The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 68 Cyberpunk

Chapter 68 Cyberpunk (23)

Uncle Jincheng is such a conceited person!He can even blow up the whole world in order to get revenge on Officer Twelve and the Priest.

But even if such a person is used by someone to design him, he just calms down after being angry for a while, and can reply in a flat manner.

How cruel!It's so cruel!

Guan Twelve was horrified in his heart, and felt more and more that this uncle Jincheng was a ruthless person, and if he could stay away from him in the future, he must stay away from him!
"Speaking of which, it's the first time you two have met, let the young people talk for themselves." Mustafa Shaq pushed Bai in front of his uncle Jincheng, and then left happily .

Officer Twelve: Wait? ?What's the meaning? ?

Guan Twelve looked at his uncle Jincheng and then at Bai in front of him, she suddenly felt that her position was very awkward.

what is shethree?No!She doesn't recognize it!Speaking of which, Bai is only three, but she seems to have a serious identity. Ahh, that's wrong!What is she thinking about now? ? !
She only had time to think about these things when she was free!

Let this world fucking end! !Player is tired!

"Mr. Grand Uncle, it's the first time we meet. I'm Bai." Bai stretched out his hand towards Grand Uncle Jincheng, smiling sweetly. Grand Uncle Jincheng shook that hand without changing his face: "Grand Uncle Jincheng."

"Your father handed you over to a man who likes to wear women's clothes and looks better than you. You have no complaints." Uncle Jincheng looked at Bai in front of him, who must be her age, but he had already seen her two The arms and both legs have been modified.

It's not like it was transformed to protect her, but it seems to be transformed to protect someone.

That old guy is really afraid of death.

Uncle Jincheng is also a smart person, he can figure out this kind of thing just by thinking about it.

"This is the arrangement of my father. My father is very kind to me. I believe in the choice he made for me. Besides, I met Mr. Taishu today, and I feel that Taishu is different from what I imagined." Bai smiled as if he hadn't come out. The eldest lady of the matter, but Guan Twelve remembers that this girl's arm can pull out two machetes, slash!Knives are so fierce!
"It looks a little better than I thought." Bai blushed and praised.

Grand Uncle Jincheng: Oh, you have good eyesight.

Guan Twelve noticed that Taishu Jincheng's attitude towards Bai was much better. Sure enough, this guy would feel very good when he heard praises for him.

It's too easy to control.

"This is..." Bai now changed the topic to Guan Twelve who was in his uncle Jincheng's arms.

There's no way, Guan Twelve is too conspicuous and has been in her fiancé's arms, even though she and uncle Jincheng have such a good atmosphere, she hasn't seen her leave!

So shameless!

Guan Twelve swore to see her eyes clearly reflected two large characters: Bitch!
damn it! ?What the hell? ?The player was scolded by the NPC? ?But what does this have to do with her?She also wants to get out, stay far away, but now she is strapped with a bomb, and it will explode if she is far away!
Do you understand the explosion? !Just touch!push lightly!It's kind of messy! !

She is too young to die! !

Guan Twelve pursed his lips and understood Bai's eyes telling her to go away, but she just didn't go, not only did she not go, but she even slapped uncle Jincheng.

Disgusting you hum!
Bai looked at the girl who looked like a goddess of the moon in Taishu Jincheng's arms, and couldn't help showing a cold expression.

The player finds that Bai's character design is very interesting. She cares so much about Taishu Jincheng, but it's not because she likes him, but because of her strong possessive desire.

That's right, Bai is a very possessive woman, even if she doesn't like her uncle Jincheng, she doesn't want anyone to touch her things, so she is very wary of Guan Twelve, and of course she is also very vigilant when facing Nesjie. For a reason, whether she likes Nesjay or not, she doesn't want other women around him.

A very possessive woman.

She was the type that Guan Twelve least wanted to provoke, but at this time she still had to face this type of woman face to face.

Gan!So annoying!

Let Taishu Jincheng solve it by himself.

"What's your name?" Bai looked at Guan Twelve coldly, the malice in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Twelve." Guan Twelve looked at Bai, smiled half a second later and said:
"Miss Bai, although you and Grand Uncle Jincheng are currently a fiancée, but tonight's dance partner is me, can you... let me go?"


provocative!The player's words directly wrote provocation on his face!The atmosphere suddenly fell into anxiety. Both the players and the NPCs present here are watching the two women competing for a man with the mentality of watching the excitement.

Even if this man is more beautiful than a woman in women's clothes!

Shao Qiuyan looked at the three people who were in a stalemate, and then at Guan Twelve, who was hiding in Taishu Jincheng's arms and couldn't get out, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Guan Twelve is not a provocative person. According to his understanding, this woman is very boring, and she will not provoke NPCs for any reason. She thinks it is unnecessary.

So is there any reason that he must be with Taishu Jincheng?

Shaoqiuyan noticed that the sapphire necklace on Guan Twelve's neck was carefully protected by her. Even though the two of them were so close to each other, the sapphire necklace was still motionless. His uncle Jincheng seemed to help her straighten it just now. The posture is also cautious.

bomb?It looks like a bomb with a distance limit.

Shaoqiuyan quickly figured this out, and he didn't intend to help, just kidding, now is a good time to watch a good show, and uncle Jincheng doesn't seem to plan to deal with Guan Twelve either.

After all, as he said.

Guan Twelve is a likable girl because she is very good at it.

Just like now, Grand Uncle Jincheng laughed after listening to her words, then put his arms around Guan Twelve's slender waist to bring the two of them closer together, looked at Bai with a smile and said, "That's right, Miss Bai, Although you made a marriage contract with me today, after all, I invited her first, so let's wrong Miss Bai today and find another dance partner."

go to hell!It's just a mere NPC who wants to control the player?
Your father and I can't move now, and you, a stupid offspring, can't move? ?
After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Bai's reaction, took Guan Twelve and left.

Probably because Lian Bai didn't expect his great-uncle Jincheng to really disrespect his fiancée!In favor of a little lover!So much so that he was so startled by the words of Taishu Jincheng, he was so shocked that he couldn't move!Forgot to catch up.

On the other side, Guan Twelve, who was hugged by his uncle Jin Cheng, was about to die of fright!

Fuck! !bomb!The bomb hit, fuck it! !Can you pay attention! ! !
Don't fucking go away! !Almost got it! !

Stop fucking hugging!Almost got it! !
At this time, Guan Twelve and Shao Qiuyan had surprisingly the same thoughts.

 More text, more text, begging for votes
  Today is Laba, right? After Laba is the New Year

(End of this chapter)

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