The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 65 Cyberpunk

Chapter 65 Cyberpunk (20)

The greatest and richest entrepreneur in the cyberpunk era, Mustafa Shaq, held a banquet for his daughter. One was to celebrate his daughter's coming of age, and the other was to announce a big event at the banquet! .

Immediately, wealthy businessmen from the entire city were invited to the destination of the banquet—Gao Le Tower!

Of course, this also includes dangerous people who were not invited but also came to the scene! !
After evading layers of security checks, Nesjie finally entered the banquet hall. He took a deep breath and relaxed.

I thought I was going to be discovered just now!
"Hey! Now is not the time to relax your vigilance, Jay!" Nesjay almost cried out when he was suddenly patted behind him.

"Xiao Ai!" Nasijie looked at Xiao Ai who was wearing a red dress, double ponytails were changed into one and her face was changed, and she didn't know what to say.

"Okay, little love, don't scare Jie, it's in the plan now, don't mess it up!" Ryan Went couldn't disguise because of his obvious body shape, so his task was assigned to the commander .

Ryan Venter, who was sitting in a car on the street not far from the Golet Tower, was monitoring every move at the banquet.

And the purpose of Nesjie, Xiao Ai, and Shaoqiuyan in disguise over there is to create chaos and kill Mustafa Shaq in a panic. This goal is undoubtedly risky, but that's all it takes One chance, Mustafa Shaq, who has been protected by countless masters, relaxes the number of guards at this banquet. This banquet will be a possibility for them to succeed!
"Yes..." After being taught a lesson, Xiao Ai was honest for a while, but only for a while, and soon she flirted around like a naughty cat~ While chatting more enthusiastically with this handsome guy, the next second I went to tell the other to open a room.

When Nasijie realized it, Xiao Ai had already received letters from many men and stayed in the hotel for several nights.

"Couldn't you be more stable?!" Nasijie gritted his teeth!He thought of Xiao Ai's lively temperament, but he didn't expect her to be so lively? ?This is different from other missions!He didn't want any surprises at such a tense time.

"You're just too nervous, relax, come, eat something delicious, the food at this banquet is all the best ingredients and the best chef." Shao Qiuyan over there also looked very relaxed, but It was easy enough for him.

He smiled and handed Nesjie a croissant to calm him down.

The corner of Nasijie's mouth twitched, looked at the happy little love over there who continued to play, and simply ignored it, and took a bite of the croissant!
Ok!really tasty! !

Nasja's eyes lit up.

"It's delicious~" Shaoqiuyan couldn't help laughing seeing Naisjie devouring it.

"Hmm... No! Isn't it time to eat this now?!" Nesjie was so angry that he wanted to throw away the remaining biscuits in his hand, but then he thought it was a pity and stuffed them all in his mouth.

"Eat it, maybe you won't be able to eat it in the future." Shao Qiuyan took a sip of the high-end red wine in the glass, narrowing his eyes so deliciously.

"You are really calm..." Nesjie's mouth twitched, he really didn't understand this guy, by the way, he remembered that he was so calm when Twelve disappeared, and he didn't know what could make him flustered stand up……

Speaking of which, he began to think about Twelve again.

Nasijie let out a long sigh, looked up at the bustling golden brick ceiling, and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

I don't know where Twelve is now...

And Shaoqiuyan, who wanted to eat some meat after tasting the red wine, caught sight of a touch of white and was stunned. Guan Twelve...then the guy next to her is...

etc!Why the hell are these two together? ?

Shaoqiuyan frowned, but quickly figured it out, and smiled "puchi".

It turned out that he was arrested, and he asked why he hadn't contacted her for so long.

"What are you laughing at? You found something interesting..." Nasijie was brought back to his thoughts by Shaoqiuyan's laughter. He just wanted to ask Shaoqiuyan what he saw and laughed so happily, but he stopped before he finished speaking. When he couldn't continue, he looked in Shaoqiuyan's direction, and saw two gorgeous figures standing in the crowd.

They are the same tall and tall, one is wearing a bright red conservative loose evening dress, the black hair is coiled up, and the delicate makeup is painted, looking as gorgeous as roses.

But this is not the reason why Nasijie was stunned. The culprit who stunned him was the white-haired girl next to her, who was wearing a black evening dress with a backless diamond and a halter neck.

Her graceful figure is even more beautiful against the backdrop of a slim dress. A beautiful sapphire hangs on her slender neck, which looks crystal clear, and a lot of skin is exposed on her back to her waist. Her silver hair is coiled up, which is sexy and sacred. Like the moon goddess.

And isn't this holy girl the girl he's been looking for? !

Nesjie subconsciously wanted to rush over, but was grabbed by Shaoqiuyan.

"What are you doing..." Nesje was angry!As soon as he opened his mouth to scold, Shaoqiuyan covered his mouth. Shaoqiuyan pointed to the uncle Jincheng next to Twelve, and warned in a cold voice: "I know you are very excited now, but please calm down, you Do you know who that person is? That's an existence that even I find troublesome, if you don't want our mission to fail, just pretend you didn't see it!"

It may be that Shaoqiuyan's aura was too scary, Nasijie actually calmed down, he nodded obediently, and now he still has to do things according to the plan.

After confirming that Nasijie had calmed down, Shaoqiuyan let go of his mouth.

Not being able to recognize the girl he loves makes Nasjay feel very uncomfortable, but at least he can rest assured that she is safe now.

When the mission is over, he will find a chance to rescue Twelve!

On the other side of Guan Twelve, she stood beside Taishu Jincheng and watched her cater to those people and say polite words.

She couldn't help admiring her, she was so annoying but she still continued to say polite words, she still admired her very much.

Speaking of it, Grand Uncle Jincheng seems to be the complete opposite type of Shaoqiuyan. Shaoqiuyan doesn't like to talk too much to NPCs and explain too much, but Grand Uncle Jincheng is very patient with NPCs, even if he is so upset in his heart. Hate Mustafa Shaq, but still come to his banquet.

"Who is this?" Official Twelve over there was still analyzing, but he didn't expect the conversation to be shifted to her.

Guan Twelve followed the voice and saw lustful faces.

She suddenly felt disgusted in her heart, before she could open her mouth, the uncle Jincheng suddenly put his arms around her waist and held her tightly in his arms. The tone of the uncle Jincheng was calm and vigilant, and he said: " This... is my dance partner."

 Ask for a ticket for the second order today
(End of this chapter)

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