The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 59 Cyberpunk

Chapter 59 Cyberpunk (14)

"Where did you go, Twelve?!" As soon as Guan Twelve came back, Nesjie caught him straight, and he looked at Shaoqiuyan who was following Guan Twelve with a dark face.

Shaoqiu said: Hey, hey!He was the one who was framed! !

"I'm just bored and going out for a walk. How about Jie's mission?" Guan Twelve looked at Nesjie with concern, not caring too much, but it warmed Nesjie's heart.


"This task is super cool! You don't know that when Ness Jie uses his ability, the opponent is completely in a state of stupidity! He has been shot in the head by his teammates before he can react!" Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai is giggling, don't be too happy, it can be seen that she is very happy in this task.

Guan Twelve, however, noticed that Xiao Ai's thigh was injured at some point, revealing a cold machine.

"Is there no problem with you?" Guan Twelve pointed to Xiao Ai's wound and reminded kindly.

"Ah this? It's my mistake! I thought that bitch was dead, but he pretended to be dead and gave me a knife if he didn't find it! Fortunately, I reacted in time!" Xiao Ai seemed to think of something disgusting A look of disgust.

"Come here and let me fix it for you, otherwise it will be troublesome if there is a malfunction."

It was the doctor in Danger who was speaking. It was a long-haired woman with a sexy figure named Benna.

"Benna! Don't worry, I will have no problem with the highest configuration!" Although Xiao Ai said so, she still followed Benna.

"I want to take a look." The player raised his hand at this time and said.

No way, she was really curious about the structure of this.

Benna glanced at Guan Twelve, then lit a cigarette and said, "Come and see if you want to see it. Raise your hand if you have anything to offer."

Officer Twelve:
"Treatment of prosthetic limbs is not a secret operation, anyone can do it." Shao Qiuyan leaned over at this time, with a sneer on his face, and the look in the eyes of Guan Guan Twelve seemed to be looking at a bumpkin who had never seen the world .

Officer Twelve: Sorry! !She is a bumpkin who has never seen the world! ! !

"Jie go! Let's go and have a look!" Guan Twelve ignored the psycho, took Nesjie's hand and walked inside!
Nesjie was completely pulled by Guan Twelve, he looked at the hands held by the two, and the soft touch made him a little fascinated.

Guan Twelve didn't know what Nesjie was thinking, they came all the way to the operating room, they said it was an operating room, Guan Twelve found that this place was similar to Frost's, but it was bigger and cleaner.

At this time, Xiao Ai was already lying on the operating table, and one leg had been removed.

Guan Twelve saw all kinds of tubes stuck in Xiao Ai's body, and couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

"Healing potions, as for the ingredients." Ben Na glanced at Guan Twelve, paused and said:
"You wouldn't want to know."

Officer Twelve: Thank you, I don't want to know anymore.

Benna soaked Xiao Ai's mechanical leg in a nutrient solution. Guan Twelve watched over there, watching the mechanical leg slowly melt away the skin on the surface to reveal the iron skin. Guan Twelve noticed that there was a pile of Code is flowing fast.

It's amazing.

Officer Twelve was amazed.

But it's useless for players to be curious about this, after all, players don't understand it.

After watching for a while, Guan Twelve turned his head and saw Nesjie staring at Xiao Ai lying on the operating table in a daze. Guan Twelve thought that Xiao Ai was completely naked because she needed treatment.

"Sure enough, he's still a vigorous young man."

Guan Twelve couldn't help sighing.

This sentence happened to be heard clearly by Nesjie, and he instantly realized what Guan Twelve meant, and quickly explained with a blushing face:

"No not twelve, no I am not"

Guan Twelve patted Nesjie on the shoulder with a completely indifferent expression and said with a smile:
"It's okay, being curious about the body of the opposite sex is exactly what happens at your age, and I understand it's normal."

Nasijie was dumb, he wanted to explain but didn't know how to explain.

In the end, he could only look at the back of Guan Twelve leaving, scratching his head irritably.

He obviously didn't mean that.

Guan Twelve who went out saw Shaoqiuyan leaning against the wall, and he had an expression of "watching the show": "It's nothing to push too hard, give the boy some time."

Guan Twelve understood what Shaoqiu said, so she said blankly: "If you don't have anything to do, you might as well help me investigate how uncle Jincheng is doing."

After hearing this, Shao Qiuyan curled his lips and complained: "You are really indifferent to me."

Officer Twelve: Who told you that you are interested in this kind of genre?

"Oppressing teammates~ I'm beginning to regret working with you."

Official Twelve Quan should not have heard Shaoqiu's complaints.

After all, the players knew that these were just Shaoqiuyan's complaints, and she would not take them seriously.

In the following time, Guan Twelve avoided Naisjie intentionally or unintentionally. This was seen by everyone in the danger. The two people who were inseparable at the beginning suddenly started to act alone. This is really not too obvious, especially Naisi Si Jie's mood has been so irritated recently that it's hard for people not to notice.

Mustafa Shaq, who really couldn't stand it, asked Nesjay the reason when he returned from a mission at the end of a mission:

"Have you had a fight with your girlfriend recently?"

Nasijie who asked this question looked bewildered.Then he realized what Mustafa Shaq said about Guan Twelve, and he quickly explained: "No, it's not that she's not my girlfriend."

"So you really quarreled?" Mustafa Shaq grasped the point very keenly.

"..." Nasijie pursed his lips, he was silent for half a second, and replied dryly, "I...I don't know."

Mustafa Shaq: What kind of stupid answer is that? ? ?

"Tell me, what have you been doing during this time?" Mustafa Shaq took out a cigarette and hung it in his mouth, then handed it to Nasjay, who didn't smoke, Nasjay shook his head .

Nesjah told Mustafa Shaq all about this time.

After listening, Mustafa Shaq suddenly realized, and then laughed loudly: "She is jealous!"

"Jealous?" Nasijie looked puzzled.

"Although women's nudity is exciting, but staring at other women's nudes in front of the woman you love, even a woman will feel uncomfortable and jealous."

The words of Mustafa Shaq made Nesja suddenly realize that it is so!Is it because of this? !

"So go! Go to her and apologize, if you really can't, just hold a kiss and beg for forgiveness, now is the critical period of the battle with Ryan Went! I don't want my team members to be distracted at this time and cause trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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