The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 85 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 85 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (13)

Dar Palace is not hard to find. It is located in the innermost part of the city center. The wealthy and extravagant Dar King built his home luxuriously and emotionally!

Even on cold nights.The floor heating throughout the palace is so warm that you can wear short sleeves.

However, Dar Palace is really heavily guarded, so Yu Lingling and the others have to carefully hide every step forward, for fear of being discovered.

A dense and large number of guards patrolled according to their own routes, and a sudden noise caught their attention:


After waiting for a while, there was no sound. They thought they had heard wrong, so they turned around and continued patrolling.

On the other side, after confirming that the guards had gone far away, Shaoqiuyan heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at Yu Lingling helplessly and said, "I didn't ask you to come here, why did you come back?!"

"I'm also curious about what the number one beauty looks like~" Yu Lingling said weakly, pouting.

"Forget about her, why should I follow here?" The pastor asked with a sigh and was speechless.

"Because you have been here before and know the route." Uncle Jincheng explained.


"What about me?" Guan Twelve looked at them expressionlessly, his hands being held by Yu Lingling and the pastor respectively.

She didn't want to come at all, she was kidnapped.

She wanted to stay with Li Na more. Yes, Li Na didn't come. In Shaoqiu's words, as a npc with no special abilities and a fragile skin, it would be safer for her to stay honestly.

Officer Twelve: Players also want to stay in a safe place, thank you...

"Twelve, don't you wonder how beautiful that woman is?" Yu Lingling asked.

"Thank you, I'm not curious." The player said and looked at the priest, because logically speaking, she was brought here by him.

"It's nothing, I just thought that if we were all arrested, we wouldn't let you live alone. After all, we all like you." The pastor tilted his head and smiled brightly, but he gritted his teeth angrily when he said it.

Would you like to hear what you have to say? !
"You think so too?" Guan Twelve looked at the remaining three players and asked.

Yu Lingling shook her head without hesitation.

The other two big men both smiled, and then nodded in unison.

Officer Twelve: Very good, hard!It's a hard fist! !

"But being able to bring you here means that you still want to come." Uncle Jincheng looked at her and said.

After all, if she really didn't want to come, no one should be able to bring her here.

Officer Twelve: ...Although what you said is good, I still have to say one thing. You may not believe it. She was threatened.

Yes, the players didn't want to come at all, but the pastor said directly: "You will regret it if you don't go, besides, you have been using others and want others to cooperate with you, so you have to do something, anyway, it's not a difficult thing , let's go together."

Then, the player comes over.

Indeed, what the pastor said is right. Although she doesn't want to come here, she also knows that if she wants to leave the entire closed beta script as soon as possible, she must cooperate with these black-hearted people, and then she must join them and not fall behind. one!In this world, players cannot be left alone!

When all the guards left, the pastor led the four of them sneakily to An'er's room.

The five people didn't intend to go in directly, they climbed along the wall to the window, carefully opened a gap and followed the gap to look at the situation inside.

The expected 18 ban scene is not there, or it is already over. They can't see the situation on the bed from this position, and can only hear the woman's charming voice:


That voice is charming and charming~Elegant and long~
They even smelled the sweetness of that beauty's body.

No delicate bones, just hearing the voice of a beautiful woman, like smelling the fragrance of a beautiful woman.

Yu Lingling, a little girl who had never seen the world, blushed directly, and she covered her mouth, for fear of shouting.

"Good Ann, I love you." Wen Te's voice was a little hoarse and deep, but it was not difficult to hear the deep love revealed in that tone.

"My mouth is full of lies, love me, why doesn't the king give me red roses~" The woman's voice is soft, full of sadness and coquettishness, but it seems to be coquettish, which makes people like it.

"...I'm useless." Winter was silent for a while, then sighed and apologized.

The players who eavesdropped on the window were all taken aback.

King Dar, tall, tyrannical, brutal, and aloof, not only called himself "I" at this moment, he even didn't explain anything after being complained, just apologized, saying that he was useless!
He didn't tell the woman he loved how much effort he had made, nor did he tell her how much time, money and manpower he had spent to help her find red roses!
In his view, she didn't need to know the process, but only the result, and the result was that he didn't fulfill her wish.

So, he apologized.


There was silence in the room.

After a while, I heard the soft female voice:

"Go away~"

Be bold!

When she uttered these two words, one could see how pampered this woman was by King Dar.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that King Dar actually got out of bed.

I saw a naked man with long hair getting out of bed, with a straight back, as if in this tall and straight figure like a poplar tree, there is a huge and tenacious strength, a wasp waist and ape back, bronze skin, strong muscles, calves The third leg of the thigh...Huh?

Guan Twelve's vision was suddenly blocked.

"It's not suitable for children, Twelve." The pastor stretched out his hand to cover Guan Twelve's sight and said with a smile.

Officer Twelve: ... Oh.

"Brother!" Yu Lingling was also covered by her uncle Jin Cheng, she was a little dissatisfied, but luckily she didn't forget the current situation, she just yelled in a low voice.

"Not suitable for children." Uncle Jin Cheng also used the pastor's words.

Yu Lingling: ...she is an adult! ! !You can watch it! !

It wasn't until Winter changed his clothes and opened the door to go out that the only two female players saw the light again.

Yu Lingling, who had just regained her light, glared at her good brother very dissatisfied.

Then he was ignored by his uncle Jin Cheng.

Guan Twelve also glanced at the pastor, who just looked at her with a smile.

Officer Twelve: Laughing fart, laughing, big pervert!
It's not good to laugh!Not less Qiuyan is beautiful!
This is true, the pastor is not a particularly good-looking type, he can only be said to have an average appearance, and he is really not good enough in front of such high-class people as Shaoqiuyan and his uncle Jincheng, but his perverted and crazy personality gave him Appearance plus two points.

Players don't know why some people give their appearance extra points because of their perverted personality.

"The few people at the window~ those who got in the way have already left, why don't you come down?"

(End of this chapter)

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