The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 63 Cyberpunk

Chapter 63 Cyberpunk (18)

However, Guan Twelve's calmness disappeared without a trace when he saw the first person he saw after seeing the light again.

She stared wide-eyed at the person in front of her, with that very familiar enchanting face, and wearing a fucking skirt, but it couldn't change the fact that he was a man or a crazy egotistical man.

"It's been a long time, little beauty." Uncle Jincheng smiled angrily on his beautiful face, and he greeted the player enthusiastically, but the player knew that this was not meant to be friendly.

"Ah, long time no see, Grand Uncle Jincheng." Guan Twelve forced herself to calm down, because she noticed that she was wearing chains on her feet, hands and even her neck, and the one on her neck seemed to have a bomb.

It really took a lot of money to control her!

"I didn't expect that I would meet you here. This is really a gift from God." Uncle Jin Cheng raised his hand and laughed. He was wearing suspenders, and he didn't look out of harmony even though he was already slender. But it's still kind of weird.

Why do men like to wear women's clothes?

Guan Twelve felt that his cultivation was not enough, otherwise he would not have failed to understand this matter.

"I'm sorry for what happened in the last world, but in the final analysis it's still the pastor's fault. You shouldn't blame me for all your mistakes."

Guan Twelve knew that he was in a disadvantaged position now, so he still had to explain what happened in the last world, after all, it really didn't have much to do with her.

"Ah, of course I know it's the fault of that perverted bastard!" When the pastor was mentioned, the uncle Jincheng's expression turned ferocious.

It can be seen how much he hates the pastor!

"But you dare to despise me! This is the most intolerable thing for me!" Uncle Jincheng changed the topic to Guan Twelve again.

Guan Twelve raised his head and mourned: "Please! This has nothing to do with me. At that time, I felt that you smelled like rouge, so I took a step back!"

Is it worse than disliking a pastor who smells like an old lady in you? ? ?Don't make trouble for no reason! !
"Then you must apologize to me too!" Uncle Jin Cheng put his hands on his hips. As a man, he did this gesture extremely coquettishly, but it was unusually not against harmony.

She looks good and can really do whatever she wants.

"Ah, good! I'm sorry I was wrong!" Guan Twelve Yi apologized without hesitation when he heard it was so simple.

"How can I just say sorry casually!!"

"Then what are you going to do!" Guan Twelve looked at the uncle Jincheng's expression as if he were looking at a vexatious child.

"You have to kneel and kowtow to me." Uncle Jin Cheng froze before he finished speaking, because the player in front of him knelt down without hesitation.

Guan Twelve knelt down on his knees, propped his hands on the floor, lowered his head, and said sincerely, "I'm sorry! Grand Uncle Jincheng! It's a young man who doesn't know Taishan and shouldn't be so rude. Move! Please let the big ones let the little ones go!"

The corner of Taishu Jincheng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help asking, "Damn it, don't you feel ashamed?"

your dignity? ?

What about your self-esteem as a woman! !
"Yes! But if the problem can be solved so easily, I don't think it matters." Guan Twelve raised his head and smiled at the overwhelmed uncle Jin Cheng:
"So, do you need to step on your face? Or lick your shoes?"

"Ahh!! You ah." Uncle Jin Cheng looked at the innocent and harmless Guan Twelve who was smiling over there, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Is this woman of the same attribute as the priest? ?They are all types he is not good at dealing with!very scary! !

"Can I get up?" Guan Twelve, who was still kneeling there, asked cautiously.

"Get up!!" Uncle Jin Cheng felt a sudden pain in his head, and he wasn't a pervert.

On the other hand, Guan Twelve showed a triumphant smile.

Sure enough, Grand Uncle Jincheng has nothing to do with shameless people.

"Speaking of which, the grievances between the two of us have been resolved, so can your plan be terminated, the plan to blow up the world?" Guan Twelve patted the dust that didn't exist on her body, she stood for a while and thought about it. Sit back.

Well, it's still comfortable to sit on.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at her uncle Jincheng indifferently, and asked.

That's right, the plan to blow up the world, this is the plan written on the card that Shaoqiuyan showed her at that time, uncle Jincheng!

He distributed cards all over the city, in order to let all players see what he wrote on the cards:

After March, the bombs I planted on the entire game map will be activated at the same time, and only Gole Tower is the pure land!I'll be waiting for you here - Uncle Jincheng.

He told all the players about the bomb he placed on this map. Of course, everyone will think he is crazy. After all, the game has just started for a day, and he is not so capable, but the cleverness of Taishu Jincheng lies in , he let everyone know that uncle Jincheng is a lunatic.

A clever lunatic!

So much so that Taishu Jincheng's last name inscription turned this matter from a ridiculous lie to a possibly true fact.

The player's thinking is very simple, no matter whether this matter is true or not, as long as they go to Gaole Tower, they can't go wrong!

If it's fake, go and kill Grand Uncle Jin Cheng, after all there are so many of them!If it's true, it would be even better for them to go!
Then a large number of players frantically went to the Gaole Tower, and then...the NPCs placed there by Taishu Jincheng were all eliminated!
yes!This group of simple players, remember Taishu Jincheng's crazy attributes, but forgot. He is good at using NPCs!

This is why a large number of players will be eliminated in a short period of time.

"Although I forgive you, I will never forgive the pastor!" Uncle Jin Cheng gritted his teeth even when he said the pastor's name.

It can be seen how angry it is.

"If you're doing this to get revenge on the pastor, then it's better for you to stop, because that guy has already been killed by me."


The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

"What did you say?" Uncle Jincheng had an expression of hallucination.

"I killed the pastor." The player blinked his big innocent eyes.

Then she looked at the uncle Jincheng in front of her, whose expression changed back and forth between "Are you kidding, can't it be true, is it true? Really, how can a person like you beat the priest".

It can be seen that the people in front of him are shocked, and the players are very unhappy.

Could it be that her image has always been so unbearable with this womanizer? ?

Although she really can't beat that pervert!But she has a wall hanging! !

what!Thinking about him on the first day after leaving the couch!
"If you're not lying, then you really got rid of the pastor." Uncle Jin Cheng played with his fingers around his hair, and after he finished speaking, he still found it very funny and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha! Pastor, that big Sabie!!"

 Cute four characters hahahahaha!
  It will be available tomorrow

  After being put on the shelves, it will be updated twice a day, and more tickets will be added.
  Yes, it is like that

  In addition, my friend told me that what I wrote was too plain, without any passion.What I want to say about this is, passion is behind!

  Dear, don't read two chapters or just read two stories and just point fingers at my book!
  Can I know that there is no passion?I'm watching too!

  Every story has a primary and a secondary, and the main one hasn’t even begun yet!Why the hell are you in a hurry! !
(End of this chapter)

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