The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 80 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 80 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (9)

what the hell? ? ?

Guan Twelve looked expressionlessly at Yu Lingling, who was holding her uncle Jincheng and calling her brother like a baby, her mind was in a mess.

"Your sister?" The pastor obviously didn't know about the sudden appearance of his uncle Jin Cheng's sister.

"En." Uncle Jin Cheng rubbed Yu Lingling's head, and with a simple word, confirmed the relationship between the two of them.

"When did you have a younger sister?" the pastor asked curiously.

"Two years ago." Uncle Jin Cheng thought for a while and said.


"Second marriage?"




The priest opened his mouth and shut his mouth, and for a long time he turned around in a pensive pose.

"What's wrong with him?" Yu Lingling asked her uncle Jin Cheng with a confused face.

"He's sick, don't pay attention to him." Uncle Jin Cheng is used to the pastor's daily convulsions.

Guan Twelve looked at his uncle Jincheng and then at the pastor who was facing the wall thinking about it, and suddenly felt that the relationship between the two seemed to be good.

Ever seen it in real life?It looks like she is an outsider!

At this time, Li Na came over to join in the fun again. When she saw her uncle Jin Cheng and the pastor, she froze for a moment. She was another good-looking guy, shit!It turns out that the world is beautiful because there are so many people!What's wrong with having one more her! !

wrong!Wait a moment!Who is this? ! !

Li Na found that too many strangers came over during this time, and they entered Shaoqiuyan's room as soon as they came, and then came out cheerfully after a long time.

Spooky and weird!She was curious about what the group of people were doing in the room, but her reason told her not to mind her own business.

"What are you guys planning?" Today Li Na decided to ask clearly.

Because she knew that Guan Twelve was the devil in the rumors, and obviously Shaoqiuyan and this group of people were the same. She was not stupid, and she could notice that when she came in, the group of people subconsciously looked at the top of her head, indicating that they Like Guan Twelve, she could see something on her head.

This also means that they are also devils!Same as Guan Twelve!As long as you kill it, you will get a red rose that can grant your wish.

"." Shaoqiuyan looked at Li Na, and then at Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve understood what Shaoqiuyan meant, sighed, walked up to Li Na resignedly and said:

"We're planning to get out of here."

"What?" Li Na was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a while.

"We don't actually belong to this world, we have to leave this world." Guan Twelve looked at Li Na and said seriously!

Li Na was speechless in a daze. At this moment, Guan Twelve's brows and eyes suddenly became gentle, and she said:
"I know this is unacceptable to you, and you even think I'm crazy, but it's true, we don't belong to this world, we have to leave this world and return to our world."

As Guan Twelve said, he suddenly stretched out both hands and grabbed Li Na's hand, which shocked Li Na!
Guan Twelve's hands were wrapped around Li Na's. If he approached slowly, Li Na's eyes would widen and he wouldn't dare to move.

"You will help us, right Li Na."

Affirmative!This is an affirmation!It speaks out of trust in Li Na!Guan Twelve completely believed that Li Na would help them, because Li Na was very kind!
She is so kind that even if someone begged her to kill herself, she would not dare to do it.

Sure enough, Li Na was silent for a while, then looked at Guan Twelve seriously, and promised:
"I will definitely help you!"

"Yes! I believe in you, Li Na!" Guan Twelve nodded, his beautiful eyes full of sincerity.

The fetters between two people must be transformed into entities, and there is no room for the existence of a third person between each other.

Uncle Jincheng watched the interaction between the two.

I couldn't help but ask, "Has she always been like this?"

"What are you talking about?" Shao Qiuyan didn't quite understand.

"If you see people talk about people, you'll be talking nonsense." Uncle Jincheng was talking about Guan Twelve. Shaoqiuyan understood what he meant, then smiled and nodded:
"Otherwise, why do you say you can like her?"

Uncle Jincheng nodded. Indeed, the girl Guan Twelve has a weird mouth. He discovered that she has a different attitude towards everyone, but it is obvious that everyone treats her very well.

This is considered capable.

"It's really eaten to death." Uncle Jincheng couldn't help but sighed with a "tsk".

"What? What are you talking about?" Yu Lingling looked at them in bewilderment. She was clearly at the scene, why did she feel like she missed something? ?

"It's okay, you don't need to know about adults' intrigue in your life." Uncle Jin Cheng rubbed Yu Lingling's head and said softly.

It was a coincidence that Guan Twelve heard this, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: This girl really has the potential to be a boss.

Guan Twelve used her "sweet words" to fool Li Na into doing things for him. Of course, it was to expand the reputation of Taishu Jincheng, and let them gather players much faster.

At the same time, Guan Shier finds that Yu Lingling is particularly attached to his uncle Jincheng, even more attached to his uncle Jincheng than Shaoqiuyan.

She also asked Yu Lingling curiously. At that time, Yu Lingling looked at her and said very seriously:
"Because my brother is the best person in the world to me."

Officer Twelve: Why do you have this idea, what has he done to you?

"My brother said that no one would dare to bully me with him in the future." Yu Lingling exchanged a glass of milk from the store and handed it to Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve glanced at her, and the pretty little girl said with a smile:
"You like milk, right? I heard from brother Shaoqiu."

"Thank you." Guan Twelve thanked him and took the milk. Yu Lingling looked at Guan Twelve for a long time and said:
"Sister, you are so beautiful."

Sincere and simple evaluation.

Guan Twelve readily accepted.

"It would be great if you were my sister-in-law if you were so beautiful."

"If you don't thank you, don't!!" Guan Twelve waved his hands quickly!

Laughing to death, let's not mention that she has no such thoughts at all now, she just can't stand Taishu Jincheng's face that looks better than her in women's clothes, this is too crazy!The player is an ordinary normal person, who can't be suppressed.

"You don't like my brother?"

Guan Twelve shook his head like pounding garlic.

"Why would someone dislike my brother? How nice is my brother!" Yu Lingling blinked and sighed.

"." Why don't you look at how rotten your brother's reputation is in the game. If there is a list of the most bad guys in "The Doomsday of Infinite Flow", your brother can definitely take the top spot!
"I'm going to marry an older brother as a bride in the future!"

Officer Twelve: Huh? ? ? !

Bridge bean sack? ! !What the hell? ? ? !

"Aren't you going to marry Shaoqiuyan?"

"Well, yes, I want to marry brother Shaoqiu! I want to marry my brother too! Can't I marry two people?" Yu Lingling looked at Guan Twelve innocently and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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