The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 53 Cyberpunk

Chapter 53 Cyberpunk (8)

Guan Twelve could also think that it was his own fault that kept Nesjie awake all night.

This can't be done, as her coward, she is delicate and frail, and if she can't sleep well, what should she do if she faints at the critical moment? !

Thinking of Guan Twelve in this way, he asked Nesjie to lie down and rest, and went to find something to eat by himself.

Nasjay, who was sleepy but didn't want to sleep, asked a key question: "Are you rich?"

Official. Penniless. Supported by others. Twelve: "No."

Nesj: He knew it.

"I'm not sleepy, I'll go with you, but now the city is full of Mustafa Shaq's subordinates, we have to pretend before we go."

Officer Twelve nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Nesjie stole two sets of clothes from nowhere, army green overalls with a black sweater, put on a hat to cover his conspicuous silver hair, and then he looked at Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve was wearing the same wide sweater, which was as long as his thighs. The army green trousers were too wide, so Guan Twelve tied them with a rope and rolled up his trousers. His silver hair was tied into a ponytail and hidden inside the brim of the sweater.

It looks quite small and cute.

Nasijie didn't come over and thought in his heart, the two of them put on their masks and walked carefully into the city.

As expected by Nesja, Mustafa Shaq's men in the city were still arresting Nesja and Guan 12.

Naisjie took Guan Twelve to avoid them carefully, and then entered a supermarket. Naisjie was about to pick up some bread and leave, but unexpectedly, there was a terrorist attack in the supermarket!
Five or six masked men with guns kicked open the door of the supermarket, and then "Pengpeng" fired several shots at the startled crowd and shouted:
"Squat down! Rob!!"

Officer Twelve: Well, I can see it, quite obvious.

In order not to cause trouble, Nesger pulled Guan Twelve into the crowd, and left after the robbers finished.

Guan Twelve huddled in a corner, and she noticed the little girl beside her, with pink double ponytails, a petite figure, and a sexy outfit, but what interested Guan Twelve was that there seemed to be strange codes flowing on her feet , similar to Lamb's, is it also modified?

Guan Twelve was so lost in thought that she didn't hear Nasijie calling her. Nasijie gave Guan Twelve a slight slap, which brought her back to her senses.

"What's wrong, Jie?" The player who came back to his senses asked immediately.

"What were you looking at just now?" Nasjay asked subconsciously.

"I'm watching." Before Guan Twelve finished speaking, he was interrupted by the robber over there:

"All of you! Hand over all the money in your hands!!"

Officer Twelve: Good guy, this girl not only robs stores but also innocent people, this girl's character is bad! !
"What should we do about Jie?" Guan Twelve felt that she had a good chance of winning if she did it, but it would easily cause riots, and things would be very troublesome later, so he simply asked Nesjie for his opinion.

After all, between the two of them, Nasijie is the best.

"...Let's not cause trouble now, I'll just give the money." Nessjie touched his pocket. He didn't have much money at first. If they handed it over, they would be even more difficult. Jie can only be regarded as a way to save money and avoid disaster.

The robbers confiscated everyone's money one by one. When they arrived at Naisijie, Naisijie took out all his belongings and was kicked down by the robber:
"Do you think I'm easy to deceive?! How can a person only have so little money!!"

Officer [-]: NPCs are so poor that they are disgusted by robbers.

Nasijie was kicked and coughed. He clutched his chest, and the officer beside him pulled him. Because of the force, the hat on Nasijie's head fell off, revealing his silver hair. The leader of the robbery saw Naisi Jie's appearance felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

Officer Twelve hurriedly put on Nesjie's hat, and then said to the robber, "Sorry, we really only have this little, and this is already all our belongings."

Robbery glanced at Guan Twelve, who was tightly covered, silent for half a second, then pointed his gun at Guan Twelve's head, and said, "Show your face!"

Nasijie was shocked, he looked at Guan Twelve subconsciously, Guan Twelve was also taken aback, he didn't know what connection there was, but she still took off her hat obediently, revealing that delicate little face, silver Her hair matched her stunning face.

The robbers were all crazy, and then thought, isn't the woman in front of him the woman that the famous rich man Mustafa Shaq is looking for? ! !
Then the one next to her is.
He finally understood why the young man looked familiar just now, and the high-priced reward list for the two of them was still hanging on the city gate.

"Today is really lucky!" Robber sneered, and the eyes of Guan Twelve and the others seemed to be watching their luxurious life in the future.

"Yeah..." Guan Twelve didn't think it was lucky, let alone whether they could catch the two of them, the little girl beside her alone was not an easy person.

Moreover, she also mainly noticed that when her and Nesjie's identities were revealed, the little girl with ponytails beside her obviously paused.

Do you know them?

The player thought in his heart, while Nesjie over there had become vigilant. He stretched out his hand to protect Guan Twelve behind his back, thinking of finding an opportunity to control the one with the gun, and then kill the others.

It's risky, but only a try.

But before he could use his ability, he suddenly pushed the two of them to the back with one hand, and then he saw a pair of beautiful legs that looked like works of art kicked the face of the robber in the front, and the robber was kicked. His seven orifices were bleeding, and before he could scream, he fell directly to the ground, and the tiled floor was cracked.

Then the man didn't stop, he turned around and kicked another robber!

The glass at the door was smashed all of a sudden, and the whole robber flew out.

Seeing this, the others took out their guns and shot at the girl. Unexpectedly, the girl was nimble and moved quickly. She easily dodged the bullet and kicked the enemy away. In the end, there was only one person left, and that person was terrified. Aim at the girl's forehead, and at the moment of shooting, the girl suddenly disappeared.

gone? ? ! !

Robber looked around in a panic, but there was no such figure.


Suddenly, the voice of the charming girl came from below, Robber subconsciously looked down, and saw an extremely innocent smile!

It turned out that she squatted down to avoid the attack, and then put her hands on the ground, raised her foot and kicked that person's chin fiercely! !
With the sound of the ceiling shattering, the man was left swaying, but his head had already been kicked into the ceiling.

A wave of operations, within 2 minutes, ended the battle.

 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's the fourth day

(End of this chapter)

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