The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 52 Cyberpunk

Chapter 52 Cyberpunk (7)

Don't fucking meet again.

Guan Twelve was disgusted to death, but when he turned around, he saw Nasijie standing there in a daze.

Probably because she didn't expect Guan Twelve to be so good, Nesjie looked at her in shock.

"You..." Nasijie opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, and he got stuck after saying a word.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you about Jie. In fact, I am a very dangerous person. There are quite a lot of people like him who want to kill me." Guan Twelve said, looking at Nesjie, innocent With a simple smile on his face, it looks so harmless:

"So, Jie, are you still willing to let me follow you like this?"

"." Nasijie was silent.

The player didn't say why she was hunted down by others. She just asked Nesjie, knowing that she is also a dangerous person, would she still be willing to protect her.

To be honest, Guan Twelve's move is a gamble, but she really likes Nasijie's ability, this ability to control the player's behavior is simply a big deal!
As long as Nesjie is there, Guan Twelve is sure that he is safe with the players, just like the priest who just arrived.

The kind of existence that was very difficult for her became easy because of Nesja's ability.

Players can't deny that she has taken a fancy to Nesje's ability and wants to use it in the game.

Using NPCs to win the game is indeed a disgrace to "The End of Infinite Stream", but as long as you can win, who cares?
The main reason is that using NPC can really get too many benefits, otherwise Taishu Jincheng wouldn't do it.

As for the latter matter, let's talk about the latter matter later.

The first thing to do in such a way is to determine what the relationship with Officer Twelve is in Nesjie's mind.

If it is a friend.
"Okay, I get it, I won't let you get hurt!" Nasjay took a deep breath, as if he had made some important decision.

From the moment Guan Twelve tried his best to save him, his life was half of Guan Twelve's. Nesjie was never an ungrateful person, and the girl in front of him was still his friend, the only friend.

He has to protect his friends too!

It has to be said that even Nasijie, the street rat who is hated by everyone in the alley, is a kind person.

Guan Twelve already knew the result, but she still felt happy, so that she showed a relaxed and bright smile and surprised Nesjie.

"I knew it! Jie is a good man!" Guan Twelve's words almost choked Nesjie to death.

How should he tell the girl in front of him that he doesn't want to hear the words that he is a good person? ?

Because Mustafa Shaq's men were chasing them in the city, and Lamb was afraid of being in the garbage dump, so the two of them could only hide on the hillside outside the city and spend the night simply.

The two people who had nothing could only lie on the hard grass, Nesjie looked up at the stars in the sky and glanced at Guan Twelve lying beside him from the corner of his eye.

She is still wearing the black dress with suspenders, her skin seems to be glowing under the moonlight, and her graceful figure under the black fabric, her chest rising and falling with her breath, is very close, and Nesjie even feels that she smells that The delicate fragrance of a young girl.

Nasijie subconsciously turned his face away, not daring to look at Officer Twelve.

The surrounding atmosphere is awkward.

Nasijie really couldn't fall asleep, so he couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Twelve, are you asleep?"

Official Twelve who was about to fall asleep: .
"No, what's the matter?" Guan Twelve replied with a good temper.

Shut up if it's okay!The player is going to sleep!
"No, I just want to say. The moon tonight is so beautiful." Nasjay seemed like a silly boy who had nothing to say, but he really didn't know what to say, so he could only chat awkwardly.

Nesjie regretted it after saying this sentence, what a stupid sentence it is! !She shouldn't think that he is looking for something to say, although he is indeed looking for something to talk about.

"It's quite beautiful." Guan Twelve, who had already been awakened, looked at the moon in the sky. For some reason, the moon tonight is extraordinarily round, round and bright. Even in the real world, Guan Twelve is rarely seen Seeing such a moon, he couldn't help nodding his head.

Then the atmosphere became awkward again.
Nasijie closed his eyes for a while but still couldn't fall asleep. He opened his eyes and asked suddenly: "Twelve, how did you live before?"

Official Twelve who finally fell asleep again:.
Can't you finish it all at once? ? ?
Guan Twelve said silently to calm down, then he calmed down and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"No, I'm just suddenly curious. I'm curious about why you fainted on the street." Nesjie stood up and turned to look at the girl lying there.

He still remembered that when the two met for the first time, Guan Twelve fainted in the muddy corner.

"." Can she say that the system threw her there?

Guan Twelve took a deep breath and then exhaled, she also stood up, then raised her legs and hugged hers with both hands, she raised her head in silence for a while and then said:
"Because I was hunted down, after I managed to escape, I fainted after leaving, and then I met you."

Guan Twelve looked at Nesjie, his eyes were brighter than the moon in the sky.

"You..." Nasijie opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was silenced by Guan Twelve's behavior.

Seeing Guan Twelve gently leaning on Nasijie's shoulder, Nasijie smelled the girl's pleasant fragrance, and the soft silver hair caressed his face.

Some itching, but more of a burning sensation.

The girl's softness leaned gently on his shoulder, which made Nasijie feel that it was extra heavy.

Nasijie's breathing became tight, he was nervous but did not dare to act rashly.

But the girl who caused all this has closed her eyes, and her voice is delicate and soft:
"Jie, I'm sleepy, let's talk about something tomorrow."

If you dare to push the players any more, you will get angry! !

"...Mmm." Fortunately, Nasjay agreed.

Official Twelve: Players can finally sleep well.

Early the next morning, Guan Twelve opened his eyes and stretched.

As a result, he turned his head and saw that Nesjie stood there stiffly, not daring to move. Guan Twelve noticed the bruises under his eyes, and couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked:

"You didn't sleep all night, did you?"

The Ruan Jiao Niang beside him was leaning on him, and she would murmur dissatisfied whenever she moved, and the fragrance and tenderness around her was really impossible to ignore.

Thinking about it like this, Nesjie didn't sleep all night.

"Ah no, it's just that I'm not used to sleeping outside." Nasjay waved his hand and explained.

But how could Nasijie, who has always been a gangster, not adapt to the life of sleeping on the street?
He's lying, and the player knows he's lying.

 Twelve: Although it's shameful to use NPC, it's really easy to use if you can't stand him!

  Kneeling and begging for tickets ~ Chinese New Year is coming soon, please give some tickets to celebrate the New Year, everyone ~

(End of this chapter)

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