The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 69 Cyberpunk

Chapter 69 Cyberpunk (24)

Shaoqiuyan dragged Nasijie, who was eager to rush over, while thinking with a blank expression on his face.

He couldn't tell how many times it was!Whenever Grand Uncle Jincheng makes any moves towards Guan Twelve, the NPC will lose his mind, and rush forward regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.

"I's almost enough."

Shaoqiuyan raised his eyes, his tone was impatient and warning, Nesjie froze, because Shaoqiuyan's tone was too indifferent, something he had never heard before... full of Terrible tone.

"That's why I'm saying that these NPCs controlled by players are the most troublesome. One by one, it's okay to do it once or twice. I'm also very annoying if I keep doing this, ha!" Shaoqiuyan let go of his hand irritably, and Not caring whether Nesjie would rush forward, he looked at Taishu Jincheng who was not far away, and it happened that Taishu Jincheng was also looking this way at this time.

The eyes of the two met, and one of them seemed to see the warning and irritability in the eyes of the other, but this put him in a good mood, and the corners of his mouth rose accordingly.

I said, you have to be patient with NPCs, Mr. Shao.

shut up!I'm not in the mood to continue watching this boring farce, or if it ends quickly, I'll finish it for you.

Shaoqiuyan's eyes were warning. He is really in a bad mood now. He doesn't want to stay in this world anymore. Not only is he bored, but he also has to stay with stupid NPCs. He has had enough!
It's not wrong for him to like watching dramas, but this time the plot is really boring, he has been in this world for too long.

It's been so long that he has no interest in continuing to read it!
Ah~ What kind of ending do you want, forget about the unfinished ending...

Shao Qiuyan took out two scalpels from his sleeves, watched the nearby players and figured out how to end this boring game as quickly as possible.

But obviously there are people who can't stand this scene even more than him. The war started with a player who pointed a gun at Taishu Jincheng, and there was a "peng" gunshot!The banquet seemed to be paused, followed by another scream!
The scene suddenly fell into chaos!
Uncle Jincheng looked at the player lying there expressionlessly, and then looked at Bai who was holding a pistol in his hand, and smiled with a breathtaking beauty: "Thank you, Miss Bai."

"You're welcome, it's my duty to protect my fiancé." Bai retracted the pistol in her palm, and she responded with a smile.

Guan Twelve, who was in Taishu Jincheng's arms, glanced at the player lying there, then turned his head to look at Bai, and couldn't help but smirk.

The NPC is really easy to use. Although they can't get kills, they won't be in danger.

And sometimes another player rushed towards Taishu Jincheng. Obviously, this group of players reached an agreement at a time of inexplicable, and if they want to solve it, they must first deal with the lunatic who wants to blow up the world!
And Bai's hands transformed into two swords and attacked those players who attacked Taishu Jincheng! "Damn it! What are you doing with an NPC!!"

"It's said that Taishu Laoyinbi loves to use NPCs the most, so it's true!!"

"It's rubbish!! It's too much to rely on us not to kill the NPC!!"

The players cursed one after another!
Bai's body has been transformed, and her speed damage is very high.

Even though the players' physical values ​​had been refreshed by the system, they were not opponents of the modders after all. When Bai eliminated the last attacking player, there were only nine players left.

Ah, and there are three NPCs, Nesjie, Xiao Ai, and Mustafa Shaq.

That's all the people who are still at the banquet right now.

"Hey! There are two NPCs over there, please help me! This girl is too strong and we can't beat it!" Some players saw that Taishu Jincheng was surrounded by NPCs for protection, so they wanted to ask NPCs for help.

"..." Nasijie subconsciously looked at Shaoqiuyan behind him, for some reason, he seemed to feel that he was about to make a move just now.

"I think you can help, after all, our opponents are the same." Shaoqiuyan had already put away the scalpel at this time, because he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something to watch in this drama.

"Ah? Even if you don't talk about this kind of thing! I have to cut this bitch into pieces!!" Xiao Ai's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she stared at Bai. She still remembers it!
She dreams every night!Dreamed that she fought with Bai again!How could she kick Bai's head mercilessly!
She has practiced this matter too many times in her dreams!Now is the last chance!Achieved! !

But this matter is difficult for Nesjie. To be honest, in his heart now, the feelings of the dialogue are still very confused.

He didn't understand why Bai would help the current enemy of the childhood sinner, and he didn't understand why she would become the enemy's daughter. To be honest, when Mustafa Shaq announced that Bai was his daughter Everyone was shocked, and all they could think about was why Bai became the daughter of Mustafa Shaq! ! !

He doesn't understand!do not understand!His mind is in a mess now!I don't know what to do! !

Even so! !
But he knew that he didn't want to be an enemy of Bai!
Because he has no way to fight against Bai! !

Nesjie's hesitation was seen by Xiao Ai. She knew that there seemed to be some inexplicable relationship between this teammate of hers and that Bai, but this did not affect her desire to kill Bai.

So she snorted coldly and warned Nesjie: "If you don't want to get involved, don't help!!"

After finishing speaking, he went up to attack Bai!
Looking at the besieged Bai, Nesjie stretched out his hand and put it down again, his mood was extremely complicated.

He suddenly didn't know what to do. At this moment, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Guan Twelve. The girl he cared about the same was now in the arms of another man...

How to do……

Nesje was in a tangle.

Shaoqiuyan looked at Nesjie who was caught in a dilemma and obviously didn't know what to do. He felt that this NPC was too indecisive. He seemed to have no self-awareness. Couldn't he make a choice without others? ?
Or is it that his brain has run out of use for such a small problem and he doesn't know what to do? ?
He didn't think so, probably because the data of this NPC had been confused, and he couldn't think about it.

If this is really the case, then Guan Twelve really has a lot of credit.

Because if there is no Guan Twelve, there will only be a sweetheart like Bai in Nesjie's heart, and there will be no more important existence in his heart than Bai. Even if he encounters the current scene, although he doesn't understand But he will still help Bai, but now that Guan Twelve is here, everything has changed.

 Shaoqiu said: Xiao Zuojing, you have done it for me
(End of this chapter)

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