The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 77 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 77 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (6)

"You are..." Li Na looked at Yu Lingling and then wandered between Shaoqiuyan and Guan 12, guessing the relationship between the three of them.

"My name is Yu Lingling, brother Shaoqiu's half-sister." Yu Lingling introduced herself with a smile.

Li Na: ...Isn't that all right? ?

"Ah... oh. My name is Li Na." Li Na looked at the lively girl in front of her, she didn't look malicious at all, she was so cute, so she shouldn't be a bad person.

"Sister Li Na!" Yu Lingling's mouth is very sweet, so sweet that Li Na let go of all her guards and completely trusted her. When Yu Lingling said that she wanted to take a ride, Li Na agreed without hesitation. up.

Shaoqiu, who was still under suspicion until now, said: ...?
On the carriage, Yu Lingling kept asking Guan Twelve questions, but Guan Twelve always seemed to ignore the answers. He can't help it either.

Officer Twelve noticed the interaction between the two, and she couldn't help asking, "Do you know each other in real life?"

"Yeah! That's right, didn't I say it before, I'm Brother Shaoqiu's half-sister~" Yu Lingling replied, and then she was about to continue asking questions, but the officer over there didn't give her a chance at all Continue to ask: "Isn't that okay?"

"Who said that! I will marry Brother Shaoqiu in the future!" Yu Lingling raised her chin and said stubbornly!
"Oh." Guan Twelve blinked.

Over there, Shao Qiuyan seemed very speechless: "Can you stop making trouble?"

"I didn't make trouble! Didn't we agree to get married when we grow up?!" Yu Lingling became unhappy when she heard that, she pouted and glared at Shaoqiuyan angrily.

".When did it happen?!" Now Shaoqiuyan was confused, he thought his memory was pretty good!But he never had this memory in his memory! !

"Things in my dreams."

"Oh." Shaoqiu said expressionlessly.

"I don't care! You must marry me!" Yu Lingling grabbed Shaoqiuyan's wrist and put it on her chest!

Officer [-]: Digging? ? !

Shaoqiu said: Digging? ? ? ! ! !

Both of them were numb by Yu Lingling's operation.

What is this new way of playing? ?
"You touched my chest! You have to be responsible so you must marry me!" Yu Lingling looked proud!
Shaoqiu said: .
Guan Twelve didn't dare to show his atmosphere while watching the excitement, so she won't be silenced when she sees this scene! !

Shao Qiuyan expressed that he was very speechless, so he was very speechless, he knew that Yu Lingling was messing around and willful!But I didn't expect her to be so willful!
"Lingling, it's not like you don't know that it's impossible between us." Shao Qiuyan looked at the young girl in front of him indifferently, no matter how beautiful and lively the girl in front of him, it's impossible for them to have a relationship.

"I know." Yu Lingling pursed her lips and silently let go of Shao Qiuyan's arm, and said in a slightly aggrieved voice.

Officer Twelve: Secret is the taste of secret, but it is a secret that cannot be heard.
"Come back to business, do you know how to clear the customs, Twelve?" Shao Qiuyan looked at Guan Twelve and asked.

".do you know?"

Guan Twelve asked back.

"I don't know. The point is that there is no clue at all." Shaoqiu said that he didn't know either.

"." Then you ask a ghost!
"However, we can find clues from the rules of the game. After all, no matter how outrageous "The End of Infinite Flow" is, it is impossible not to give any clues."

"." Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan, although he said so, but with that relaxed look, he must know something.

"Okay, I lost to you." Shaoqiuyan was stared at by Guan Twelve and surrendered. He pointed to the top of his head, looked at Guan Twelve and asked:
"Look at how many players are left now?"

Guan Twelve saw that there were [-] left. Although the npc in this plot can kill the players, the players with the top [-] winning percentages are basically more or less capable, and they are not so easy to be killed.

"I thought about many possibilities. As I said before, this game will not leave players in a world without leaving any clues. I learned that there is a legend on this map. Collecting ten roses summons a thousand eyes .”

Shaoqiuyan looked at Guan Twelve, and the girl in front of her was not surprised at all. It seemed that she also knew about the legend. When Guan Twelve saw that Shaoqiuyan stopped talking, he knew that this girl was trying to trick him, so he followed his will Asked: "So?"

"This legend seems to pave the way for NPCs to attack players, but do you think it is possible that the center of this story begins around this legend!"

Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan, she pondered for a long time, and then thought of a possibility.

"Red roses bloom on the snow." Guan Twelve murmured to himself thinking of the storm outside.

"Blood splatters on the white snow, and the red rose miraculously blooms." Crazy flashed in Shao Qiuyan's eyes, but he knew that this game was crazier than him:
"Would you like, for a guess, to try something you've never tried?"

Shao Qiuyan looked at Guan Twelve, he said this to her, he deeply knew that the girl in front of him would understand what he meant, because they were the same kind of people, they were all smart people.

It's just a matter of who is smarter.

"Do you have a plan?" Guan Twelve looked at Shao Qiuyan and asked.

"First we have to find other players and find them before they are killed by npc."

"After all, the more blood you need to cover the snow, the better."

crazy!This is a crazy plan!But it is also the only feasible plan they think!
Unprecedented thing!
Guan Twelve opened and closed her mouth many times, and finally she nodded and became a part of this crazy plan.

Shao Qiuyan smiled, he knew that Guan Twelve would definitely agree, for her, victory is above all else!
She is a girl who is easy to understand and a girl who is difficult to understand. Her character is hard to guess, and her purpose is clear! !

"Welcome to join, Twelve." Shao Qiuyan reached out to Guan Twelve again, just like the previous few times, but there was a difference, they were no longer enemies, but partners in the true sense.

Guan Twelve held that hand, she lowered her eyes for a moment and said, "May we have a happy cooperation."

"Of course! It will be very pleasant!" Shao Qiuyan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Hey! What kind of riddles are you two playing! Add me and add me! Where there is Brother Shaoqiu, I am! Where there is Twelve Sisters, there is me!!" Yu Lingling leaned over and stretched He put his hands on the two clasped hands and said.

"Of course, both are indispensable." Shao Qiuyan smiled at Yu Lingling.

This plan is of course the more players the better!

(End of this chapter)

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