The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 75 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 75 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (4)

No matter what, Shaoqiuyan knew that the current Guan Twelve would not cooperate with him at all, and she didn't even want to perfunctory him, and she didn't want to maintain a fake relationship with him anymore.

Hey!This woman is really... I don't know what to say, she's very numb...

Shao Qiuyan was immersed in his own thoughts, but Guan Twelve was too lazy to talk, so the atmosphere in the car was very quiet.

Speechless all the way.

The carriage traveled for a day and only traveled a third of the distance. It was dark and it was very dangerous to walk in the ice and snow at night.

Fortunately, there is an inn here. Li Na drove the carriage to the door of the inn, parked the car at the door of the inn, opened the door and saw two people sitting opposite each other.

Li Na: This atmosphere doesn't feel right...

"It's getting dark now, and the blizzard will be even bigger at night. For safety, let's stay here for one night."

Naturally, Shaoqiuyan had no objection, and neither did Guan Twelve, so the three of them asked for two rooms to stay in this inn, and spent a peaceful night peacefully... No wonder! !

Li Na snatched Guan Twelve back from Shaoqiuyan, she looked at Shaoqiuyan viciously, she was just the one who didn't care about this girl, and she seemed to be alone in the same room? ? ?
"What are you doing?? Go to sleep!"

"..." Shaoqiuyan glanced at Guan Twelve who was being held by Li Na.

He didn't speak, just watched the two of them enter the room, and Shaoqiuyan turned around to go back to the room. At this moment, he suddenly heard someone calling him: "Shaoqiuyan?"

Shaoqiuyan turned his head and took a look, ah!Another old acquaintance!
On Li Na's side, she held Guan Twelve's hand tightly, and asked with a serious face, "Who the hell is he?! What's your relationship with him??!"

"It doesn't matter." Guan Twelve replied perfunctorily.

How the hell can it be okay with you? !He's going to drag you into his room! !

"It doesn't matter why did you go with him?!"

"He didn't want to kill me."

"...The key is not this!!" Li Na gasped! !

Could it be that a man can live alone in the same room with someone without killing you? ? ! !

Isn't it important that he is greedy for your body? ? ! !
He might be plotting something wrong with you! ! !

But Li Na knew from Guan Twelve's expression of not wanting to care about anything but wanting to die, that this girl didn't care about it at all.

It's useless to tell her a thousand words, so I simply left a sentence: "Don't get along with strangers and men casually in the future."

Guan Twelve looked at Li Na, but it was useless to answer.

She found that Li Na's character design is very interesting. She also has a wish to realize, but she dare not kill anyone because of her excessive kindness. She will not let any life go, even if it is a stranger.

Those who are good are the foundation of great harmony in the world, and those who are more than good are the source of disasters in the world.

Li Na obviously belongs to the latter.

A person who is too kind often brings disaster to others.

"What is your wish?" At night, when the two were lying on the bed, Li Na was still holding Guan Twelve's hand, fearing that she would seek death, but at this time Guan Twelve suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Li Na was a little puzzled by the sudden question.

"You also want red roses, so do you have any wish to come true?" Guan Twelve patiently explained.

"Ah, yes, or maybe everyone has a wish." Li Na finally understood, and then she nodded without hesitation, expressing that she also has a wish that she wants to realize.

"My wish is that our country can return to the way it used to be!" Li Na's eyes were bright, but the darkness covered the light, but that didn't mean she could hide her inner hope:

"There can be a warm sun, no more wind and snow! There can be dew! There can be grasslands! There can be large patches of red roses blooming on our land!"

This is a man of great love and selflessness.

Guan Twelve quickly analyzed Li Na's character. She had no selfish desires. Although she was curious about what kind of education environment she had to cultivate such a character, it was obvious now that Li Na was a simple Kind, shameless, selfless giver.

Such a person is too kind and has goals, but she doesn't want to hurt anyone, which means she is destined to be unable to realize her wish and is a very contradictory person.

But he is a very typical kind person.

Forget it, none of this has anything to do with her, anyway, she's just begging... Huh?

Guan Twelve blinked her eyes and was dazed for a long time, then she suddenly reacted and stood up with a "shua", startling Li Na next to her.

"What's wrong??!"

Li Na looked at Guan Twelve worriedly, Guan Twelve blinked, she looked at her hands, she...was sick? ? ! !
yes!Guan Twelve suddenly returned to normal at this time, and reflected that she had an illness. She was terrified for a moment, and now there was only one thought in her mind!It doesn't matter what he wins or loses! !She must get out of here now!Go back to the real world consciously now!

Thinking of this, Guan Twelve wanted to break free from Li Na, but found that Li Na was holding her tightly and would not let go.

"What are you going to do?!" Li Na grabbed her tightly, with a confused look on her face!
"I want..." Guan Twelve was just about to say that she was going to leave this world, when he suddenly realized that the woman in front of him seemed to be very afraid of her death.

Sure enough, even those who are too kind will bring unnecessary trouble.

"I don't want to die, let me go, it's uncomfortable to sleep like this."

"...Really?" Li Na looked skeptical, she turned on the oil lamp beside the bed, and saw Guan Twelve's face clearly, those eyes were bright and clear, and she was definitely not depressed.

Seeing this, Li Na released Guan Twelve in peace of mind. As soon as he let go, Guan Twelve got up and told Li Na that he would be back soon, and then went out.

She is going to find a way to die!correct!Shaoqiuyan!

Guan Twelve went to pat on Shaoqiuyan's door, but there was no response after waiting for a long time. It is impossible for Shaoqiuyan not to open the door, because he is not in the room!

Guan Twelve gritted her teeth and opened the mall to exchange for a dagger to kill herself, but when she stabbed the dagger into her abdomen, she suddenly received an email from the game official.

Logically speaking, the game official will not send emails to players during the game. Official Twelve stopped what he was doing and clicked on the email:

[Hello players, this is the official website of "The Doomsday of Unlimited Streaming", here we release the latest rules of the closed beta game!There are three game maps in this internal test, and all of them must be passed!Otherwise you cannot exit the game!Players will not exit the game if they die on a map!Will enter the soul state and cannot interfere with the game!When a player clears the map, the dead player will be resurrected and enter the next game map together! 】

(End of this chapter)

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