The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 84 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 84 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (12)

In order to resist the wind, cold and snowstorm, the city center built a semi-circular barrier, which wrapped the entire town and brought warmth and expensive housing prices. The expensive housing prices made it impossible for the poor people in this country to live, so that most of the residents in the city center It's a famous and wealthy person like the royal family and nobles.

It also led to very few residents in the city center, so few that suddenly a large number of foreigners entered the city, it would also alarm the king of this country!The king of this country has just succeeded to the throne not long ago. He was a 16-year-old boy named Fojie. The queen died of dystocia and hemorrhage when giving birth to the little prince, because the previous king only loved the queen and no other women. The king never had a queen, and losing his lover made him unhappy every day, and it was impossible to discipline his only son well. Therefore, after the old king passed away, there was only one heir, and this heir had no ability to manage the country!
Fojie was born with a violent nature, and he had no mother's care since he was a child, which made him more obsessed with older women than himself.

The women in the harem are more or less older than him, and he even has a concubine who is 15 years older than him! !
The 16-year-old king ignored the state affairs, and all major and minor affairs of the country were managed by Dar King Winter.

Wen Te is a born nobleman, he was born to look down on those ordinary people, he loves money like his life!He also loves his wife An'er, and can even be said to be doting, because An'er wants the position of earl, and this country has the first female countess in history.

An'er wants the most beautiful ice sculpture in the world, so the country holds an ice sculpture competition!If An'er gets an entry that An'er likes, that contestant can be promoted to the top!Since then, he has been soaring!
Ann is considered the most beautiful and luckiest woman in the world, but at the same time she is also the most vicious woman!
She once shaved the maid bald because she combed one of her hairs, and did not allow her to grow hair beyond the earlobe. Because the chef made the soup that An Er hated the most, she ordered the chef to live in this life No soup allowed!
And recently, Ann has become obsessed with red roses!
Yes, it is the red rose that can summon a thousand eyes if you collect ten of them!

Of course, An'er didn't want red roses to fulfill her wish!She was born with everything, without any wish to be fulfilled, she wanted red roses, she really just wanted red roses!

That is something that does not exist in the entire country.

For his beloved woman, Wen Te searched for a large number of so-called devils in the city. As long as there is a suspected object, he will be ruthlessly slaughtered. If he finds out that it is an ordinary person, he will leave some money.

And put up a notice to look for it, as long as you bring people over, they will give you money, a lot of money!
Greedy people are blinded by money and throw their family members out. If it is true, then they will be prosperous. If not, they will also give condolence money, which is not a small fee.

In the face of desire, human nature exposes its worst side.

The red rose never appeared.

Ann was angry, even Wen Te was also angry!

He spent so much money!It took so much time to end up not even having a single red rose, how can this not make people angry! !

So Winter ordered that only those who brought red roses could get the bounty!

So began the era of looking for red roses in the city.

Guan Twelve looked at the soldiers patrolling below and the guys who were observing the people around them in the dark.

Can't help but sigh the wonder of this country.

"They didn't care when we promoted my brother's reputation, but because a girl wants a red rose, all the members are mobilized. This country is really interesting." Yu Lingling also expressed her own opinion.

"That's no ordinary girl, she's the treasure in the palm of King Dar, the only delicate rose in Baixue, and the most beautiful woman in the world, An'er." Li Na walked by at this time and said.

"The most beautiful woman in the world?" Shao Qiuyan subconsciously looked at Guan Twelve.

The player has no expression on his face: What are you looking at? !The player is beautiful though!But not the most beautiful woman in the world! !

"The most beautiful person? I really want to see it." Grand uncle Jincheng's eyes were full of interest.

He, who has always been hailed as the most beautiful existence, is very obsessed with this kind of thing. He wants to see whether he is the most beautiful or that An'er is the most beautiful.

"I'm also interested, why don't we go together tonight?" Shao Qiuyan raised his hand at this time to indicate that he also wanted to join in.

"I'm going too, I'm going too!" Yu Lingling also raised her hand at this time.

Guan Twelve glanced at the only other player who didn't raise his hand, that is, the priest. The priest shrugged with a smile and said:

"I've seen it."




"Before I came here, I heard the rumors about the world's most beautiful woman, so I went to see it." After speaking, the pastor paused for a moment before sighing:
"But it really lives up to the name."

"It's no wonder that the dummy modeling can be ugly." Yu Lingling said.

Indeed, if this dog game dares to call this woman the most beautiful woman in the world, then she must be the most beautiful woman in the world!

Shaoqiuyan glanced at the players who stood by and watched the fun without saying a word.Asked: "Aren't you curious? The most beautiful woman in the world?"

curious?Why is she interested in this dungeon mission.Now she just wants to complete the main task as soon as possible. After all, she is not taking drugs, and she doesn't know when the illness will flare up.

"I'm not interested. I'm more worried about whether our plan will be affected than this." Guan Twelve replied blankly.

If it affects her, wouldn't she want to prolong her time in this world?

"How should I put it? It's a reasonable answer." Shaoqiuyan looked at Guan Twelve and sighed, then he raised his arm and hooked Guan Twelve's neck, gently taught:

"Although it's a good thing to be self-motivated in pursuit of victory all the way forward, but occasionally you still have to relax and look at the surrounding scenery."

Guan Twelve cast a glance at Yu Lingling and Li Na who were not paying attention here, she stretched out her hand to shake off the salty pig's hand on her shoulder, and said coldly:

"Everyone has his own aspirations, and there is no peer."

So stay away from players! !

"Tsk tsk." Shao Qiuyan looked at Guan Twelve who was so indifferent, and now he was more and more curious about who Guan Twelve was and what kind of environment he lived in?
She is a poor person, but her abilities are true, but he has never heard of such a person even if she is a rich person.

Could it be that!She is the legendary hidden nobleman? ?
Shaoqiuyan, a boy who is slightly in the second grade, thinks so.

Although the pastor said that he had seen her before, his evaluation was so vague that everyone still didn't know what the most beautiful woman in the world looked like.

So those trustworthy friends decided to explore the deep boudoir at night!Smell the fragrance of flowers secretly!

(End of this chapter)

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