The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 60 Cyberpunk

Chapter 60 Cyberpunk (15)

So is that why you came to the player? ?
Guan Twelve looked expressionlessly at Naisjie who was blushing in front of him and had been apologizing since the very beginning, and he couldn't help but sighed inwardly, so tired, so tired, although she did hold Naisjie who thought he was She was jealous and came to explain to her, in such a simple and straightforward way to strengthen her position in Nesje's heart.

After all, he still has a girl named Bai in his heart as a potential danger. She doesn't care how many people Nesjay has in his heart, but she wants to make sure that Nasjay can do anything for her, and it's best to be willing to be used by her die.

As soon as this idea came out, Guan Twelve was shocked!
Help!Why does she have such a perverted idea! !
Sure enough, if you stay with a pervert for a long time, you will become a pervert, right? ! !
You can't have this idea! !

Nasijie's shout brought Guan Twelve back to reality.

Guan Twelve looked at Nasijie with a masked face, but in Naisjie's eyes, it meant that he hadn't calmed down. After all, before, Guan Twelve always had a smile on his face. .

"I'm sorry! Twelve is really sorry. At that time, I was just curious! I was curious about how she was installed, so I watched it so seriously. Because it was the first time I saw a prosthetic limb repair operation at that time, so I was really just curious! I I swear I won’t do it in the future!! Really!!”

Nasijie earnestly begged the girl in front of him. He didn't know why he cared so much about the girl's opinion of him. It was probably because during this period of contact, he was already deeply attracted by the girl in front of him. He didn't want to mess with her. Get bored of girls!I don't want to be hated by her! !

She is so gentle, thinking of him everywhere, thinking of herself all the time, and always by her side. It has been a long, long time since no one cared about him so much.

That's right, this poor and simple boy has completely fallen into the love net woven by the players, unable to extricate himself, but willing.

"Am I important to you, Jie?" The player looked at Nesjie and asked softly.

"Important! Twelve is the most important person to me!" Nesje replied without hesitation!

"So white?"

Nasijie was taken aback, a struggle flashed in his eyes, he didn't answer this question immediately, he was hesitating, he was struggling.

But the player already knows the answer.

Still not enough~
The bond between the player and the bully is still not enough.

Forget it, she doesn't care about these people, and it's good, after all, after the game is over and she leaves, Nasijie won't be so sad.

Yes, look at how kind she is, she thinks so much about an NPC.

Guan Twelve looked at Nesjie, who was still struggling, chuckled, and then reached out to him, which meant reconciliation.

Nesjie's eyes lit up, and he quickly held it, the soft touch made him unable to put it down.

"I'm not angry with Jie, I'm just a little busy recently."


Nasijie looked at the girl next to him, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, not angry why his face was always black during this period of anger, and he pretended not to see him...

Nesjie didn't dare to say these words, he was afraid that if he said it, the person who had finally coaxed him would be angry again.

The news of Nasijie's reconciliation with Guan Twelve was soon known by everyone in the dangerous place. After all, the two of them got back together again, so blind people would not be able to see this kind of behavior.

And Guan Twelve recently discovered that Nasijie seemed to be getting more and more attached to her, and every time he came back from a mission, he would come to his side, either holding hands or eating together.

She doesn't care about these things, after all, the more bonds the player has with the NPC, the more beneficial it will be to the player in the future.

As for Nasijie's outstanding performance during this period, everyone remembered this terrible boy who could control others. Not only that, they also gave Nasijie a nickname-manipulator.

As soon as this nickname came out, it was ridiculed by Mustafa Shaq and the others, especially Lin pointed to Guan Twelve and said meaningfully: "This nickname should be given to you."

Officer Twelve: ...I'm sorry, players also dislike this title.

A week later, Lin was shot in the head, blood spattering!His face was splashed by Nasijie, he didn't react at all, his friend was headshot like this, in front of him, in front of his eyes, was headshot...

Dazed... dazed... at a loss...

Nasijie stretched out his hand tremblingly, the blood was still hot...but why did he feel cold? ? ?


Someone called him? ?
Nesjie looked up in a daze, and the figure on the opposite side made him stunned. He looked at the beautiful figure on the opposite side in disbelief. It was a beautiful girl with white hair and an expression of disbelief.But that familiar yet unfamiliar face still made him say the name: "Bai?"

That's right, isn't the girl standing there the same Bai that he planned to save? ? !

But... why did she appear here?she shouldn't...

Nasijie's mind suddenly stopped thinking, because the girl opposite suddenly ran over and hugged him!

Nesje froze there.

"What are you doing, Jie!" He didn't come back to his senses until Xiao Ai's voice woke him up.

"She's the enemy! She killed Lin!!" Xiao Ai's tears couldn't stop flowing, because her eyes were red with anger, and she looked at Bai's eyes full of murderous intent!
She killed Lin? !
Nesjah felt the blood on his cheeks cool slightly, stinging his skin, and he woke up.

Nesjie pushed Bai away. He looked at the shocked Bai with complicated emotions in his eyes: "Bai, why did you appear here?"

"What are you talking about, Jie! Of course I'm here to find you!" Bai Bai looked at Nesjie earnestly, and then when she turned her head to look at Xiao Ai, her expression completely changed:
"This bitch is the one who took you away!"

"go to hell!"

Xiao Ai rushed over suddenly!He took off and kicked Bai, and directly sent Bai flying!

"Bai!" Nasijie panicked when he saw Bai was injured, but Xiao Ai stopped him when he wanted to go to see Bai's situation.

"Jie! Don't go there! That woman is not simple!!"

Xiao Ai recalled the touch of the steel she just kicked, and her expression became serious.

" he also a modified person?" Bai Fei who was flying over there slowly got up, patted the dust on his body, and then looked at Xiao Ai expressionlessly.

Xiao Ai immediately became alert.

However, in the next second, Bai suddenly appeared in front of her and kicked her in the stomach.

The great pain caused Xiao Ai to vomit a mouthful of blood and then flew out.

"Little love?!" Nasijie was stunned.

As soon as he was about to run over, he was stopped by Bai.

"Jay, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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