The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 81 Cyberpunk

Chapter 81 Cyberpunk (Extra)
At the intersection of the sunset and the tall buildings, it is a garbage dump, where human waste is stored.

When the waste accumulates to a certain extent, it becomes a mountain. Standing on the waste mountain, you can see the most beautiful sunset.

Xiao Ai walked to the top of the highest garbage mountain, and found the person she knew she would definitely find here.

"Jie! You are indeed here."

Under the setting sun, the young man's white hair was dyed the red of the setting sun, which was a kind of extreme beauty.

The boy was wearing his army green overalls and a black sweater as always, with a youthful look, but his eyes were no longer hot, and everything was calm.

"Are you thinking about Elder Twelve again?" Xiao Ai sat beside Nesjie, she looked at the white rose in Nesjie's hand. On that day, Twelve turned into golden light and disappeared in front of their eyes. It's like an angel who descended from the mortal world will return to heaven in the end, leaving only a white rose to the mortal world, which will never be adjusted to zero, but will never meet again.

Nasijie searched the whole world, there are many white roses, but Twelve is no more.

"I know I've been lied to."


Xiao Ai was taken aback by Nesjie's words that he didn't go in front of the village or back in the shop.

"She doesn't love me." Nesjie looked down at the white rose in his hand, even after such a long time, it was still beautiful and charming.

"Sister Twelve?! How is it possible?!" Xiao Ai's eyes widened and she shook her head, rejecting Nesjie's idea almost without hesitation!

At that time, Twelve's concern and love for Nesjie were obvious to all!How could this be fake? !

"It's fake. She's a good disguise. Maybe she's a good disguiser." Nasjay said, looking up at the sky, and said in a daze:

"Maybe I found out a long time ago. She reminded me of it in the details, but I was so dazzled that I didn't see it at all."

"She's just using me."

Use him to turn into golden light and disappear into this world.

In the end, he who was willing to fall into the trap was left to suffer alone.

" think too much?" Xiao Ai still doesn't believe it, or she doesn't believe that Twelve doesn't love Nesjie.

Nesjie didn't say much about it, just chuckled, then looked at the gradually setting sun, and said, "But why did she disappear? Xiaoai, tell me, is she afraid that I will scold her?" ?
"..." Xiao Ai pursed her lips and said nothing.

"It would be great if she could come back. When I come back, I will tell her that I am willing to be used by her, and I am willing to be used by her to do anything, as long as she can be by my side." Nesjie was as humble as a mustard at the moment, and he desperately He lowered his dignity and lowered his bottom line, all because of a girl named Twelve.

"Jie..." Looking at Nesjie like this, Xiao Ai felt a little uncomfortable. Nesjie has always been a proud person. He is gentle, smart, and has his own arrogance. Become the most prestigious existence of the dangerous!

He is undoubtedly an excellent person!

Excellent can match anyone!
Perfect can attract the eyes of women all over the world, including hers.

But why!But he fell in love with a girl, and his love was so humble.

"How did you and Elder Sister Twelve meet?"

Xiao Ai tightened her lower lip and couldn't help asking.

"Me and Twelve?" Nasijie was taken aback for a moment, then thought for a while and smiled:
"It was an accident. I was stealing money and I met her who fainted, and then she threatened me to take her home. At that time, she was really unreasonable and strong. Later, I was approached by a loan shark. She Take me to escape, but I was still shot, close to the edge of death, she saved me, and has the ability to control others, after that we were hunted down by Mustafa Shaq, and then met When we arrive at you and join you, you will know everything about it.”

It's a very common encounter.

Listening to Nesjie's description, Xiao Ai thought to herself, these are very common, except that Twelve saved Jie's life, she really couldn't think of any bond between the two of them.

But Bai also saved Jie!Why doesn't Jie have such deep feelings for Bai?
Xiao Ai couldn't figure out why Nesjie liked Twelve, and when did he fall in love with Twelve.

If she doesn't understand, she will naturally ask.

Hearing Xiao Ai's doubts, Nesjie was silent for a long time before he gave an answer: "I don't know when I fell in love with Twelve, maybe when she saved me, or in our daily relationship. "

"I fell into the love net she woven without knowing it." Nasjay sighed while playing with the rose in his hand.

Xiao Ai looked at Ness Jie, and two seconds later, she slowly approached him, then put her head on his shoulder, and murmured: "It's okay Jie, time will erase everything."

Just like Bai, time has erased the bond between the two of you, so that when you killed her, your expression was very calm.

She believes that soon, time will also wear away his feelings for Twelve, and then start a new life.

"Yes, time will obliterate everything." Seeing the rose in his hand, Nasjay got up suddenly, then put it on the ground, turned and left.

It's time for him to end up in the past, too.

Xiao Ai looked at Nesjie's back, so decisive, so resolute, she looked at the white rose on the ground again, and didn't speak for a long time.

At night, there is a full moon in the sky, big and bright, and the stars around it also light up.The moonlight sprinkled silver brilliance, shining on all kinds of light-reflecting garbage on the garbage mountain, and the entire garbage dump was illuminated by the moonlight.

A figure slowly climbed up to the tallest garbage mountain, rummaging carefully for something.

And at this time, a figure came up behind him.

"You really can't let go."

Xiao Ai looked at Nesjie who was rummaging over there, her heart ached, and she said sourly.

Nesjie paused, then he slowly got up, turned around, and looked at Xiao Ai, his gaze immediately noticed the white rose in her hand.

Under the moonlight, it became more holy and more beautiful, just like that person.

"You can't forget her." Xiao Ai said, looking at Nesjie.

"I don't want to forget her." Nasjay said flatly.

That was the bright moon in his life, it was the spring breeze that moved his heart for the first time, and it was his courage to die willingly.

He was deceived, deceived to pieces, deceived to the point of falling, deceived... willingly.

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, then handed the white rose to Nesjie, she smiled and said: "Then take it, next time we meet, give it to her, and confess to her."


The flower language of the white rose: pure love, you are holy, willing to give everything for you;
This is also my confession to you that I have never responded to.

 Extra episode!
  where are the comments

  where are the tickets

(End of this chapter)

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