The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 83 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 83 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (11)

The young and beautiful girl asks you if you like her with a provocative tone, and this supposedly romantic atmosphere suddenly becomes weird.

The pastor's intuition told him not to agree at this time, but his rebellious character still made the pastor nod and say:
"Yeah, I just like you."

"Oh, then I reject you, don't like me, thank you."

The pastor was discouraged by Guan Twelve's words. He blinked and looked at Guan Twelve in disbelief. His eyes seemed to say: That's it?

How could this be the case?

"The way you express your liking is to kill her?" Guan Twelve tilted his head and blinked, looking extremely cute.

"I just want to draw your attention. After all, this is just a game, not a real dead person."

The pastor replied with a smile, without any panic.

"He will really die." Guan Twelve looked at the pastor seriously, and she said flatly:
"I will really die. I have a disease that costs a lot of money. If I lose, I have no way to repay the money I lost the game."

"At that time, I will also die because I have no money for medical treatment."

Guan Twelve's tone was flat, but it was often what was said in such a flat manner that it was true.

"Does this have anything to do with me?" The pastor just smiled and said indifferently.

Yes, what does all this have to do with him?The only relationship between him and Guan Twelve is the player he met in the game. What does her life have to do with him?

"You're so cold-blooded." Guan Twelve sighed, if the pastor had such a bad personality, Guan Twelve really wanted to make friends with such a person.

Only talk about interests, not feelings.

"It has nothing to do with me and there is no need to scold me." The pastor shrugged and said with a helpless smile.

"Yes, you think so, but some people don't." Guan Twelve said, looking at the pastor with a smile.

"Huh?" The pastor blinked, not knowing what Guan Twelve meant, and the next second he felt a pain in the back of his head.

Someone hit him on the back of the head!Fuck it still hurts! ! !

"Bastard! How can you say that!!" Li Na clenched her hands into fists. She just heard the whole process!She didn't expect that this handsome man turned out to be an unprecedented top-quality scumbag!
Everyone has been hurt once, and he hurt it again? !

Didn't he know why Guan Twelve was so depressed and wanted to die before? !

He's still provoking her here!This is simply not human!
The pastor bared his teeth in pain, it was [-]% pain!Li Na's blow was not light, her health bars all dropped!

He covered the back of his head, then turned around and looked at Li Na, she was just a crisp player, how dare she? !
Killing intent flashed in the pastor's eyes, he is going to kill this woman now!This damned NPC!

"Do you dare to do it?" Guan Twelve warned the pastor.

"She is one of the few good people. If she dies, no one will let you go. Do you want to learn from Uncle Jincheng? Become a well-known existence?"

Guan Twelve's words made the pastor calm down, then he turned around to look at Guan Twelve, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a provocative tone:
"You think I care about that?"

Of course you don't care!You are an unprecedented rebellious type of lunatic!
"Of course you don't care, but I think some people will care. Being hunted down or something, because you are alone, the whole game is destroyed. When you are complained to the game headquarters, you will be warned."

"I don't care about that."

The pastor was unimpressed.

"I will care, no matter how powerful your family is, it can't be the strongest. There are many rich people in this game, and there are more powerful people. No one can guarantee that the game official will not because of What about pressure from some quarters to warn you?"


The pastor fell silent.

As soon as he was silent, Guan Twelve knew he had guessed right.

The pastor doesn't care about money, and he has a terrible personality, but such a person is not as famous as his uncle Jincheng, why?
Because he hasn't reached that condition yet, Taishu Jincheng is very rich, he is so rich that he doesn't care what anyone thinks, doesn't care about any feelings and do what he wants to do.

Because he is not afraid of revenge, let alone spending money.

Therefore, the players in the game gritted their teeth with hatred for him, but there was nothing they could do.

But the pastor can't, because he can't do whatever he wants like Uncle Jin Cheng, he is rich but not so rich.

There are also things to consider.

"I know your character, and I understand how you feel, but why don't we let go of the closed beta this time, and let's play it again when it returns to normal?" Seeing that the pastor took care of it, Guan Twelve smiled and continued. negotiation.

This is undoubtedly a win-win solution, no one will not accept it, only a fool will.

And it wouldn't hurt to tell the pastor the truth.

The pastor was silent for a while, then laughed and said, "You are really eloquent."

"I can't help it. If I want to live in this world, I need some tricks, don't I?"

When Guan Twelve heard the pastor's words, he knew that he agreed with her plan, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what I just said is not false. I like you very much. Why don't you see me?" The pastor looked at Guan Twelve with a smile.

don't!Never!The player is just an ordinary commoner, who cannot stand being exploited by great gods like you!

"Go to hell! What do you say you like! You don't want to bully her! Twelve, you must stay away from such a man!" Li Na, who was listening beside him, couldn't understand what the two of them were saying. , but when he heard that the dog man, the pastor, shamelessly said that he liked Twelve, he suddenly became angry!He walked over and grabbed Guan Twelve's arm, protecting her behind him, and looked at the pastor with a warning look.

Completely treated as a scumbag.

The pastor touched his nose and looked at Guan Twelve sadly.

Look what you've done!
Guan Twelve also responded with a gentle and innocent smile: What are you doing to blame the player, who you admit to yourself?
The priest did not speak.

He vaguely felt that there were other reasons for Guan Twelve to do this, but he simply wanted to arouse Li Na's anger and protect his shortcomings?That would be too much of a fuss,
No matter what, he was looking forward to what kind of surprises this beautiful girl would bring him.

The pastor curled his lips in thought.

Guan Twelve didn't know what the pastor was thinking, even if she knew, she would just chuckle and ignore it.

In the days that followed, they lived a very stable life, which made Guan Twelve a little uneasy.

Sure enough, her premonition came true soon.

(End of this chapter)

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