The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 70 Cyberpunk

Chapter 70 Cyberpunk (25)

Guan Twelve brought about a great change in the young man's mind.Without Guan Twelve around, Bai is the Bai Yueguang in his heart, the existence of his childhood sweetheart, so he will definitely help Bai for this relationship.

But now the role of girlfriend in his heart is assigned to Guan Twelve, that is to say, in his heart, Guan Twelve is more important than Bai, and now Bai is just a childhood playmate in his heart, or a savior His background was also torn apart by Bai's act of admitting that the thief was his father.

In short, in Nasijie's heart now, he wants to help Bai but he doesn't want to help that much.

Of course, there is also Guan Twelve in other people's arms, and his thoughts are all on Guan Twelve, so naturally he doesn't care about the dialogue.

He dared to bet that if Guan Twelve asked Nasijie to kill his uncle Jincheng, Nasijie would not hesitate at all!
All in all, in one sentence, the existence of Guan Twelve made Nisijie's CPU burnt stupid.

This is the time to need him, a man with brains and wisdom, to maintain the development of this plot!
Shaoqiuyan took a step forward and patted Nesjie on the shoulder, he said: "Instead of thinking about messy things here and not knowing what to do, why not do something and save our Miss Twelve."

Shaoqiuyan's words seemed to give Nesjie a goal and calm down his chaotic mind. He nodded, and then turned to look at Guan Twelve, who had been protected in his arms by his uncle Jincheng.

He stretched out his hand and used his ability to control Taishu Jincheng.

And uncle Jincheng chatted happily.

Guan Twelve looked at Bai, who was fighting with the players over there with lightning, his figure was like flowing water!Strong as a broken bamboo!Every move with a ruthless decision!Even in a cumbersome evening dress, her movements are clean and beautiful, especially the pair of knives!There are endless changes!It can be a knife!a gun!a sword!a bow!Ever changing!To put it simply, it is one sentence, handsome!It's so fucking handsome!

Guan Twelve is crazy!She also really wants that, that, that deformable knife! !
"Like her?" Uncle Jin Cheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw that Guan Twelve was looking so seriously.

"Well, I like her... knife." Guan Twelve said and asked again:
"How much do you think it will cost if you sell this thing?"

"You want to buy it?" Uncle Jincheng raised his eyebrows.

One Poor Two White Officials Twelve: ...

"Uh, I'll ask." Guan Twelve thought that he didn't have much money at all, and he had to buy medicine and see a doctor, and he didn't even have much money for food. He didn't have any money left!
"It shouldn't be expensive. If you want 1:1, it should be around 10 yuan. If you like it, give me your home address and I will give it to you." Taishu Jincheng said that it is easy, like [-] yuan It's not like money.

"No thank you." Guan Twelve rejected the proposal blankly.

LOL!If you let me find out where she lives, she'll be dead!This girl doesn't understand that she wants revenge.

Originally, "The Doomsday of Wireless Streaming" has extremely high protection for the privacy of the players, and will never reveal any information about the players, but if the players reveal it themselves, there is nothing they can do.

"The Doom of Infinite Stream" will not take the initiative to expose, but you said, it will not stop it.

Uncle Jincheng's words are ambiguous, but the player knows that if she does something that is not good for him in the future, she will plan to take revenge on her in the real world!

Only sb will give it!snort!Players are not stupid!
"Really? That's really a pity." Uncle Jincheng seemed really sorry.

But only Guan Twelve knew that this girl was just pretending.

Uncle Jincheng wanted to say something, but suddenly felt that his body was being controlled, and then he pushed Guan Twelve away.

Unsuspecting Guan Twelve was suddenly pushed in the chest:? /? /? ? ?

What are you going to do? ?Didn't we have a good chat? ? ?
Then she was dragged in front of Nasijie, and uncle Jincheng pushed her directly into Nasijie's arms.

Officer Twelve: ...

If she still doesn't know what happened at this time, then she is really an idiot.

And the uncle Jincheng over there turned around and was about to leave after finishing this matter, how could Guan Twelve let him just leave, and besides, there was a bomb around her neck.

Guan Twelve quickly took out a pistol from Nesjie's trouser pocket, and shot without hesitation!
Probably everyone did not expect Guan Twelve to come up with such a move!After a gunshot, everyone's eyes turned to this side, when they saw that the one who fell was Taishu Jincheng.

A sentence flashed through everyone's mind: Damn? ? !

What the hell? ? ! !
Uncle Jin Cheng died? ?
The boss they've been brushing is dead? ?
On the other hand, Guan Twelve stared at the uncle Jin Cheng who was lying on the ground. Before he died, he said a word, but just stared at her as if he wanted to see through her, and his whole body went numb.

Look at Mao!game!Isn't it all about winning or losing? ? ?

She did nothing wrong!Really hum!
"You..." Even Nesjie didn't expect Guan Twelve to be so unhesitating? ?
"Hahaha! It's really you!" Shaoqiuyan over there was the first to come back to his senses. He had thought of this scene, but he still couldn't help feeling funny when it happened!
"What are you looking at? Keep fighting!" Guan Twelve didn't respond to Shaoqiu's words.

Let's see what she does, keep playing, she will be happy if she kills a few more players.

"No, I won't fight anymore, it's unnecessary, the big bosses are dead, so why should we fight?"

"That's right! By the way, how did you kill him? Did you get killed too??"

"I think the NPC next to you is suspicious! How about killing you first!"

"Brother! I think what you said makes sense."

"Damn! How can you bear such a pretty face? It's so heartless, but I like it! Count me in!"

The few players over there locked their targets on Guan Twelve with a few words.

Officer Twelve is speechless!These few players are obviously killing red eyes, and they will not let anyone go.

She took off the bomb on her neck and threw it to the group of players without hesitation.

Gan!Go to hell! !
This group of players didn't expect that there was a bomb hidden in such a beautiful gem, so three seconds after a player subconsciously took it with his hand, there was the sound of an explosion.

To say how ruthless the explosion was.

So ruthless that Guan Twelve himself was affected.

The blood bar dropped by more than half!

The whole building is shaking!

Fuck!What the hell kind of bomb is this? ! !

That's too ruthless, great uncle Jincheng! !There is such a big bomb installed on her weak neck!Is this fucking human? ? ! !

 More text for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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