are you from this village?!"

"Yes! Are you from other places?!" The player looked at them with a smile in fluent Mandarin.

"That, Uncle"

"Little brother, I'm only 20 years old, please don't call me uncle?" Xu Xiaotian hadn't finished speaking when the player interrupted him to make a correction.

"Uh, sorry." Xu Xiaotian quickly apologized after hearing this.

When Xu Xiaotian opened his mouth to say something else, Guan Twelve patted him on the shoulder, then took a step forward and said:

"How many people are there in this village?"

The "person" refers to the player, of course.

"Count me eight." The player replied without hesitation.

That's all the rest is here.

Guan Twelve touched the dagger on his lower back, thinking whether to finish him now.

"It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar, come and I invite you to my house as guests."

At this time, the player invited them with hospitality.

"Really! Then interrupt me!" Xu Xiaotian's eyes lit up, he felt that everyone in this village was a good person!

Unprepared, Li Zhong sighed helplessly, but he didn't refute anything

On the contrary, Guan Twelve watched the player think for a while and silently retracted the dagger.

Let's talk about it when we find a chance.

Along the way, the player took them to see the surrounding scenery, and told them that his name was Shaoqiuyan. What surprised Xu Xiaotian and the others was that the inside of the village, which looked like it was about to be deserted, was so full of flowers, and blue tiles and red walls could be seen everywhere. There is a two-story building and a garden, and a willow tree with a crooked neck is planted at each door. Even the ground is not muddy, but cement bluestone slabs.

There are many people in the village and everyone greets them warmly, unpretentious and hospitable.

Of course, it also included the players hiding here. Guan Twelve noticed that some players looked at her as if they were looking at their prey.

It seems that not all players come to play this game just to live the life they yearn for, and like her, they go for the winning bonus.

And what Xu Xiaotian was a little curious about was that the willow trees with crooked necks at the door of these passers-by were covered with bright red stripes. When the wind blew, the willow branches swayed and danced in the air. Beautiful, Xu Xiaotian couldn't help but ask Shaoqiu:

"Is there any happy event in your village recently?!"

"Ah, I don't know." Shaoqiuyan replied subconsciously.

"You are from this village, why don't you know?" Li Zhong frowned, and he looked at the player puzzled.

"I really don't know. When I came here, my hand was hanging here. It was fine during the day, but when the cold wind blew at night, these red-striped demons danced like they saw the woman in red who had hanged herself. The crying sound is infiltrating." Shaoqiu said that he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

But Li Zhong caught a fatal clue: "You said when you came here?! Don't you come from the village?!"

"No, I am. I have evidence. This is my ID card." Shaoqiuyan showed Li Zhong his ID card, and then couldn't help mumbling: "Why do I have to talk to you NPCs?" Explanation?"

"What npc?" Xu Xiaotian couldn't help asking.

"Ah, it's nothing. This is a kind of speech, which means that you don't belong to the outsiders in the village. That's right."

Xu Xiaotian: It's a bit far-fetched. Isn't NPC the so-called passer-by role in the game that promotes the plot?

Li Zhong: This is lying!Even he, who doesn't play games often, knows what NPC means, okay?

Officer Twelve: I'm sorry that the player's IQ insulted you.

But it is obvious that Shaoqiuyan does not intend to explain to them, and continues to introduce his own way along the way:
"This is Lao Li's house. Opposite it seems to be Lao Liu's house. There is a sixth son in Lao Liu's house who has a dog. You should pay attention."

"By the way, this is Zhao Meiren's home. She looks really good-looking, but she is old. I heard that she is 38, and she looks the same as 28. Tsk tsk, my food is not destined."

Shaoqiuyan twittered a bunch of useless, completely useless things, and he couldn't even name some places.

This made Li Zhong even more convinced that this guy, who looked unpretentious and unpretentious, seemed to be from the village at all. He glanced at Guan Twelve next to him, and found that her face was plain, and Xu Xiaotian even asked Xu Xiaotian in some places. When she was talking to her, her answer was also hesitating, obviously not familiar with this place.

But they do have this address on their ID cards.

What made him feel even more strange was that there were very few people who dyed their hair in this village. Although the residents in the village were very enthusiastic, they could see their differences. Seeing Guan Twelve and that strange man's eyes were full of fanaticism, as if they saw a prey beast.

But those simple black-haired people and white-haired people look at them with the same eyes, with the same enthusiasm and hypocrisy.

false? !Alarm bells rang in Li Zhong's heart.

This village is definitely not as simple as they thought.

The four of them soon arrived at Shaoqiuyan's residence, which was no different from other houses. It was the same two-story building with blue tiles and red walls and a garden. A willow tree with a crooked neck was planted at the door, and the willow tree was covered with red strings.

Guan Twelve stood under the willow tree and reached out to touch the nearest red rope. As a result, she looked at the red dyed fingertips and fell into deep thought.

The quality of this dye is really poor, the color fades!

Officer Twelve protested.

"Ah, I suggest you don't touch that red string." At this time, Shao Qiuyan belatedly reminded Guan Twelve.

"Huh? Why?" Li Zhong asked.

Is there any secret they don't know? !

"Because it fades, it's hard to wash, and it smells like stinky socks." Shaoqiu said with a serious face.

Li Zhong: .
After Guan Twelve heard it, he subconsciously sniffed his hand.

Hmm. It smells like stinky socks, so stinky!

Guan Twelve let go of his hands in disgust.

If the player's hands are dirty, he must complain when he goes out! !
Shaoqiu Yan didn't know where to take out a wet wipe and handed it to Guan Twelve: "This one can't be washed with water, so you have to use a special tool."

Officer Twelve took it with suspicion, and just about to open it, he heard Shaoqiu's voice over there:
"Ah, by the way, two hundred, WeChat or Alipay?!"

Guan Twelve threw the wet wipe back without hesitation.

I'm going to fuck you!Two hundred for a broken wipe? !How can players cheat players! ! !
 Shaoqiu Yan: I am from the local area, but I am not familiar with the local area
  Twelve: I'll fuck you profiteers! !

  Then I just ask for tickets, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
(End of this chapter)

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