The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 54 Cyberpunk

Chapter 54 Cyberpunk (9)

With pink double ponytails, a good figure, a simple and lovely face, and those perfect legs, such a delicate girl only took 2 minutes to deal with all the enemies.

Everyone was completely frightened, but when they saw the tattoo on her thigh, everyone except Guan Twelve showed expressions of fear.

It was an eagle soaring high. It was invisible when it was squatting before, but it was obvious when it stood up now.

Guan Twelve looked at the tattoo, then at Nesjie, who turned pale, and felt that the tattoo was not simple, so he asked in a low voice, "Is there anything wrong with this girl?"

Before Nasijie opened his mouth to speak, someone over there answered Guan Twelve's doubts: "It's a dangerous person!!!"

Dangerous? ?

Officer Twelfth looked blank, Nesjie explained in a low voice for Officer Twelve: "They are the dark kings of the city. There are 20 members in total. Everyone has been reformed. They advocate freedom and strength is paramount! Do whatever you want, and don't be fooled by others. Restraint, known as the most terrifying terrorist!"

"It's dangerous to be targeted by them. Let's look for opportunities to escape secretly."

Officer Twelve nodded after listening to Nesjie's description.

Nasijie took Guan Twelve's hand and thought about escaping from this place of right and wrong while not paying attention, but he didn't expect that just as he turned around, Nasijie's forehead was pointed at by a samurai sword.

Nasijie froze there.

"Don't go." Holding a samurai sword is a man in a suit. He is slender and holds a two-meter-long sword in his hand without any pressure on his arms.

Guan Twelve saw data flow on his exposed arm.

Was it remodeled too?

"We don't seem to have any grievances with your Excellency." Nesjie guarded Guan Twelve behind him, and looked at the man in front of him vigilantly.

"Stop talking nonsense! We are looking for you! Come with us!" The man with the knife looked indifferent, and what he said could not be refused.

Nasijie pursed his lips. At this time, the little girl with ponytails appeared next to Guan Twelve at some point and put her hand on the player's shoulder. The player suddenly felt a pressure.

"You are too irritable Lin, don't be afraid of the beautiful sister, we just want to invite you to visit us."

Beautiful sister? ? !

This NPC's mouth is really sweet!

Guan Twelve sighed in his heart, and then pulled Nasijie. Nasijie looked at the hijacked Guan Twelve. Although he could use his ability to escape, but now there are too many people, and these two really have no killing intent. Nesj struggled for a while, then nodded and walked away with the two dangerous men.

The base of the dangerous man has always been a mystery. The police have been searching for it for many years but have not found it, but no one would have thought that the base of the terrifying dangerous man is actually in a dessert shop? ? ?

When Nesjie entered this pink and tender dessert shop, he was completely dazed, surrounded by pink and tender wallpapers, and the smell of creamy sweetness was everywhere.

It actually says the base of the dangerous one? ?
Guan Twelve didn't think about it either, thinking that this might be the bad taste of the game side.

"My name is Xiao Ai, beautiful sister, what's your name?" The cute girl with ponytails is Xiao Ai. She announced her name and looked at Guan Twelve expectantly.

The player found that this cute little girl seemed to be very interested in herself, she thought for a while and said, "Twelve."

"Twelve? Why is that the name??" Xiao Ai felt disgusted when she heard the name.

Officer twelve:? ? ?Has her name been disliked again? ?
"You still hate numbers, love." A man's voice suddenly came from behind. Guan Twelve looked over and saw a tall man with bare upper body and well-developed muscles slowly walking over, followed behind him. Several people with masks.

Guan Twelve noticed the eagle tattooed on the man's chest and guessed that this man was also a dangerous person.

"They just don't like numbers, Boss." Xiao Ai pouted and complained, like a child who doesn't like studying, innocent and cute.

But such a simple and lovely little girl can kick a grown man away with one kick! !

"Boss." The man holding the two-meter-long samurai sword had already retracted the sword at this moment, and Guan Twelve found that his sword was actually put into the palm of his hand? ? ! ! !

Groove! !So awesome! !How handsome! !What is the core of this technology! !Players are so curious! !

"Ah! Lin is back too." The man who was called head smiled with a kind face.

But Xiao Ai and Lin's titles have exposed the identity of this man, he is the leader of the dangerous people, the leader of the dangerous people! !The man known as X Super Dangerous Man—Lian Wendt! !

Nasijie got up the moment Ryan Winter appeared and stood beside Guan Twelve!

Anyway.He must also protect the girl beside him!

All the players saw Nesje's behavior, and it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

"Jie, you are such a good person!!" The touched player opened his mouth with a sentence that shocked Nesjie.

Nesjie was almost completely defeated by this sentence. He looked at the innocent girl beside him with a complicated expression, and finally turned a thousand words into a helpless sentence: "Stop praising me like that, okay?"

Officer Twelve:
"Hahahaha!!! You two are so funny haha!" Xiao Ai was amused and laughed.

"It's the first time I met Nesje." Ryan Went also smiled, and then he looked at Nesje, the boy he had been observing.

Nesjie, who was named, suddenly looked vigilant: "Why do you know my name??!"

"I've been looking for you." Ryan Went stood in front of Nesjay, his figure was half taller than Nesjay.

Lane Winter is a tall man indeed.

Even in such an environment, Guan Twelve was still thinking about it.

After thinking about it, she felt something was wrong!
Why the hell is she always thinking about something? !

Guan Twelve wondered if he had taken too much medicine and had this symptom, and he hadn't had it before.

On the other side, Nasjay looked at Ryan Went in front of him, his vigilance was not relaxed at all because of his kind smile, but he asked coldly: "Why did you find me?"

"Because you have what we want in your hand." Before Ryan Went could speak, a man suddenly walked beside him with the man in front of him. He walked with ease, wearing a smiling mask and red hair. The blood bars on the top of the head should not be too dazzling.

That's right, Guan Twelve noticed the glaring blood streaks on the head of this person, this is a player.

And listening to the voice, Guan Twelve felt very familiar.

And at this time, the player said a word to confirm the guess in Guan Twelve's heart:
"Do you remember me? Miss Twelve who is obsessed with victory?"

Officer Twelve: If she still doesn't recognize the familiar voice and intonation, it's Sabi.

Guan Twelve looked at the player in front of her expressionlessly, and she said coldly: "Ah, remember, the guy who is addicted to watching dramas, how can I be such a strange person?"

"You say yes, Shaoqiuyan."

 ok now it's just a cough

  It can be seen from this that it is not very scary, let Qiqi go through the Nanguan with everyone~

  Then it's a vote

(End of this chapter)

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