The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 66 Cyberpunk

Chapter 66 Cyberpunk (21)

The beauty in the red evening dress embraces the holy girl like the moon. This was a heart-pounding and yearning scene, but it is a pity that the voice of a man was heard from the opening of the red evening dress.

But no one present would look down on this man who likes women's clothing, because this man is the uncle Jin Cheng, the famous man next to Mustafa Shaq!
To offend him is to offend Mustafa Shaq!

Today, the big red man brought a moon-like girl, the girl was holy and flawless, and she became the focus of attention as soon as she arrived at the banquet. Countless people wanted to get this girl, but this girl was always by the big red man's side!

In the end, someone still couldn't stand the temptation to attack the moon, and then the man in the red evening dress hugged the moon in his arms, and looked at the guy with evil thoughts indifferently in a protective way:
"This is... my dance partner."

The flat tone seems to be talking about today's weather, but the warning inside is warning all the people present looking at this side.

This moon is not their plaything, let alone something they can touch.

Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows, she didn't expect that his great-uncle Jin Cheng would protect her, this surprised her!She thought that uncle Jin Cheng would not care about her at all.

"Ah, that's really impolite..." The man who was warned was immediately discouraged, and he quickly apologized cheerfully and turned away from this place of right and wrong.

Nasijie and Xiao Ai would rush up there, if Shaoqiuyan didn't stop them.

"That bastard, I have to teach him a lesson. What the hell! How dare you plan on the beautiful sister!!!" Xiao Ai was just about to kick that man just now!

"Calm down..." Shao Qiuyan felt very tired.

"That bastard in women's clothing dared to hug Twelve's waist! Damn!! I haven't even hugged him yet!!" Nesjie gritted his teeth and stared at his uncle Jincheng!

"The latter sentence is the main one." Shao Qiuyan's mouth twitched.

so tired!
He really doesn't want to persuade these Saby NPCs anymore, if the plan is not destroyed if he lets go, he won't be able to watch the drama, he must let go!
But soon he found that the two guys in his hand had quieted down?
What made them quiet?
Shao Qiuyan looked in the direction of the two of them, and saw Mustafa Shaq appear at some time.

Mustafa Shaq walked up to Taishu Jincheng and saw Guan Twelve in his arms, couldn't help but laughed and said:

"Miss Twelve, long time no see."

"Yeah, I haven't seen Mr. Mustafa for a long time." The second time we met, Guan Twelve still didn't give Mustafa Shaq a good look. It wasn't that she wasn't afraid of her, but that his uncle Jin Cheng was there. Besides, Grand Uncle Jincheng obviously doesn't like this guy, and now the guy holding her life is Grand Uncle Jincheng, so just follow Tai Shu Jincheng's wishes at this time!

If, as Guan Twelve thought, the fact that she didn't give Mustafa Shaq a good look pleased his uncle Jin Cheng, and his mood would brighten.

"Hehe, it seems that Miss Twelve's previous male companion was not this one, but that one..." Mustafa Shaq was interrupted by his uncle Jin Cheng, his tone indifferent And domineering:

"Ah, I don't know who her previous male partner was, but I snatched her over, and she is mine."

What domineering words!Players can bet that you must be a boss in real life! !

Guan Twelve is going to be numb by Taishu Jincheng's domineering CEO behavior.

I thought he was just a self-centered pervert who liked women's clothing, but he didn't expect that he still had the genes of a domineering president.

"Okay, okay~" Mustafa Shaq waved his hand, not angry because of his uncle Jincheng's behavior, but he didn't intend to stay here and turn around. When he was about to leave, he said to Guan Twelve: "Follow me I said hello to Jay and said I miss him so much, if I get a chance hehe..."

After finishing speaking, he left. As the organizer of the banquet, he still has many guests to cater to.

Seeing Mustafa Shaq leave, uncle Jincheng also let go of Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve quickly thanked him.

For the protection of players, the players are not stingy in their gratitude.

Uncle Jincheng also readily accepted the player's thanks. In his words, Guan Twelve is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and being thanked by a beauty is also pleasing to the eye.

Official Twelve: I can't tell that this pervert is still a beauty lover!

"Stay by my side." Uncle Jin Cheng stretched out his hand and gently helped Guan Twelve straighten the crooked sapphire necklace.

This kind of ambiguous behavior is a warning to Guan Twelve, because there is a bomb in her sapphire necklace.

Yes, Taishu Jincheng, the insane guy, installed a bomb in such a beautiful gem.

When the player knew about this, he almost didn't come up in one breath!
Such a beautiful gem!You can tell it's expensive at first glance!But he went so far as to destroy this beautiful property? ?

And a "it's useless if it can't hold a bomb" look.

Guan Twelve became even more angry.

Fucking rich rich.


Leaving this aside,
Guan Twelve noticed that there were too many players in this banquet.

It seems like all the remaining players have come.

Why?Did the player receive some news, and this is the final circle of the game?
It seems that this banquet will not end peacefully.

Guan Twelve noticed Shaoqiuyan, and Shaoqiuyan also noticed him very much, and he still had her hanging by his side.

Depend on!Her hanging is also there? !

Then what is she afraid of? ?

Immediately, Guan Twelve became stiff.

Shaoqiuyan didn't seem to recognize her, and after meeting her eyes, he left her sight.

No, maybe he doesn't seem to recognize Taishu Jincheng, since they are there, it means that the other members of the Danger are also there.

Are they trying to get rid of Mustapha Shaq at this banquet?
The player who came to this conclusion quickly shifted his gaze.

It's determined, this banquet is definitely a war, she has to find a way to stay away, it's okay if she is killed by the player, being affected by the war between NPCs and then dying, this is the most embarrassing way to die!
The banquet soon came to a critical moment. Mustafa Shaq stood on the stage of the banquet with a microphone in his hand. gave the most important speech at the banquet.The purpose of the speech is only one, to introduce the protagonist of this banquet, the so-called daughter of Mustafa Shaq:

"Finally welcome my little girl, Bai Shaq!!"

Immediately there was a loud applause at the banquet! !When Nesjie seemed to guess something when he heard the name, his pupils shrank, but he still had a glimmer of hope, what if it wasn't the same person.

And this glimmer of hope was completely shattered when he saw the very familiar figure on the stage! !

 Twelve: There are so many evil rich people!What's wrong with adding her? !

(End of this chapter)

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