The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 55 Cyberpunk

Chapter 55 Cyberpunk (10)

Shaoqiuyan who was recognized was not surprised at all, let alone his very characteristic red hair, because he played a game with Guan Twelve once, he knew that he would leave an impression on Guan Twelve.

Although it's a bad impression.

"Twelve, who is he?" Seeing that Officer Twelve knew the dangerous person, Nesjie was a little confused.

On the other side, Shaoqiuyan glanced at Nesjie, saw that he had no health bar, smiled, looked at Guan Twelve and asked, "You really like getting along with NPCs."

NPC? ?What NPC? ?
Nasjay frowned.

"You're no better than me." Guan Twelve raised his chin, and refused to admit defeat.

"It seems that the two know each other?" Ryan Went asked, looking at the two of them.

"Well, I'm an acquaintance." Shaoqiuyan's answer was very vague, even a little perfunctory.

Guan Twelve found that Shaoqiuyan's attitude towards NPCs had always been a mystery, and he didn't seem to like to explain too much to NPCs.

"Well, then you must have a lot to talk about, why don't you go and have a chat alone, just as I have something to talk to Nesjie about."

Ryan Went gave Shaoqiuyan an order, Shaoqiuyan shrugged and looked at Guan Twelve and said, "Let's go, I know what you want to know."

After speaking, he turned around and left without any intention of waiting for Guan Twelve's answer.

He is so sure that she will follow?
Guan Twelve was cursing in his heart, but he followed his fate resignedly.

He should be talking about a large number of players who were inexplicably eliminated at the beginning.

She was really curious about this.

"Twelve." Nesjie stretched out his hand to grab Guan Twelve, he hesitated to speak, but Guan Twelve saw his worry, so he stretched out his hand and patted the back of his hand as if to comfort him, saying:

"Don't worry, I know him, he won't do anything to me."

Moreover, this neuropathy is easier to deal with than a pervert, and she can beat it even if she works hard.

Nasjay let go of his hand in relief.

Nasijie looked at the back of Guan Twelve leaving with Shaoqiuyan, without saying a word.

"You are very concerned about that woman, is she a girlfriend?" Ryan Went's sudden words startled Nesjie.

The innocent young man's face turned red all of a sudden, and he explained in a panic: "No, no, no! Twelve and I are just friends! It's not what you think!! It's just friends, really just friends!!"

The red and persimmon face combined with the chaotic language expression is a bit of an attempt to cover up.

Ryan Went smiled and said with the expression of someone who came here: "I understand, I understand! What's the matter, who hasn't come here since that time."

"Really not." Nesjie opened his mouth to explain but was interrupted by Xiao Ai: "What a pity such a beautiful sister, you have really good eyesight!"

"So it's really not!!"

"Hahaha, okay, let's get down to business." Ryan Went laughed loudly. After feeling that the atmosphere had eased, he looked at Nesjay with a serious expression.

Nesj was also tensed up by Lane Winter's expression.

"Jie, you have a Machine heart, right?"


On the other side, Guan Twelve followed Shaoqiuyan to a small private room on the second floor, and Shaoqiuyan sat opposite Guan Twelve and said:

"I didn't see you in the last game on Twelve, did you miss me?"

"No, I was very happy without you in the last world." Guan Twelve replied with a smile.

"Hey, it's still as ruthless as ever." Shaoqiuyan muttered depressingly.

"Are you going to wear a mask to chat with me all the time?" Guan Twelve looked at the smiling mask in front of him, it was too funny, this guy's aesthetics is really not flattering.

"Ah! I'm sorry I almost forgot, I said you are so small." Shao Qiuyan quickly took off the mask on his face, revealing his sunny and handsome face.

".So you already know why half of the players suddenly disappeared overnight, right?" Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiu expressionlessly and said.

"Well, I got a rough idea." Shao Qiuyan handed Guan Twelve a card, Guan Twelve took it and glanced at it, then paused.

这 是
"It seems that some of the players in this session have made a small move, intending to wipe out the players all at once."

Shao Qiuyan put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile.

"Do you know who it is?" Guan Twelve put away the card and asked seriously.

Shao Qiuyan shook his head: "I don't know, but there is only one player among the players I know who can do this kind of behavior."


"Uncle Jincheng."

"."Wait who are you talking about? ? ? !
Probably because Guan Twelve's expression was too obvious, Shao Qiuyan couldn't help asking: "Why is he your friend?"

Guan Twelve quickly shook her head, she didn't want to get involved with that person! ! !

"Although we're not friends, your disgusted expression is too obvious." Shao Qiuyan said with a forced smile.

"Don't talk about me, you seem to be familiar with him?"

Shaoqiuyan nodded without shyness at all: "Yes, I added friends before, because his behavior is very interesting, using his face to use NPC or something."

After speaking, he glanced at Guan Twelve, meaning something.

Officer Twelve: What are the players doing? ? !Players are not so perverted! ! !
"But he really played a little too much this time." Shaoqiuyan's expression suddenly became serious.

"In the past, he just played small fights without pain or itching, but this time he directly planned to wipe out all the players as quickly as possible. What stimulated him?" Shaoqiuyan wondered.

The great uncle Jin Cheng he had met before wouldn't be so crazy.

Guan Twelve's eyes suddenly drifted away.

She seemed to know what stimulated him.

"Do you know what the inside story is?" Shaoqiuyan looked at Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve subconsciously paused, but she reacted and cried inwardly. Sure enough, Shaoqiuyan on the opposite side guessed the result, so he asked with a smile:
"You must know, tell me, it won't do you any harm anyway."

Officer Twelve: Tsk, she just said that she hates chatting with smart people.

The player resigned himself to telling Shaoqiu the story of the last game about the uncle Jincheng and the pastor.

After listening to Shaoqiu Yan burst into laughter!
"Hahaha, I'm so pissed to death! You really have it, hahaha! No wonder why he is so crazy in this world hahaha If I were me, I would also wish to die with all the players hahaha!"

Shaoqiuyan couldn't straighten up with a smile, and Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan expressionlessly.

"Cough, cough, okay, calm down." Shao Qiuyan patted his abdomen, then took a deep breath to force himself to calm down, wiped away the tears from laughing, and said:

"Then you are the culprit in this matter~"

(End of this chapter)

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