The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 62 Cyberpunk

Chapter 62 Cyberpunk (17)

How to do?
At this moment, the helpless boy can only ask his closest person, that is, the player in front of him. The boy covered his head with an expression of being greatly stimulated and not knowing what to do:

"I always thought that Bai was tortured by Mustafa Shaq, that's why I kept thinking about finding a way to save her! But I didn't expect that... she was... unexpectedly"

Nasijie's voice became smaller and smaller, his tone was confused and puzzled, but it was more of a choked cry.

The player didn't hear it, but the young man was puzzled.

Guan Twelve thought for a while and stretched out her hand to hold the boy in her arms. She said in a calm and comforting tone:

"Some things may not be as simple as they seem on the surface. Don't make sure of yourself first. Before the answer comes out, I will always be by your side."

so!Need players as much as you want, only in this way will you protect players desperately, help players kill other players and win the game in the end! !

The girl's gentle tone and firm promise were like a knife cutting the boulder on his chest, bringing light and illuminating his inner world.

Warm warm so warm! !

Nasijie hugged his only support at the moment tightly.

He was suddenly very lucky, lucky that he went out to steal the wallet that day, lucky that he met her, lucky that she threatened to take her home, lucky, lucky that she was always by his side.

So, say it, stay by my side all the time.

In the following days, Nesjie became more and more clingy to Guan Twelve. After finishing the task in the fastest time, she went to find Guan Twelve as soon as possible, and began to be wary of everyone around her, especially Shaoqiuyan. When Shaoqiu spoke, Nasijie didn't even have a good face.

So much so that Shaoqiuyan complained to Guan Twelfth very sadly: "If you keep a dog, you should take good care of the dog! Don't let him bite anyone he sees!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can I be so perverted?" Guan Twelve disliked Shaoqiuyan's metaphor.

Talk like she's a pervert!Players are not perverts! !
"Well~ You are very good at controlling people's emotions, have you learned it before?" Shaoqiuyan looked at Guan Twelve and chatted.

"Well, I studied it when I was bored." Guan Twelve replied flatly.

After all, when she got sick at that time, she had to know how to use the fastest speed to not cause trouble to the people around her and to relieve it by herself. If she didn't study it, how would she know.

"Mmm..." Shao Qiuyan looked at the girl next to him.

"It's amazing, obviously you don't look big, don't you?"

Guan Twelve couldn't help frowning upon hearing this, she rolled her eyes at Shaoqiu and said:

"Are you out of words?"

Shaoqiuyan came to his senses and said with a "pop" smile: "Are you sensitive to these inexplicable places?"

Official Twelve said nothing.

"Well, that's not what I meant. Look at you, you not only know Taoist tricks, but you can also read people's hearts. You are not stupid. You are surprisingly calm, and your force value is ridiculously high. But you seem to be 20 years old. I am I wonder what kind of family would produce a person like you?"

Guan Twelve sneered, and she looked into the distance.

Did not answer Shaoqiuyan's question.

Because she doesn't know how to answer her family?

A family is a multi-person organization composed of blood, but she is alone.

Where did you come from?
"Twelve!" Shaoqiuyan wanted to ask something else, but at this time, Nasijie, who was on a mission, came back, and Nasijie, who was happily calling the name of the official Twelve, saw Shaoqiuyan next to her, and his face suddenly pulled away. down.

Shaoqiuyan looked at the face-changing Nasijie and secretly screamed that it was not good. Sure enough, in the next second, he saw the young man grab Guan Twelve's hand and pull her behind him. He looked at Shaoqiu with a wary face and said:
"Didn't Mr. Shao go on a mission and come back so early?"

Come back and forget it!Why harass his twelve? ?
"." Shaoqiuyan just smiled and said nothing.

He really hates explaining to these NPCs.

Guan Twelve thought to himself.

"I have to leave first." Shaoqiu said that there was nothing interesting to do here, so he simply waved his hands away from this place of right and wrong.

Officer Twelve: You run really fast!
"Twelve, you are very close to that person." Nesjie glanced at Shao Qiuyan's back and then at the officer Twelve, and couldn't help but say.


"Is it because we knew each other before?" Nasjay felt a little uncomfortable.

Guan Twelve couldn't help but sighed in his heart looking at the insecure Nasijie.

Because of the influence of living environment factors, Nesjie is extremely sensitive and inferior, and Bai's betrayal makes the player very important in his heart, but he is not going to develop further, after all, he is afraid of being rejected, and he is afraid that his friends will not be able to do it when the time comes.

"You who look like this are not at all like you who told me to sell meat when you had no money."

Guan Twelve couldn't help but joked.

Hearing this, Nisijie's face turned red all of a sudden:
"Then it's not that I don't know each other. No, why do I still remember it!!"

Guan Twelve smiled, and Nasijie's face turned even redder beside this smile, and he murmured softly, "If Twelve has no money now, I will definitely support him."

The player who heard it clearly: Thank you, but I can only pretend that I didn't hear it.

The dangerous people overthrew dozens of Mustafa Shaq's camps within a month, and even handed over the secret documents obtained about their company to a hostile company.

Mustafa Shaq Group lost hundreds of billions in a month, Mustafa Shaq was furious and ordered to deal with the dangerous people.

After stabbing the stronghold of the dangerous people, Ryan Went and others who were not prepared at all were suddenly attacked!Although he escaped by relying on Nasjay's ability, he still suffered heavy losses.

What's more terrible is that the girl Twelve, who was regarded as a treasure by the manipulator Nesjie, is missing and her whereabouts are unknown.
"Damn it!" Nesjie punched the tree, his hand was bleeding and he didn't notice it, he was just regretting it!

I regret why I didn't save Guan Twelve during the explosion and let her disappear into the sea of ​​flames
"Calm down Nesje, now we haven't found the girl's body, she just disappeared." Ryan Went patted Nesje on the head to try to calm him down.

"." Nasijie bit his lower lip tightly, but did not speak.

"Okay, sort out your emotions, we still have things to do next!"

With monstrous anger in Ryan Went's eyes, the hateful Mustafa Shaq actually launched a sneak attack like a cowardly rat!

Then let him taste the wrath of the iron weapon of the dangerous man! !
On the other side, Guan Twelve obviously felt that he was being carried and flew a long way.

Yes, being carried and flying, they were caught off guard by Mustafa Shaq's sudden attack, and she was also taken away by someone taking advantage of the confusion.

Not sure where she will be taken though.

But adhering to the concept of what comes, what comes, she does not panic.

 Twelve: hold on we can win
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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