The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 64 Cyberpunk

Chapter 64 Cyberpunk (19)

"To be defeated by a little girl! What did you say to me that no one can eliminate him in Yu-Gi-Oh? He was eliminated in the end haha! Stupid, stupid! By the way, did he also lose in the last world? Hahaha!! Lol Dead! This is simply the funniest joke this year!!" Uncle Jincheng laughed out loud, completely disregarding his image.

It can be seen how ridiculous it is for the pastor to be eliminated.

Guan Twelve thought about the priest's strength. If she fought head-on, she really couldn't beat him, but there was no way, she was dead.

"If you can eliminate the pastor, it means that you have a lot of ability, and I don't think you look like he is with him. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Do you want to cooperate with me?" Uncle Jincheng laughed enough, he Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he proposed cooperation with the players.

The players were taken aback, cooperation?What are you cooperating with?Blow up the world? ?

"You know I'm not interested in the winning bonus, after all, I've already spent 60 game currency on the bomb I used to prepare to blow up the world, I'm not short of the winning [-], but I don't want to end the game so soon , this banquet was originally prepared for the pastor, but unfortunately he was not that lucky, then I will transfer this to someone else, there is still a month before the explosion, guess what? Who is the savior?" Uncle Tai Jin Cheng said and looked at Guan Twelve, he wanted to make a bet with Guan Twelve.

Bet someone thwarted his plan, or did his plan go ahead?
Guan Twelve pursed her lips and said nothing. To be honest, she didn't want to make this bet. Get timed instead of remote, but that doesn't get in the way of the fact that he's going to blow up the world.

Then the other players can only have one goal, which is to defeat Taishu Jincheng and stop his plan from being implemented.

Uncle Jin Cheng completely put himself in the position of the big boss. Not only was he not afraid, but he enjoyed it very much.

This guy is weird... pompous and self-centered eccentric with no shortage of money.

Guan Twelve felt that he was going to worship in the mountains after this game, why did he meet such inexplicable guys recently.

Where are the other normal people who play this game? ?

"Aren't you going to bet with me?" Seeing that Guan Twelve ignored him for a long time, Grand Uncle Jin Cheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked.

Guan Twelve came back to her senses, she looked up at Uncle Jin Cheng, thought for a while and shook her head, "No gambling."

Not to mention that she doesn't know who will win, just relying on the fact that she will lose every bet, she will not gamble.

"That's it, then go to hell~" Uncle Jin Cheng suddenly changed his face and took out a gun and pointed it at Officer Twelve without hesitation.

Guan Twelve was terrified by this sudden scene.

Fuck!If you say you change your face, you will change your face! !
"Wait! I was wrong, I bet! I love gambling the most! Gambling makes me happy! Gambling makes me healthy! Gambling makes me delicious!!" Guan Twelve blushed and changed her words quickly, then looked at the opposite The guy turned back into a smiley face.

Isn't this coercion? ?All fucking crazy! !
The corner of Guan Twelve's mouth twitched, she couldn't understand Grand Uncle Jin Cheng at all, he was too freewheeling, too independent!So self-centered again!
Everything has to go his way!Oh shit!so annoying!But her life is still in the hands of such a person! !

"Then... I'll bet that Grand Uncle Jincheng will succeed!" Guan Twelve opened his mouth and thought for a while, then looked at Uncle Jin Cheng with a hook, suddenly raised Erlang's legs, folded his hands on his knees, and smiled Look at him, playful and cute.

"Heh..." Uncle Jincheng felt that the smile was even more weird, it looked so cute, but his intuition was right, but what's wrong?It's just a guy who is imprisoned and slaughtered, what is he afraid of.

"Bet me to win? Are you trying to please me?" Uncle Jincheng automatically ignored the discomfort in his heart and was as conceited as he was. This suspicion could not arouse his vigilance at all. He still raised his chin and proudly held his hand. Beautiful head, like a proud peacock!

I really want to kick your pretty head off!

Guan Twelve wished to make a villain for Taishu Jincheng, and put on a smile on his face: "Yes, after all, I am now in the hands of Grand Uncle Jincheng. Only when Grand Uncle Jincheng is happy can he live a long time. A little bit."

It's so good, it's so good...

Guan Twelve himself felt that what he said was really good, and the flattery was enough. If she still wanted to kill her, then she would have nothing to say.

However, it is obvious that this flattering uncle Jin Cheng is very useful, he also put away his gun, raised the corners of his mouth, and began to speak in a flustered tone: "Of course! You will follow me for a long time in the future, and your benefits will be indispensable! "

"..." Then thank you so much!

Because of Guan Twelve's very sincere sycophantic behavior, now Taishu Jincheng is not very vigilant against her, allowing her to move around at will, but he didn't help her unlock the lock around her neck. In his words, there was a bomb in the lock. As long as Guan Twelve leaves this tower, it will explode immediately!And it can't be too far away from Taishu Jincheng, if it is more than [-] meters away, it will explode!
Officer [-]: The player's grandma~
This thing is so advanced, how much game currency does it cost!Can you guys from rich families stop playing this game!Give the poor players a little way out! !
Looking at the high-rise buildings and the luxurious cyberpunk-style streets outside the window, the player couldn't help sighing.

"What are you thinking about?" Uncle Jincheng walked over at this moment and handed the player a skirt.

"This is?" Guan Twelve looked at the skirt handed to her and couldn't help asking.

"Gown, can't you see? There is a banquet tonight, that old guy is going to take me there, and you will go with me too." The moment Uncle Jincheng mentioned Mustafa Shaq, his eyes were filled with disgust.

He really hated that old and cunning businessman, if it wasn't for the fact that he still has the value to take advantage of, plus he is indeed rich, uncle Jincheng would hate to cooperate with such a person the most.

And what Taishu Jincheng couldn't accept was that!
Mustafa Shaq had no interest in his beauty? ! !

ha? ? ! !In front of such a national treasure-level beauty, how could he remain indifferent? ? ?Can the fucking bear it? ? ! !

So Uncle Jincheng decided to hate Mustafa Shaq even more!
But the cooperation between the two made him have to go to the banquet held by Mustafa Shaq again!

Uncle Jin Cheng said: Very annoying!It's annoying! !

Guan Twelve looked at the skirt in his hand, then at the uncle Jin Cheng who was obviously unwilling to go, and pursed his lips silently.

This is... Is it difficult for every family to recite scriptures? ?

 It's on the shelves and there will be another chapter in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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