The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 76 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 76 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (5)

[All the staff of "The Doom of Infinite Stream" hope that all players have a good time playing! 】

Have fun you fucking bastard! !

Guan Twelve couldn't help but want to curse!Why didn't the fuck make it clear at the beginning of such an important matter! !She's fucking going to complain! ! !Be sure to complain! ! !

[Sorry for the queue ahead, please order later~]

Such a window popped up suddenly at the twelve o'clock sending of the official who had written a large complaint article.

Officer Twelve: ... Sure enough, such shameless behavior has aroused public outrage!Should! !You deserve it!
Guan Twelve Fu forehead, it is useless to say anything now, the only way is to do everything possible to end this game as quickly as possible.

But there is one thing now, that is, she doesn't know what the conditions for winning are, and this dog game didn't say anything!
Guan Twelve felt that he was exhausted.

In this situation, the only advantage is that even if she wants to die in the game, she won't really die.

However, 100% of the pain feels like a tingling scalp, which is the same feeling as real death.

Guan Twelve rubbed his temples, then heaved a deep sigh, and went back to his room, having a sleepless night.

The next morning when Guan Twelve opened the door, he saw a strange girl standing at the door of his house. She looked cute, with jeans and a dark blue baseball uniform. Her long pink hair reminded her of the rich woman who gave her [-]. Also a player.

"Hello~ You must be the player with the number one winning percentage." The girl waved her hand at Guan Twelve and said in admiration.

Winning percentage list?First? ?who? ?her? ?

"No, it's not me." The player denied it without hesitation.

She has lost quite a few times, how could she be number one? If you think about it too much, players won't take this big pot!
And when did "The End of Infinite Stream" make such a list, why didn't she know? ?The official didn't say anything!
"I know you're not, I'm talking nonsense." Unexpectedly, the girl was not surprised at all when she heard it, but instead grinned.

Officer Twelve: ... Oh.

"My name is Yu Lingling." Yu Lingling stretched out her hand towards Guan Twelve.

"Twelve." Guan Twelve held that hand.

"Aren't you surnamed Guan?" Unexpectedly, Yu Lingling knew her real name, she tilted her head and asked suspiciously.

"...official twelve."

"Oh, twelve."

Guan Twelve looked at Yu Lingling, she didn't think this player came to her just to get to know her.

"Yeah, you two have met before." But at this moment, Shao Qiuyan came out from the next room, and said in feigned surprise when he saw the two people.

"You have been listening for a long time, don't think I don't know." Yu Lingling gave Shaoqiuyan a blank look, and said angrily.

"Because I think you two seem to be having a good chat." Shaoqiuyan laughed and walked over, standing in front of Guan Twelve, when he looked at Guan Twelve, when he saw her eyes returned to the familiar bright At that time, he smiled:
"It's back to normal."

Guan Twelve knew what he was talking about, but she didn't speak.

"You became very strange before, do you know that? Do you still have memory?" Shao Qiuyan stretched out his hand to caress Guan Twelve's face, his expression was curious, without any lingering.

"You have a dejected look on your face, and you want to die, as if... a different person."

Shao Qiuyan's hand moved up slowly, and stopped at Guan Twelve's eyes, he stretched out his hand, Guan Twelve closed his eyes and let him touch.

But he stopped halfway, then withdrew his hand, and Guan Twelve opened his eyes again.

"I've thought about it for a long time but I can't figure out why, can you tell me the answer?" Shao Qiuyan looked at Guan Twelve and asked.

Guan Twelve didn't open her mouth. She didn't want to tell Shaoqiu about her illness. It wasn't because of any reason, but simply because she didn't want to be investigated. Her illness was very rare, so rare that there were only a few cases in the world. Judging from Qiu Yan's words and deeds as well as his current actions, he should be at the top of this world.

The habitual conceited, arrogant, smart, and the character who doesn't care about money and only cares about his own satisfaction, it is difficult for an ordinary family to cultivate such talents.

So it is not difficult to guess that his family should belong to the upper class of the world. Such a person can easily find her information by investigating her case, and she will be exposed in front of Shaoqiuyan.

This is a very dangerous thing, and she will never allow danger to appear in her life, she is afraid of death!She wants to live!
Must also survive!
"I don't know what you're talking about." Guan Twelve lied without changing his face, but she knew that such a lie was like a fake in front of Shao Qiuyan who could see through people's subtle expressions.

Fortunately, Shaoqiuyan just glanced at Guan Twelve after hearing the lie, and didn't ask any more questions.

On the other hand, Yu Lingling, who was next to her, became interested, and she analyzed it on her own: "Huh? Could it be that you have a dual personality??!"

Officer Twelve: ...You just take it as it is.

"Okay, Lingling, don't ask about other people's privacy~ Twelve hates being asked about her the most, being hated by the idol you worship." Seeing Yu Lingling's eyes shining brightly, she wanted to continue to ask questions, Shaoqiu Yan grabbed her shoulders to stop her behavior.

Idol? ?etc? ?What idol? ?

Guan Twelve was confused, since when did she have fans? ?wrong!Why does she have fans? ?How low-key she does things! !

"By the way, you don't know yet. I told her your story. As soon as she finished hearing it, she thought you were amazing and insisted on me introducing you to her." Shaoqiuyan explained.

Now the official twelfth is even more confused, the story?What story could she have? ?Why doesn't she know it herself? ?

"Of course I'm talking about your technique of exorcising ghosts and your overly strong physical skills."

Guan Twelve suddenly realized that it was this.

"Twelve, where did you learn how to exorcise ghosts? Are you a Taoist priest? Do you eat vegetarian food?? Or are you a magician?! Which sect is that temple??!" Yu Lingling kept talking like a submachine gun The problematic bullets fired towards Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve was very speechless, not to mention that she would never answer any questions about her reality, she had too many fucking questions!
"I'm not a Taoist priest, I'm not a warlock, and I don't eat vegetarian food." As a product of "Three Noes", Guan Twelve's answer can be said to be very perfunctory and short.

But this still couldn't dampen Yu Lingling's enthusiasm. Seeing that there was a rhythm to continue the chat, Li Na came out at this time and said angrily: "What are you so noisy in the early morning! I don't know if the sound insulation here is not good? "

Then when she raised her eyes and saw Yu Lingling, she was completely dazzled.

Fuck!Who is this?Why another one? ?

 Li Na: Do you do magic tricks?Why is there one more person? ? !

  Ask for a ticket!

  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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