The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 61 Cyberpunk

Chapter 61 Cyberpunk (16)

Bai smiled, just like when he was a child. At that time, he smiled to save him and reassure him, but this time he smiled to let him abandon his friend and go with her.

Nasijie came back to his senses, his expression suddenly became serious, and he shook off Bai: "Where are you going?"

Although he already knew the answer, he still couldn't believe that the kind Bai who pulled him out of hell would invite him to go to hell again.

"Of course..." She suddenly sensed the danger before finishing her vernacular, and pushed Nesjie away.

look!She would still push him away when she saw danger.

Nasijie was very bitter in his heart.

On the other side, Bai detached two knives from his arms and crossed them in front of him to resist Xiao Ai's attack.

"Tsk!" Xiao Ai was very irritated, and then stepped back.

"It seems that you only modified the lower body." After the two separated, Bai put the long knife in both hands back into her arms, and she looked at Xiao Ai expressionlessly and analyzed.

"Damn! Don't mind your business! You will let others go with you when you come up! Who do you think you are? Let me tell you! He already has a woman! You have no chance to go home and play by yourself!!" Xiao Ai Swearing and then rushed over again!
Bai Bai watched indifferently as Xiao Ai easily dodged her attack, and at the same time, a gun suddenly appeared in his hand and aimed at Xiao Ai's temple without hesitation!

But when she was about to shoot, she stopped, not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't control her body at all.

"That's enough for Bai!" Nesjie still made a move, and he controlled Bai's behavior.

Bai's eyes widened, and she didn't seem to believe that Nasijie would attack her for someone else.

Nasijie looked at Bai, his eyes were struggling, and finally he closed his eyes, as if he had made a decision, he said:

"Bai, let's do it this time, we don't want to meet again." Nesjie said and controlled Bai to leave here. After making sure that Bai left, Nesjie relaxed and withdrew his ability. He looked at Xiao Love says:

"Let's go! She'll be back soon!"

"Ah, uh oh."

The two turned and ran.

They didn't know that the two were watching this scene in the dark.

"It seems that your npc has other sweethearts." Shao Qiuyan put his hands in his pockets and said gloatingly.

The player didn't speak.

"Eh? You shouldn't be angry, right? It's unnecessary, but it's just an NPC." Shaoqiuyan couldn't help but tease seeing Guan Shishi's expressionless face.

Guan Twelve ignored Shaoqiu's words, turned around and left.

However, her mind was very restless.

what is that arm ?Why can such a big machete be conjured up!Is it the same as Lin?No, it looks more advanced than Lin's, so damn handsome!

Players also want to woo woo!

Back at the Danger's base, Guan Twelve opened the door and saw Nesjay sitting motionless on the sofa in his room.

The player paused, she thought for a while, then closed the door and walked over, stopped in front of Nasjay, and stretched out her hand to ask what's wrong.

Suddenly he was hugged around the waist.


"Don't go, let me hold you for a while, please." Just as Guan Twelve was about to break free, he heard the poor boy on his waist begging her in a begging and complaining tone.

It seems that the Bai Yueguang from my childhood met again but became an enemy and belonged to the same camp as the person who hurt me in my childhood.

This kind of thing brought him quite a blow.

"Twelve. What should I do?" The young man looked like a porcelain doll that would break when touched.

He was confused and didn't know what to do.

Thinking about it, he has always wanted to save Bai from Ryan Wente and worked hard for it, but today's goal has been shattered.

She is no longer his white moonlight but an enemy.

He really doesn't know what to do!

As a 17-year-old boy, facing such a situation, he would really be confused and not know what to do.

Isn't this what she wants?

Guan Twelve lowered his eyes and stretched out his hand to gently place Nasijie's head.

"Did something happen?"

The girl's gentle concern calmed Nesje's mind.

"Don't you want to say it? It's okay if you don't want to say it." Guan Twelve gently patted Nesjie's head.

It was so comfortable that Nasijie closed his eyes and fell asleep in a relaxed manner.

He fell asleep, but it hurt the player.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard the boy's steady breathing.

Hello!I didn't comfort you to make you fall asleep with me in your arms!

And it's still such an uncomfortable position.

Guan Twelve took a deep breath, looked at the young man's tired expression, and sighed helplessly.

Forget it, this time is an exception.

No wonder! ! !
Guan Twelve, who had been standing for 10 minutes, was so dark that he couldn't get any darker.

Can't you take a break!Why is it taking so long? ? ?
Players have maintained this posture for a long time! !This dog game can't hang up! !In other words, she really stayed like this for 10 minutes!what! 21 minutes!Help! !
Not tired but boring! ! !
Players can't take it anymore!

Guan Twelve couldn't help but patted Nesjie on the cheek to wake him up.

Nasijie, who was suddenly awakened, looked at a loss, completely unaware of what happened.

"Do you feel better?" Guan Twelve looked at Nesjie with a smile.

Alright, get up to the players! ! !

Nasijie was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red when he realized his behavior. He quickly let go of Guan Twelve, looking at a loss: "Then that is much better. Thank you, thank you."

Officer Twelve shook his head, then walked to Nasijie and sat down.

call!Can finally sit down!
"So, Jie, would you like to tell me what happened?" Guan Twelve looked at Nesjie and asked softly.

certainly!The player knows what happened, and has no interest in the story, but now the player still needs you!Naturally, the favorability will come.

Depend on!Thinking about it this way, the player is really a shameless person!
Guan Shixin, who deceived the feelings of NPCs, thought.

Nesjie looked at Guan Twelve, the person who cared about him all the time, he suddenly thought of Bai, couldn't help but pursed his lips, and asked cautiously:
"Twelve will you leave me?"

".I won't." The player will only leave at the end of the game.

"Really?" Nasijie asked again, still worried.

"Really." As the biggest NPC in the world, please be a little more confident, okay? ? ?
Do you know how many players you will be jealous of? ?

"Thank you twelve" Nesje murmured, and fell silent again.

Guan Twelve was not in a hurry, so she waited, waiting for Nasijie to tell her.

Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long, because soon Nasjay told Guan Twelve about his meeting with Bai, including the fact that Bai was now Ryan Went's subordinate.

After finishing speaking, he asked Guan Twelve with a blank expression, "What do you think I should do?"

 Twelve: Players are so used to NPCs!If it weren't for your usefulness!hum!
(End of this chapter)

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