The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 82 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 82 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (10)

Guan Twelve was taken aback by Yu Lingling's innocence, she was silent for a long time, and then said:
"This should not be possible."

"Why?" Yu Lingling tilted her head with a cute little face full of innocence:

"My father married two women, so why can't I marry two men?"

Depend on!Moral questions! !

Player refuses to answer! !
And it sounds like a family dispute between a rich family!It's the taste of gossip!It is the taste of gossip that cannot be heard! !

Players don't want to hear it! ! !
"How many people do you want to marry in the future?" But the innocent little girl was still asking this question.


"I actually want to marry five, one is brother, one is brother Shaoqiu, and brother Ziming, brother Wenwen, and brother Porridge."

Hello brother. Not right!Pooh!There are so many brothers you want to marry!
Guan Twelve could tell that the girl Yu Lingling had a very simple mind, she just looked at the clever and obvious vase.

"Sister Twelve, do you have someone you like?"

It is probably because girls of this age like to chat about this kind of gossip, so that Yu Lingling gets more and more excited when chatting, and wants to know about Guan Twelve's relationship history.


"Why not? Is there no one who loves you?"

Officer Twelve: Please stop your gossip.

"Yes, there is no one who loves me." Guan Twelve looked at Yu Lingling and nodded after two seconds.

Yu Lingling choked, she blinked, then covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes:
"You and I. I don't know about this. I don't know about it. I'm sorry."

Then he grabbed Guan Twelve's hand and promised, "Don't worry! I will love you in the future!"

Guan Twelve nodded: Yes, you will be very helpful to the players.

"En!" Guan Twelve held Yu Lingling's hand tightly.

Uncle Jincheng stood in the distance and looked at the two people. Shaoqiuyan walked over and looked at them for a while and knew what happened. He couldn't help but joked:

"Aren't you afraid that your silly girl will be betrayed?"

"Heh." Uncle Jincheng sneered, then walked over under Shaoqiuyan's gaze, interrupted the two people's holding hands, then took Yu Lingling's hand and gave Guan Twelve a warning look:
"She's not something you can use."

"We are friends." After hearing this, Guan Twelve grinned, looking innocent and harmless.

But Tai Shujin made it clear that the true face of this woman, from the moment Guan Twelve shot at him without hesitation in the last world, he knew that this woman, Guan Twelve, would not be trapped by feelings, she would never Will be moved, is a cold-blooded person, but just such a person.

He was very curious, and wanted to know what she looked like when she was acting out of emotion!I wonder if she will lose control of her emotions because of one person!

Curiosity, once aroused, must know the answer!
"It's not easy to be your friend." Uncle Jincheng sneered.

Guan Twelve shrugged his shoulders, then sighed and said, "Look, I am the one who is loved by no one."

Naturally, these words were meant for Yu Lingling, and as expected, Yu Lingling pushed her uncle Jincheng away when she heard this, and said to her uncle Jincheng with a serious face:
"Brother! How can you say that about twelve! It's too much!!"

Uncle Jincheng:? ? ?
Uncle Jincheng stared at Yu Lingling with wide eyes in disbelief.

Yu Lingling didn't care about her good brother's mood, she turned around and grabbed Guan Twelve's hand, comforting her: "Don't worry! With me around, no one will dare to bully you!"

Guan Twelve wiped away the tears from his eyes because he was moved, and then looked at his uncle Jincheng provocatively.

Uncle Jincheng: Damn so angry!

But he'd be damned interested in her!He wanted to know what surprises Guan Twelve would have!
I also want to see what is her true face under her disguised appearance? ?

Uncle Jincheng let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his temples, this woman is really likable.

Guan Twelve looked at his uncle Jincheng's helpless and compromising expression, and knew that this man would never attack her again.

She originally only wanted to win Yu Lingling's favor, but she didn't expect that there would be a surprise, what is this?
Hehehe she's lucky.

However, what disturbed the players was the pastor. I don’t know why he didn’t harass his uncle Jincheng, but came to harass her. She has to sleep, but the pastor's attacks on the players are a little unbearable. The main reason is that she is worried that one day she will suddenly suffer from illness and ask for death. It will be cheaper for the pastor!
Wait a minute, or it would be nice to let the priest kill this world, at least so that he won't pester her.

But you can do this this time, what about after the internal test script is cleared?

Can she still do this?
The contrast between the two points before and after might arouse the priest's suspicion, and then he will definitely look for her like crazy and kill her, even now!
This guy
Ah, as expected, the more important thing is that players don't want to die in the hands of perverts!

After much deliberation, Guan Twelve decided to talk to the pastor.

Just after the pastor failed in a sneak attack, Guan Twelve grabbed the pastor's hand, looked at him and said:
"Shall we talk?"

"Okay." The pastor looked at Guan Twelve, and nodded with a smile three seconds later.

An expression of wanting to see what tricks you are up to.

"Did you suffer from any mental illness as a child?"

"Huh?" The pastor who originally thought that Guan Twelve would warn him with a cold face or fight with him was stunned by Guan Twelve's inexplicable words.

"Otherwise, why did you hold me back?" Guan Twelve sighed and said:

"I know that I am beautiful and easy to make others jealous, but can you stop doing this, you will cause me trouble."

Pastor: Would you like to listen to what I said?How did you say such a lot of lotus air?
"Are you crazy?" Even the pastor couldn't help but say something.

He really doesn't understand what Guan Twelve wants to do now! !
"You don't admit that I attracted your interest?" Guan Twelve raised his eyebrows.

"Not at all."

The pastor choked, then chuckled, and finally broke into a big laugh, as if suddenly going crazy.

Officer Twelve: You fucking scared the players.
"Are you doing this to make me hate you?"

Guan Twelve laughed and said nothing.

"But what should I do? Your plan is about to fail. The more you do this, the more I like you, and the more I can't let you go~" The pastor is a typical older rebellious teenager, and the less others want him to do it He will do more and more!

It is simply a big trouble bag!

"So you admit that you are interested in me, you like me?" Guan Twelve asked meaningfully while looking at the pastor with a smile.

 Pastor: What the hell is this woman trying to do? ?

(End of this chapter)

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