The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 56 Cyberpunk

Chapter 56 Cyberpunk (11)

what culprit? ! !Don't rely on me! !This incident is obviously caused by the pastor! !

The player's eyes widened and he firmly denied this matter, and refused to take the blame! !

"That pastor is really scary." Shaoqiuyan felt that if it was him, he would not want to meet such an opponent. It's okay to be crazy, but he can't stand it if he is so venomous.

"I don't know if I can meet you in this world. If you meet me, you have to stay away."

Shao Qiuyan said to himself, Guan Twelve, who heard it over there, scratched his cheek.

Don't think about it, you will definitely not meet him this time, he has already been killed by the world's biggest hooker.

"Okay, let's not talk about what is there, what are you going to do? If Uncle Jincheng really plans to do this, then this competition will end soon, and he will be the winner at that time." Shao Qiuyan said There was a special pause here, and he continued:
"Of course, if you stop him, then you may also be eliminated like the other players who died."

"No matter what, I will be eliminated." Guan Twelve's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help complaining.

"No, it's not about you fighting alone, but if you cooperate with us, the winning rate will be very high."

"." Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan who was smiling brightly in front of him, feeling speechless.

She said that this guy didn't hold back any good farts, so he was waiting here! !

But I have to admit that if uncle Jincheng really intends to start that plan, she will do anything to stop it, but even if she adds Nesjie alone, she may be going to die.

The reason why Shaoqiuyan proposed cooperation is obviously that he has found reinforcements, that is, the dangerous people headed by Ryan Wendt, otherwise he would not use us to call him.

Thinking about it this way, the chances of winning would be much higher if you cooperate with them.

Guan Twelve thought about it and finally took a deep breath, let it out and nodded, "Okay, I promise to cooperate with you."

"No, it's not you, but you and the NPC next to you will cooperate with us." Shaoqiuyan corrected with a smile.

Official Twelve: She just said that the fuck didn't hold her fart well! ! ! !

The feeling is the NPC who has taken a fancy to her! !Gan! ! !
"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you agree or not, because Ryan Went is already persuading that NPC over there. He can control both the player and the NPC's ability. No wonder you like him so much and you want to follow him." Shaoqiu said. I can't help but sigh when I think of this tricky ability.

If it weren't for the fact that this NPC is too young to use it too many times, it must be the biggest hook in the world.

"Why do you know?!" Guan Twelve was stunned. Logically speaking, Shaoqiuyan should have never been in contact with Nasijie, so why did he know Nasijie's ability? ?
"I really don't know that NPC, but I know about the Machine heart. You don't know about it. This Machine heart originally belonged to Ryan Wente." Shaoqiuyan seemed to know what Guan Twelve was thinking, and answered her doubts .

It turned out that the Machine heart was stolen by Ryan Wendt from an experimental base. Ryan Wendt, who was very excited about the ability of the Machine heart, couldn't guarantee whether he and the Machine heart would be a perfect match. After all, it was the heart. If it failed If not, it is a dead end.

Ryan Winter, who has been hesitating all this time, never thought that the Machine heart would be stolen by a black-hearted doctor and placed on a dying boy, let alone that the boy was a perfect fit for the Machine heart, and Successfully revived.

Listening to this story, Guan Twelve took a deep breath, no wonder Ryan Went wanted to find Nasijie, it turned out that he stole his heart.

"So now Ryan Went's request is very simple and clear, either Nasijie joins the dangerous people, or dies." Shaoqiuyan looked at Guan Twelve, but Guan Twelve pursed his lips and said nothing.

Shaoqiu said that she was sure that she would agree, or that if she didn't want to give up Nesjie's big hook, she had to agree.

There is no choice at all.

Guan Twelve thought to himself.

"How do you plan to deal with Uncle Jincheng?" The player compromised and asked about the main plan.

"Grand Uncle Jincheng is nothing more than killing red eyes now. In his plan, this is completely thankless, but why did he do it?"

"For revenge?" Guan Twelve frowned.

But he couldn't be sure whether she and the priest would appear in this world.

"It's not exactly revenge, he did it just for fun." Shao Qiuyan said with a light sigh.

Officer Twelve: What the hell? ?
"Well, he's a bit weird. If you say it nicely, it's weird, but if you say it badly, it's a pervert." Shaoqiu said, spreading his hands.

Officer [-]: Does Uncle Jincheng know what his friends say about him? ? ?

"He does things without considering the consequences at all, just like this nonsensical farce, he only cares about doing this thing, whether it makes him happy, makes him happy! He can even die for the pleasure."

Listening to Shaoqiuyan's description, Guan Twelve couldn't help but feel a headache. Obviously, this is another pervert, a pervert not inferior to the pastor.

Why does she always meet this kind of thing?

How about going to the Taoist temple on the nearby hilltop to worship?
Forget it, she's already been blacklisted.
Guan Twelve let out a sigh of relief, feeling very tired.

After confirming the cooperative relationship with Shaoqiuyan, when Guan Twelve went downstairs, he saw Nesjie sitting there alone in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Guan Twelve thought about it and walked over.

And the dazed Nesjie was thinking about what Ryan Winter had just said to him.

He said that the Machine heart originally belonged to him, but was stolen by the thief Frost, and then it happened to be placed on him.

And Ryan Winter also gave him a choice, either join the Dangerous, or exchange Machine heart back.

Nesje sighed softly and stroked his chest, where the Machine heart was still working for his own life.

It's impossible to go back, but I have to join the Dangerous.
Nesje let out a deep sigh!

"What's on your mind?" A figure suddenly stood in front of him, and Nasjie paused for his plain and gentle concern. When he looked up, he saw Guan Twelve standing in front of him with a concerned expression on his face.

Is she caring about him?

Nesjie was taken aback by this result, and then his ears turned red.

"No, no." Nasijie turned his face away in a panic, and said dryly.

Officer Twelve:
Guan Twelve simply walked over to Nasijie and sat down. She looked at Nasijie seriously and said, "Jie, do you want to join the Dangerous Ones?"

Nesjie paused, and he looked at Guan Twelve in shock, as if he was asking "Why do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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